Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finally Friday

It’s been one of those weeks, if ya know what I mean. So far I’m the only one in our house who hasn’t caught the cold/cough going around, and I’m hoping to keep it that way.  Phoebe seems to finally be getting over it, but Enzo ended up with a nasty croupy sounding cough, but an oral steroid seemed to help.  He’s still not feeling well, though, and has had a few rough nights. Even Josh and I ended up passing out before 9:00pm last night. Anyhoo, tomorrow is supposed to be another fabulous day, but instead of going to the zoo like we did last weekend, we’re taking the kids swimming. Enzo has been asking repeatedly to go, so that is the plan. So, I get to shove my pasty white, jiggly winter body into a bathing suit tomorrow. Woot! The things you do for your kids, am I right?


He posed like this on his own when we were at the zoo a few weekends ago. He’s getting so big. We’ve had to get rid of a bunch of pants recently thanks to a growth spurt and lots of ripped knees. Phoebe was ecstatic that she inherited some of his too-small t-shirts, though, and was showing off Mickey to her day care teacher.  Anyhoo, have a wonderful weekend everyone!






Friday Funday!

Happy First Day of Spring! The warmer temps (which are now mellowing out) have given us our first real taste of what is to come and we’re all excited about the year ahead. We have lots of plans, so we’ll see how it all works out.  In the meantime…

I got 23 on this fun color test.

7 cultural concepts we don’t have here.

If you want your feels for the day.

And now to go buy all of the Legos and devote our time to recreating movies.

Whimsical Fancies

My Etsy shop is officially open! I’ll be adding more and more things over the next few days, but in the meantime, here is the link and if you like what you see, please share with others! 🙂