Category Archives: random

Four Things

I’m always a sucker for these questionnaires and this one was nabbed from A Nerdy World.

Four Places I’ve Lived:

  1. Cottonwood, Arizona (where I started life)
  2. Walnut Creek, California
  3. Durango, Colorado (and a couple nearby cities)
  4. Twin Cities, Minnesota (In 7 years we’ve lived in 4 different cities here).

Four Jobs I’ve Had:

  1. Housekeeper
  2. Receptionist/Administrative Professional
  3. Took photos/drew house footprints for county assessor’s office
  4. Salesperson

Four Things I Don’t Eat:

  1. Shellfish
  2. Pudding… not a fan.
  3. Anything with tentacles – can’t do it.
  4. Bugs

Four of My Favorite Foods:

  1. Cheese
  2. Bread
  3. Mango
  4. Wine (It’s a drinkable fruit). 😉

Four Films I’ve Watched More Than Once:

  1. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  2. LOTR series
  3. Pretty much every Marvel movie
  4. Adventures In Babysitting

*So many movies could fit in this category, but these are what came to mind first

Four TV Shows I Watch:

  1. Downton Abbey
  2. Scandal
  3. Supernatural
  4. Call the Midwife

Four Things I’m Looking Forward To This Year: (what’s left of it anyway)

  1. Star Wars
  2. The Good Dinosaur
  3. Final season of Downton Abbey
  4. Winning the lottery (you’ve got to dream big, right?)

Four Things I Can’t Live Without:

  1. My family (of course)
  2. Books
  3. Music
  4. Um… huh, drawing a blank here.

Four Celebrity Crushes:

  1. Tom Hiddleston, especially as Loki.
  2. Henry Cavill

Girl Crushes because let’s face it… they just seem like cool gals.

  1. Jennifer Lawrence
  2. Emily Blunt

Four Places I’ve Visited:

  1. Key West, FL – Watched the sunset during our honeymoon road trip
  2. Switzerland – Favorite European stop
  3. Gatlinburg, TN – Great place to be a tourist with some really good beer
  4. Luxembourg – It was so foggy and dreary when we were there, I’d love to go back.

Four Pet Peeves:

  1. When people overuse abbreviations or don’t spell out simple words, instead typing things like “Ur.”
  2. People who spit in public. It’s so gross.
  3. When people ignore personal space, especially if it’s a complete stranger. I don’t know you, therefore you should not be standing this close.
  4. Self-entitlement.

Four Things I Wish I Could Do:

  1. Draw or paint
  2. Enjoy Math – So many careers I wanted and math is my nemesis.
  3. Work for myself… or win the lottery 😉
  4. Travel the world

Four Subjects I Studied at School:

  1. Psychology
  2. French (I remember barely anything)
  3. Anthropology of Religion
  4. Mass Communication

*However, I never finished getting a degree because I was too focused on the whole working Full-time/having kids aspect of life.  Maybe one day… or maybe not.

Four Things Near Me Right Now:

  1. My phone
  2. Various work files
  3. My galactic kitty hamburger coffee mug
  4. Lotion

Friday Parenting Rambles

The funny thing about becoming a parent is that you never really know how it will affect you.  Some people remain fundamentally the same person they were prior to having children, but others are changed and different.  I can’t even really remember when or why I decided I wanted to be a mom so badly.  I was never the type that fawned all over babies, and they actually made me really nervous when I was younger.  Hold your baby? I don’t think so!  At some point, though, especially after Josh and I married, this strange primal need to become a mom took over my every thought.  I would be incomplete without children, and so when it took longer than we had hoped to actually have Enzo, I became all consumed with the horrible idea that I might never have a baby to call my own.  After months of supplements and whatnot and the heartbreaking realization we’d have to keep trying, I finally took a breath and came to terms with the idea of potentially not having children.  I envisioned what that would look like and recognized that another life wouldn’t be as awful as it seemed.  We’d fill the void, as it were.  Within a few days I was pregnant and those alternative plans never needed to be visited.


The plan, however, was that we would travel and distract ourselves and do everything we could think of that would be easier with just two.  Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn’t have maybe postponed having kids just a couple of years so we could have gotten some traveling under our belts, but c’est la vie.  I really wanted to have at least one kid before I turned 30… the idea of being “old” when my kids graduated was not a pleasant one.  Hindsight is always a funny thing, though; since when did 50 become “old?”  It always sounded like such an ancient number when I was a child, but now it’s just another number.  You’re only as old as you feel, right?  After 50 we’ll have plenty of time to do all the things we didn’t get to do before we had kids, but even more fun is that we’ll get to share so many adventures with them.


