Category Archives: week in review

Week in Review – Pulled Teeth and Rain

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

The week started out not too shabby.  Monday was nice and I worked from home, which is nice because I also have more time to get Bowser out so he can explore.

It’s also nice because I finish up work before the kids get home with Josh and it leaves me some time to pick up a few things and even put my feet up sometimes!

Tuesday, however, got off to a rocky start when we found out at the dentist that Phoebe had an abscess above one of her front teeth and the tooth needed to be pulled.  In my wisdom I said sure, let’s just do it today so we don’t have to set up another appointment… well, Phoebe did great. Really great. I ended up with my head between my knees trying not to pass out. Not at all embarrassing.

Not surprisingly, Phoebe asked to go home after the procedure was done and I obliged.  I already had my work laptop with me, and as I assumed she just wanted to lie down in bed and watch some TV, so I was able to get some work done.

Well, some work. My laptop also decided it need lots of time consuming updates. It really never fails.  Ever. My computer really just hates me.

Uzi was quite happy to be snuggled between both of us, however, so at least I had a purring cat to pet while waiting for technology to sort itself out.

Lunch and then a new hairdo for me courtesy of Phoebe.

She was even feeling so well later on that afternoon, that we made some banana bread to surprise the boys with when they got home.

Had some rough nights with Enzo going to sleep, but had some decent mornings, so there’s that?

Other than that, we went to the zoo on Saturday (even though it ended up being windy and a little chilly and the rain started earlier than expected).  Lots of dragon pictures as usual and planning out his new tank… still haven’t entirely decided, though.

I hope everyone had a fantastic week!

Week in Review – Do the Things!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

As usual most of my week is spent working during the day, but I did manage to fit in a lot of down-time and fun as well.  The weather was nice, which is always helpful and it turned out perfectly for our weekend, so it could not have been better!

Tuesday evening, Phoebe came home exhausted from preschool and crashed at 5:30pm.  I have a feeling she got a bit overheated, poor girl.

The highlight of the week is always the weekend and while I may not get to sleep in (ever), I don’t mind too much being woken up by cute kiddos or cats.

On Saturday Enzo, Phoebe and I went to the Landscape Arboretum.  There was a Groupon for a discounted yearly membership and we decided it would be a good investment.  There is so much to explore, and the kids love nature walks, but I’m also always looking for a good place that I can go on my own for some “me” time and I’m looking forward to solitary walks along the many paths and trails.

We also managed to get there just in time for some crafts, which the kids were excited about at first, but then not… haha.

Unfortunately, Phoebe smashed Enzo’s finger in a little door about halfway through our day and it got a bit skinned, but we had to take a bit of break while I tried to comfort, but also shush him because you would have thought I was murdering him from his screams.  Then of course came the dramatic cries of, “I’ll never be able to use my hand again,” “This is why I wish I didn’t have a sister,” and “It was NOT an accident.”  Still trying to explain to Enzo that everyone is not purposely trying to hurt him or ruin his life.

We gave the hedge maze a try until there were more screams due to spiders and hornets and it was at that time I suggested we get out of the heat, get some ice cream and go home.

Sunday was thankfully a bit less eventful. I even got some cleaning done, no thanks to Vega who thinks I can’t make a bed by myself.

We also gave Bowser a little bath while tidying up his cage.  He’s been really active, however, and harder to hold onto and I absolutely do not trust Vega not to try and eat him if he got loose.

So there you have it!  Happy Monday everyone!

Week In Review – Swimming, Sunshine and Dragons

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

Well, at least this week I remembered to take more photos? Generally the first half of the week is never very exciting and this week, even less so.  However, here we go!

  • I made an appointment for allergy testing after waking up with super swollen eyelids and hives. Yep… to my very great disappointment, my hives have returned. I could have cried.

  • I really failed at cooking this week and along with Brinner, we had lots of random nights with yogurt and pretty much whatever anyone could find.  Enzo did, however, discover how great egg and cheese sandwiches are, though!  He has refused to eat eggs in the past and finally the eggs win!

