Well, aside from one active little mover and shaker, not much else is new as far as Baby Girl goes. We are, however, getting closer to starting on her room. Today we had painters come and paint our entryway/living room/dining room/kitchen and we’ll have them come back and do the bedrooms and bathrooms. While we could probably do the bedrooms and bathrooms ourselves… we decided to spend the extra money to save on time and sanity otherwise we’d have to paint when Enzo is asleep and we’d be lucky if we got one room done a weekend – if that, with the way things tend to work. Plus, this way we spend fewer days amongst paint fumes and it’ll take painters 1 day rather than the several weeks it would take us.
I’m really excited to make the house look more like ours and even more excited to get the kids’ rooms all decorated. Eventually we’ll probably repaint the office downstairs and the guest/game room, but for now we’ll leave them as is. I’ll post the before and after shots later… hopefully I can get the books back on shelves for the after shots, but it’s really more about the color of the walls than the décor, right? 😉
It sounds like little girl is going to be like her mama, I thought you were going to come right out the front sometimes 🙂