
Reading… An Echo in the Bone, The Hypnotist’s Love Story

Watching… Game of Thrones, This Is Us. We finished the OA on Netflix and were both incredibly letdown by the last episode.  I’m not sure we’ll even bother with the 2nd season after that.

Listening to… Music on our Amazon Dot.  It’s a nice way to mix up the evening… except both kids will sneakily change it when I leave the room.

Drinking… Nothing special. Trying to cut back on coffee still. We just started taking a Vitamin B complex hoping that will help boost our energy and all of that good stuff and in turn make it easier to cut out caffeine.

Eating… Trying to fit in more salads and healthy stuff.  Slowly, but surely, right?

Planning… We have officially narrowed down the dates of our spring road trip. Now to let everyone know and beg our friends and family to watch our cats/house. 😀

Feeling… Mostly just tired but also a little antsy.

Organizing… Absolutely nothing. I know I need to, but I have barely been in my office downstairs this week.

Thankful… For sunshine and warmer temperatures!

Forgiving… Myself for being a bit lazy lately. Sometimes you just need a little downtime and with luck I’ll get a boost of motivation soon!

Looking forward to… Tomorrow. I am going to try out a float tank aka Sensory Deprivation Tank!