Happy Monday!
Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!
The week started out not too shabby. Monday was nice and I worked from home, which is nice because I also have more time to get Bowser out so he can explore.
It’s also nice because I finish up work before the kids get home with Josh and it leaves me some time to pick up a few things and even put my feet up sometimes!
Tuesday, however, got off to a rocky start when we found out at the dentist that Phoebe had an abscess above one of her front teeth and the tooth needed to be pulled. In my wisdom I said sure, let’s just do it today so we don’t have to set up another appointment… well, Phoebe did great. Really great. I ended up with my head between my knees trying not to pass out. Not at all embarrassing.
Not surprisingly, Phoebe asked to go home after the procedure was done and I obliged. I already had my work laptop with me, and as I assumed she just wanted to lie down in bed and watch some TV, so I was able to get some work done.
Well, some work. My laptop also decided it need lots of time consuming updates. It really never fails. Ever. My computer really just hates me.
Uzi was quite happy to be snuggled between both of us, however, so at least I had a purring cat to pet while waiting for technology to sort itself out.
Lunch and then a new hairdo for me courtesy of Phoebe.
She was even feeling so well later on that afternoon, that we made some banana bread to surprise the boys with when they got home.
Had some rough nights with Enzo going to sleep, but had some decent mornings, so there’s that?
Other than that, we went to the zoo on Saturday (even though it ended up being windy and a little chilly and the rain started earlier than expected). Lots of dragon pictures as usual and planning out his new tank… still haven’t entirely decided, though.
I hope everyone had a fantastic week!