It’s finally starting to feel like Spring with the snow melting and warmer temperatures. We even got to hear the first thunder of the year last night while we got a bit of rain, but unfortunately missed seeing the moon.
Yesterday was a little chilly still, but we opened up some windows until it got too cold and got our weekend cleaning done and some baking as well.
Tracy and Jenny (Josh’s mom and sister) were in town so they came out to see us and we grilled up some steak and asparagus and got more use out of our deep-fryer from Dave & Buster’s – that’s right – when we win, we win big.
Then we watched some Planet Earth, which we picked up on BluRay for an awesome deal, and that was Saturday. Today it’ll be some shopping, including a new vacuum because it seems ours bit the dust yesterday after eating a sock (it never recovered), but I’d say 6 or so years is good for a vacuum that cost under $100 and cleans up after 2 cats. 😉