  • We got outside with Bowser a lot.  It lets him get some much needed natural sunshine and he’s so relaxed you can walk with him to get the mail and just hang out.

  • On Saturday, Josh and I watched our nephews at their house, so the kids had fun running around… mostly inside because it was really hot outside.

  • Glorious kitty snuggles were had… even after I found out that Vega had once again peed where she shouldn’t have. I really don’t know what’s going on with this cat. It seems territorial to me and that’s not okay.

  • On Sunday the kids had their first swimming lesson and it went… swimmingly.  The classes are small – it was just 3 of them, though, I think normally it’s 4 per class. They’re excited to keep going and we got a membership to the rec center as both kids wanted to keep swimming afterward and it’s good motivation to get to the gym and whatnot now.  Afterwards, we decided we might as well go out to eat, and so we did.

  • It made for a long day, however, and Enzo crashed hard. Phoebe… did not. She slept for literally 5 minutes in the car on the way home and would not go to sleep.  So much for catching up on my shows. :p

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

Week In Review – Hot, Hot, Hot

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

Okay, I’m certain I must have accomplished something last week, but so far the only pictures I can really find on my phone have mostly Bearded Dragon pictures.  So, a good portion of our week has revolved around our new little buddy.

While we had a setup for him already, I did further research online (because that’s what I do – research things obsessively) and discovered we really needed a better setup – lighting on the inside rather than on top of the screen and making sure our UVB light is strong enough and buying a unlighted heat lamp as the red ones can actually disturb their sleep.  Anyway, it’s been fun and he’s such a social little dude!

Vega, however, is a little obsessed and I need to find a better way to keep her off the top of his cage.  We moved it so he’d get more natural sunlight, but now she can hop up far too easily.

Enzo assisted me in putting together a new shelf that we needed after moving around some furniture. That kid is strong – I didn’t even have to tighten the screws after him.  So, it was really more of his accomplishment than mine.

Josh also picked up a project for me.  Yep, looks like I’ll be fixing up a dollhouse. it’s a tad big, so I think we’ll sell it when I’m done, or else sell the kids’ other dollhouse if they end up liking this one better. Eventually I’d love to be a little grandma and do one of those fantastic smaller dollhouses.  This one is more for 12″ dolls.

Seriously, who knew lizards could be this much fun?  I underestimated just how social they are and I officially fell in love when Bowser did a cat move and nuzzled his head under my shirt a bit and fell asleep. I kept him covered with a little towel to help him keep warm.  Haha. I can’t help it… I’m an animal lover and we’ll most likely end up with an entire menagerie one day.

Bearded Dragons and BBQ!

I never did a week in review post like I usually do on Monday – mainly because we all had the day off and ended up being fairly busy!  Over the weekend we had a bunch of friends over for BBQ and to hang out and it was a blast.  The weather was really nice and perfect for the kids to run around and later on to make s’mores. We FINALLY pulled out the fire pit.

It was nice having a three day weekend, even if the kids were a tad cranky come Sunday due to being up WAY past their bedtime. Whoops.  Isn’t that what summer is for, though?  It’s always so hard to end all of the fun.

We’ve been pulling out the board games a lot these past couple of weeks as well.  Phoebe doesn’t always have the patience for them, but Enzo loves playing – his new favorite being Sorry.  (Yes, that is fake poop on his head).

We also had his preschool graduation on the 26th.  I can’t believe it.  He’s very upset that he has to wait until September to go to Kindergarten, however.  I had to explain to him about summer vacation and he was not having it.

He’s growing up in so many ways and even Uzi is appreciating that he is a bit more calm lately (at least at times).  Haha!

Our biggest news, though, has to be our new Bearded Dragon, Bowser.  We have talked for a while about getting one and ages ago Josh picked up a tank setup for super cheap, but we finally decided to pull the trigger on Monday.  He has absolutely stolen our hearts and I had no idea just how social they are!  He loves to be taken out of his terrarium and I’m thinking we might go sit in the sun this weekend. If Josh lets me, that is. He’s really more Josh’s pet than mine, but I can’t help but love pretty much all animals. 😉