While I’d love to say I’m glowing with joy and loving being pregnant… I’m kind of ready for this part to be done. Not to complain because I know I’m fortunate to be having another baby, but there are days when I’m just tired of all the not-so-great symptoms of pregnancy.
I think perhaps it would be easier if Enzo was a little older. Right now we’re still going through typical toddler stuff for his age, but it can be exhausting and I can’t really explain to him why I can’t carry him around as often as he’d like or why i can’t sit on the floor for as long or yada yada yada due to back aches and you name it. While I certainly don’t want Baby Girl arriving too early, I’ll admit that I’m looking forward to having my body back… sort of.
She’s doing well, though, from what I can tell, and that really is all that matters. The next two months will probably fly by, so I’ll suck it up and do my best to glow as much as I can and focus on all the good changes coming up rather than wondering how we’re going to function as a family of 4.
At least Enzo woke up sassy and full of energy this morning, despite being up late last night and having a really hard time sleeping. He was super stuffed up and has had a really runny nose for a couple of days. He was not interested in going to bed last night and after about half an hour or so he decided he didn’t want to stay in bed anymore because he couldn’t sleep, so we let him sleep with us… again. We all tossed and turned, and part of the problem has been the temperature. If it’s not too cold, it’s too warm, and I think Enzo is still adjusting to some room changes. We tried to not rearrange his room too much, but we did take the rocking chair out and moved his dresser, and that may have thrown him off. The past two nights I’ve gone to give him his bottle (which he usually demands) in the new nursery, but he only has a few sips and wants to go to his room, so apparently we aren’t going to have any issues weaning him off the bottle – he’s just decided he doesn’t want/need it anymore. Granted, we’ll see how long that lasts. He also has been a bear when it comes to changing his diaper and taking a bath, so I’m really hoping he’s done with that soon. I’m finding it a lot harder to wrestle a toddler these days.