We’ve been so busy with the move, that I haven’t had much time to sit down at the computer. I’m 14 weeks, and we took this photo on the 5th (almost 13 weeks). I’m still surprised at how much more I’m showing this second time around as compared to Enzo, which I’m told is fairly normal. It probably didn’t help that the only way to stave off morning sickness this time around was to make sure something was in my stomach at all times and the only things that sounded good were bagels and things of that nature. I’m looking forward to a lot of walks this summer and hopefully I can keep the baby weight down. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that my body will never be the same as before Enzo came along, but I imagine I’ll get the weight off faster this time around with a toddler to chase around. Anyhoo, as far as we know our little Burrito is well if the growing tummy is any indication.
Enzo seems to sense that something is going on, though. He keeps lifting my shirt up to see my belly, and I tell him there’s a baby inside, but he doesn’t really know what that means even though he definitely knows something is different. He’s going to be such a good big brother.
Not much else is new. Enzo continues to walk more and more each day and has started using sign language a bit more now that he sees the other big kids using it in day care. He gets a little confused with “Milk” and “More” but we’re all slowly getting better at communicating. He makes us laugh daily as he explores the world around him. A couple weekends ago he discovered dust particles in the sunlight and when he couldn’t catch them in his hands, he tried with his mouth… it didn’t work out. 😉
Granted, we have our rough patches and he gets frustrated when he can’t communicate, run instead of walk, or make things work the way he wants them to. We’re trying to give him as much independence as we can and are trying to let him grow up at the pace he wants to as well as giving him more to do. We’re going to try and get him off bottles soon, or at the very least get him to a point where he’ll drink cold milk on his own since he prefers it warm still and won’t drink it cold, generally. He’ll often hold his bottle on his own, but not on a regular basis. Soon, though. He seems more ready now, so I think the switch from bottles to just sippy cups is right around the corner since apparently he uses his sippy at day care much more than at home. I can’t believe how big this boy is getting. It’s been fun giving him a fork at meals now. He doesn’t try and dump his plate all the time now, and wants to imitate us, so we encourage him to handle his own cutlery and get a feel for how they work.
On that note, the unpacking is still underway at Casa Shoberg, and will be for a while, so not many pictures of the new place until we get to a better point.