Spring Forward

So, not only do we spring forward in terms of time, but we’re springing forward into action in regards to our next adventure.  (How’s that for cheesy?)


This past weekend was especially busy because we had to clean the house and de-clutter, which meant renting a storage unit so we could clear up some room.  Why?  Our house is officially on the market… again. We decided to go with a realtor this time to avoid some extra stress.  We are keeping our options open and will be looking in both Minnesota and Colorado for our next home.  It’s always hard to leave stability behind, so we’ll see if we’re ready to take that leap or not.


In other events, Enzo ended up with pink eye, and when we took him in this weekend discovered he also has strep throat and an ear infection.  He’s also cutting 2 teeth – possibly 4 from the looks of things.

Also… daylight savings kind of sucks.  It thankfully hasn’t messed with Enzo’s schedule too much, but I’m having trouble getting enough sleep, and it doesn’t help that when the wee man is sick he doesn’t sleep as well.  I had to grab him last night and tried to shush him to sleep, but he was having way too much fun climbing on mom and dad to settle down right away. :p

Oh yeah… and I’m done with winter.  Thankfully the husband takes care of all the physical labor, though. 😉


One thought on “Spring Forward

  1. sharon

    Well hopefully soon winter will be over and you can have a bit of good health for awhile. Love you all

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