
Reading… Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

Watching (on TV)… Game of Thrones, Girls, Call the Midwife (its back!!!)

Watching (movies)… Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Light Between Oceans

Listening to… A little bit of everything in order to put together some mixes for our road trip.  A road trip goes so much better with good tunes.

Drinking… Smoothies, Coffee, Tea, not as much wine

Eating… Too many April Fools Cupcakes. I’m kind of glad they’re all gone now. Ha!

Planning… Warm weather projects, both inside and out.

Feeling… Excited and happy!

Organizing… Not much really. I have things I need to organize, but I’ll wait until we get home.

Thankful… That it is almost vacation time!  We didn’t go anywhere last year, so this vacation is long overdue!

Loving… How much better I feel when I take my Super B12 B Complex. I have more energy and I feel like my mood is improved a lot as well.

Smiling… At the massive amounts of art the kids bring home each day.  For a while, Phoebe was the artist, but Enzo has started drawing a lot lately (people especially) and creates fantastic stories to go with them like the one about a potato and two mad guys.

Thoroughly enjoying… That it is spring!  We’ve been opening the windows and enjoying some amazing sunrises.