For the most part 2013 was fairly laid back, the biggest occurrences probably being buying a house and welcoming Phoebe into our family. It’s always fun to take a quick look back and see what was happening, though… if anything at all. 😉
January started out rough with Josh still recovering from hernia surgery and both Enzo and myself coming down with one thing after another. Definitely not my favorite way to start the year.
In February, Enzo and I traveled to Colorado Springs to stay with my sister, brother-in-law and their two kiddos and my mom also flew out and my brother and sister-in-law drove to be there as well. It was the first time Enzo and I had flown without Josh, and was… interesting. Enzo was a bit cranky and my nerves were completely frazzled.
March was uneventful aside from some snow, and oh yeah, finding out we were having a baby!
April was spent doing a lot of worrying about our housing situation. We put our townhouse on the market and were worried about finding a buyer at the price we needed, and then once we sold, it was a rush to find a house to move into, however, we managed to find the perfect place and then celebrated our little boy turning 1!
May was a big month because we officially moved into our new house – hooray!
In June we mostly stayed around home, but did go see Bill Cosby and took Enzo around the block on his new tricycle. Come Spring, he’ll actually be able to reach the pedals… good grief, this boy is growing up. Oh yeah, and he got his very first haircut.
July was a pretty eventful month for us because not only did we find out that we were having a girl, but we also took Enzo camping for the first time (where we were eaten alive by mosquitoes). We also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary, took Enzo to his first aquarium and made use of our zoo membership.
August was a bit more low-key, but we did continue to try and get out. We took Enzo swimming and to the zoo, and then we started the process of getting our upstairs painted on one of the hottest days of the year so far – go figure.
In September we took Enzo to the State Fair for the first time because I had a photo that was accepted, and I was reminded just how much I hate crowds. We also went to an apple orchard and Enzo helped Josh put together a couch for the sitting… er play room. I also turned 31 and we had family photos taken, which I just realized I’ve never even posted on the blog – just Facebook. Ha ha.
October was very slow. We did more work on Baby Girl’s room, but aside from a trip to a pumpkin patch, we didn’t do much. Enzo did enjoy Halloween and the trick-or-treaters, however, and was very excited whenever anyone came to the door.
November was definitely our biggest month of the year. Enzo started us off right by getting tubes put in his ears and then on 11/12/13 Miss Phoebe decided to join the family!
And now here we are in December. My maternity leave is over and time has never passed more quickly. I don’t know what this new year will bring, but I have a feeling it’s going to be over in a blink.