See what I did there? Yeah, yeah, not original in the slightest, but it’s been a long week and it’s cold and rainy, so it’s the perfect day to relive some fun at the beach!
First, though, we spent Friday after our Disney fun just relaxing. The kids played and then we took them to the swimming pool to really wear them out. Phoebe was very excited to don her fancy gloves and play with her new tea set.
We went to Coronado Beach on a Saturday and surprisingly enough it wasn’t even that busy and the weather was gorgeous! The water was a tad chilly, but we were so excited to dip our feet in and soak up the warm rays from the sun.
They’re not even a little excited. Ha!
I love how he just carried that shovel around. You never know when you might need to dig a hole, right? Enzo didn’t necessarily enjoy how cold the water was, but Phoebe couldn’t care less.
Yeah, we all enjoyed the nice weather and change of scenery just a bit. There were also a ton of tiny clams everywhere! It was really kind of bizarre, but neat. I’ve never seen so many and it was a little odd to watch their very squishy, gelatinous… selves try and hold on to the sand as the waves came and do whatever it is they were trying to do. Clearly I know nothing about clams.
We’ve been listening to ocean waves as bedtime background noise and it really is so relaxing. I can see why people would choose to live close to it. I have a feeling the kids would say the same. Alas, back to reality and time to pull out my sweatshirt for the high of 48 degrees and even more rain tomorrow.
It will be 75 and sunny tomorrow 5-20-17, we will be going to St Tropez for the yummy coffee and walking on the beach. We will be thinking of you. Oh and by the way can you take about 40 lbs, off of the pictures you take of me and give me a beautiful tan.
Haha, I’ll keep that in mind for next time. :p