Let’s see… I finished The Martian and despite it being a little slow at times, it was still a really good read. There’s humor and wit, and while I’m not an expert at all when it comes to space travel or engineering it’s informative and doesn’t leave you feeling completely confused. Right now I’m reading a couple of books including Outlander, which I figured I should read due to its popularity. I’m not very far into it, but so far I like the writing and while I’m not a historian, I think it probably paints a decent picture of 18th century Scotland.
I’ve actually been binge watching Grey’s Anatomy. I never got into it before, but I like having it on in the background and have been wondering why on earth I didn’t watch it when it was on the air! Oh yeah, there was a lack of cable for a while there pre-Hulu days, and I’m not one to start watching a series if I’ve missed the first season or more. I’m also really excited about Showtime on Hulu now. Hooray! I finally get to see some shows I’ve been wanting to. Josh and I also started watching Supernatural together. I had started watching the first season ages ago, but now we’re starting from the beginning and it looks like that will be our new show. It’s fun… cheesy at times, but fun.
As for movies… yeah, we really haven’t been watching that many lately. There’s been a lot going on.
Health and Wellness
The Fitbit continues to be a great motivator and I feel better the more I walk and exercise, so that in itself is a great motivator. I also haven’t had hives since the last “Currently” so I’m incredibly thrilled about that.
I’m kind of obsessed with popcorn right now. I could eat it every day, and sometimes I do. The Pop Secret with Sea Salt is my favorite right now. We’re in a rut in terms of meal planning and dinners, though… anyone have any tips or ideas to motivate me again? I’m stoked to try Blue Apron – it’s finally delivering to our area, so maybe that will help.
The weather – overall this has been one of the mildest summers we’ve had since moving to Minnesota, and even though it was a little disconcerting to be in the low 60s the other day, we’re making the most of what warm days we have left. We’re headed to opening weekend of the Renaissance Festival tomorrow and I’m hoping the rain actually holds off until late afternoon. We haven’t gone to the festival since we first moved here, but I remember it being fun and hope the kids think so too.
Thinking About
Everything and then often nothing at all. We’ve been struggling with Enzo at bedtime and I have no idea why. He says he isn’t tired at his usual bedtime, but the past few nights he has been fighting us and his bedtime and then wakes up tired and cranky due to lack of sleep. Kind of at my wit’s end. Granted, we went through this before, but Phoebe is a much lighter sleeper now so when he starts yelling and screaming because he doesn’t want to stay in his room, she wakes back up. Have I mentioned what an easy sleeper she is? She willingly lies down in her crib, waits for me to cover her with her blanket and then tells me good-night. She’s typically out in 10 minutes. I am so grateful we have at least one kid who doesn’t fight bedtime right now. Parenting has been a struggle lately, that’s for sure. I know his potty training regression is probably due to getting rid of his nuk, but his sleep was fine at first… now I’m not sure if this is also a result of him giving up his nuk??? Fingers crossed we can find a way to win at bedtime again.
Eek good luck with the bedtime struggles!! THat sounds tough. I’m sure it’s just a phase, though…it always is!