The little man and I had a fairly productive weekend, despite it just being the two of us for most of it. I went ahead and took him for his first haircut, and was so happy it didn’t freak him out too much. He was definitely uncertain about what was going down, and didn’t offer up any smiles during the process, but there were also no tears, so I consider it a victory.
As a reward we went to Barnes and Noble afterwards to pick out a new book for the munchkin, and since he had been kind of shy at the hair place, I let him out of his stroller figuring he’d stay close, but he’d still get to stretch his legs. Oh no. As soon as I put him down, he looked around us, looked up at me, grinned, and took off straight for the Dr. Seuss section. Thankfully the store wasn’t super busy, and I was able to kind of wrangle him and all our stuff and keep him from pulling too many books off the shelves, and got to be “that mom.” Whoops.
I managed to get some books unpacked, though, admittedly not as many as I would have liked. Enzo is at that age where he’s literally into everything, and climbing on top of whatever he can, while throwing fits when he tries to climb something he can’t. It’s frustrating being 13 months old, you know? Thankfully there’s always something for him to get into, though… like his dresser. We realized it had been quiet for a few minutes and went to go peek on him only to discover this:
Who knew it was so much fun to play with your own clothes? The stinker is also fairly attached to his nuk lately. Since we’re weaning him off of bottles, I figure it’s okay for now for him to use it as often as he does. It’s kind of a lifesaver when he’s tired or fussy and needs a little comfort. I know we’ll have to get rid of the pacifier sometime this year, but I’m not too worried about it right now.