Tag Archives: preschool

Kindergarten Thoughts…

One month. No, less than a month and we will have a kindergartner on our hands.  This should not be having such an emotional effect on me, but it is. It makes sense that moms who have had their kids home with them since they were babies would be emotional, but he’s been in day care since he was 6 weeks old. Six weeks.  That sounds so young now.  At the time I was so conflicted about leaving him. I really had no choice, but while part of me was loath to be separated from him, the other part of me was also glad to have space and adult interaction.

Now he’s five and asking about when it will be September. He’s so excited and therefore I need to be just as excited for him. But, oh the anxiety that is for some reason creeping in.  That feral part of me wants to protect him from everything, but I know that I have to just step back and watch him go. Maybe it’s harder because it won’t be me putting him on that bus every day?  I feel like I’m losing so much time with them by having to work and I would love more than anything to be able to drive him to school and pick him up, or at the very least to wait with him at the bus stop with his sister and excitedly be there when he gets home.


Anyway, I never did share any pictures from his preschool graduation, did I?

Oh this boy.  Sometimes we’re too much alike.  More and more we’re starting to find a better middle ground. We’re both hot headed at times and need our space.  I can always count on him to be a champion for whoever needs it, though.  Whether it’s protecting his sister from a bully on the playground or trying to keep everyone out of the room while I have quiet time.  You’ll do fine… we’ll do fine.