


I am presently reading Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon and Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Dragonfly has a much slower pace than Outlander, so it’s taking me longer to read than the first.  I’m still enjoying it, but feel like it lags at times. Red Queen is a YA novel that I’m still on the fence about.  It’s nothing amazing yet, but I’m sticking with it. Some of it feels very familiar to other books I’ve read recently, but there are a couple developments that had me perk up and want to keep reading.


I’m still watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy and along with Supernatural we’ve also been watching some Jessica Jones.  I’m enjoying how dark Jessica Jones is; she really isn’t a character I knew anything about going into it, and I like how she isn’t your average female superhero.  I also watched the first season of Flesh and Bone, and wow… great dancing, but talk about some severely messed up characters. Really dark and depressing and yet I couldn’t stop watching.  Oh yes, and Downton Abbey!!  Really sad it’s the last season, but it couldn’t last forever.  Sigh.

Health and Wellness

We’ve entered the coldest time of the year, which also tends to mean my least active time of year. I try to get out when I can to walk, but it’s not enjoyable when your face hurts because of the cold, you know?  It’s also really hard to find the motivation to work out when I’d rather just curl up in the evening with a hot drink and a cat or a child. I’ll deal with the extra pounds for a while longer, I guess.


Slowly cutting back on coffee and my evening wine… mostly because it’s so chilly in the evenings that I’d rather curl up with a cup of tea anyway.  I’ve been eating so many salads, especially for lunch. I just cut up some chicken and throw it in or I’ll cube some really yummy cheese.  I can’t believe I didn’t buy Garlic Expressions sooner… I don’t even want any other dressing.  We also introduced the kids to dipping bread in seasoned olive oil. They weren’t huge fans. I may or may not have finished most of the loaf by myself because I could live off of bread, cheese and wine.


Evening dance sessions with the kiddos (even if their music selection is sometimes questionable), curling up with a blanket and a book in the evenings and at least one or two cats, listening to Enzo’s fantastic tales, listening to Phoebe “read” books to me, all of the little things.


Just about everything. January is typically a difficult month for me, so I’m allowing myself to just be. I’m staying on top of the really necessary things, but anything that isn’t terribly pressing is just getting pushed aside so I can mentally relax. Come February I’ll care about my To-Do lists and actually push myself to do them, but for now I’m going to just allow myself to curl up, hide from the cold, and be a bit lazy.


Definitely need more of it and I think our kiddos could use some sleep “training.” Neither goes to sleep easily without a parent in the room with them and when you doze off it just makes you groggy and less likely to want to do anything in the evenings. Phoebe has also had some really fun nights this week where she wakes up at around 1am and insists that it is time to wake up and she wants to go to the living room. A mini tantrum then ensues when I inform her we will not be getting out of bed to play and she usually wakes up her brother. Hooray!  Fun times for all!

Happy Friday!  I wish you all sleep and warmth!

2 thoughts on “Currently!

  1. Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets

    I think Winter is forced hibernation for a reason. We need time to rest and recharge. I love the summer, the sun, the socializing (i.e. the booze) but I’m exhausted when it’s all said and done. Same goes for the holidays in December. I say embrace the cold, curl up with the cats, books, a fire, the little ones and enjoy.

    I’m still early days in Dragonfly in Amber and since I can’t seem to read more than four pages before passing out every night, I have no idea if I’ll ever finish, although I do intend to fit in some daytime reading this weekend so hopefully I’ll put a dent in it then. It seems to have taken a turn for the political though.

    1. Heather Shoberg Post author

      I’m just about finished with Dragonfly in Amber after the weekend and it definitely stays at a slower pace for the majority of the book. Very political, though, and not quite as good as the first. Now that I’m near the end I can’t put it down, so it does get more interesting… if only it had that same spark the first book had.

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