Constantly Busy

The weekend was busy and once again I’m reminded that children are way more easily affected by lack of routine and sleep then I’d sometimes like to think. They were up a bit late Friday night, which wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that Enzo didn’t want to take a nap on Saturday and even though Phoebe did, she was a tad more clingy than usual. We’re also learning that we really, really need to limit all screen time and come up with some household rules because it is becoming apparent that too much screen time is making children (and I think occasionally the adults) more prone to crankiness.  It was still a fairly productive weekend with some fun mixed in, though.  It’s funny how different Enzo and Phoebe are and how it becomes more obvious as they get older.  For instance, if I announce we’re going to get of the house and go shopping, Phoebe will get excited and want to leave immediately. Enzo, on the other hand will immediately say, “I don’t want to go shopping.”


He’d much rather stay at home with his Dad and snack and play video games or watch TV.  I knew that there had been too much time in the house, though, and made the executive decision to take us all to the mall.  It probably serves me right that the kids were full of energy and completely uncooperative and into everything. Thankfully most people were in a great mood and didn’t mind when our circus crossed their path.  We had one mom with teenagers laughing because she remembered those days (as I chased Phoebe down an aisle while Enzo went the opposite direction), and a couple of young girls were laughing at Phoebe’s antics as she attempted to outrun me a second time.  You’ve also go to love the limp noodle when you try to pick them up and suddenly you have a toddler laying on the floor at your feet.  At that point I had to laugh because we must have looked like a complete and total joke and like the most inept parents unable to control two small children.  There are just those days, though, you know?


Thankfully it isn’t always like herding cats when we take them out, so I suppose we’ll keep allowing them out of the house. 😉