While parenting has definitely altered me in many ways, I think fundamentally I’m still the same person I was before, but somewhere along the way I lost a little part of myself.  I’ve adapted to being a mom more easily than I ever thought, but it has taken 3 years to start to find more of a balance between being a mom and also allowing me to be… me.  The me that isn’t “Mom.” I was stretching myself too thin during that highly coveted thing called Free Time, and was resenting my kids when they encroached on that time.  Sure, there are still some nights when we get frustrated because we only have maybe an hour to do what we want, but that is also why I’ve started looking at how I spend my time and figuring out what is most important to me.  For instance, I’d have more time if I watched less TV in the evening or was on my phone less often.  I would have more time to read, clean, work out, or do other things.  It’s all about choices. I can choose to be stressed out all the time because I feel like I have no time, or I can choose how to use my time more wisely and in a way that will make me feel more fulfilled and satisfied.  And that my friends, is what I’m working towards… peace and satisfaction and where I will find it.


End Rambling.


A photo posted by Heather (@dinosandbunnies) on

A – Age: 32

B – Biggest Fear: The serious answer… death of family members and house fires.  The light-hearted answer… spiders and wasps.

C – Current Time: 9:52am.

D – Drink you last had: Coffee .

E – Easiest Person to talk to: Probably my mom.

F – Favorite Song: That’s a tough one… these questions always stump me.   Okay, kind of random and it’s not a song I listen to often, but I’m going to choose “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” from The Phantom of the Opera or really every song from POTO.

G – Grossest Memory: Um… probably when my baby brother decided to put a giant wolf spider in his mouth.  To this day the thought horrifies me and I can remember watching him spit it out.

H – Hometown: We moved around a lot, but lived the longest in Durango, CO.

I – In love with: My husband. 😉

J – Jealous Of: I definitely envy those who are able to do work that they truly love every day.

K – Kindest Person you know: Hmm… hard one.  I know so many people who are generous and thoughtful and kind.

L – Life isn’t complete without: Family and friends.

M – Middle Name: Marie.

N – Number of Siblings: I have an older sister and a younger brother.

O – One wish: For a long, fulfilling life.

P – Person you spoke to last on the phone: I believe it was Josh.

Q – Question you’re always asked: How are the kids?

R – Reason to smile: It’s Friday!!

S – Song you last sang: I was singing Twinkle Twinkle with Phoebe last night.

T – Time you woke up: 5:00am

U – Underwear Color: Um… I think pink and white, but I’m too lazy to check.

V – Vacation Destination: If I could go anywhere right now I think I’d choose… Disney World.

W – Worst Habit: Just one??  Ha ha.  I eat too much junk food (chocolate especially).

X – X-Rays you’ve had: Dental x-rays, x-rays at the chiropractor, oh and when I had my hysterosalpingogram (TMI?).

Y – Your Favorite food: Okay this is a really difficult question.  I could probably eat cheese, bread, and wine every day, though.

Z – Zodiac Sign: Libra

Permission to Breathe…

You know what’s awesome?  This summer.  Maybe it’s just because the kids are older and have gotten more fun (babies are great, but kind of boring… just saying).  I think it’s also because I’ve taken the pressure off of myself by putting away the To Do lists and anything else that I felt was overwhelming me. The result is that a lot of things haven’t necessarily gotten done, but I feel more relaxed and have been enjoying my free time more.  Whereas before I felt rushed because I had to do such and such, lately I’ve just been playing it by ear and don’t feel as pressured to get something done.  Already I feel like my motivation is coming back and like I actually want to tackle my To Do list, and have in fact done so.

It seems silly that I needed to give myself permission to take a step back not only from adult responsibility, but also from things that give me joy.  I think I had too many things I was trying to give time to, though, and in turn they stopped being fun.  I like pulling out my camera and taking photos (good or bad), but lately I haven’t even much felt like doing that and one thing I’d like to do is make time for that hobby so I can become better at it.  I love learning about essential oils, but even that started to feel overwhelming with so much going on this summer.  I could go on, but I won’t.

Instead of doing the many things on my to-do list (including ordering updated kiddo photos… whoops), we have rearranged the house making it much more enjoyable, but I’ve also been reading A LOT more and wasting time binge watching a bunch of shows.  It’s thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing.  This much needed break has given me lots of time to reflect and dream and plan and be inspired, and now I just need all the thoughts in my brain to settle and organize themselves and then take action.

Thankfully kids are experts when it comes to shirking adult responsibility, so we’ve also been doing some Pony rehab lately.  Phoebe and I have a growing collection and some need more cleanup than others when they’re added to the herd.  I have zero shame that I’m a Pony nerd, and love that Phoebe often picks out a different one each night to briefly play with. What can I say? They make me happy. 😉





Holy Productivity, Batman!

Sometimes I think we must be a tad crazy.  As if coming back from vacation and trying to get small kiddos back on schedule wasn’t hard enough, we also decided to drastically rearrange our house this weekend.  Madness, but it seems like it will be worthwhile madness.  All of this moving meant I needed another bookshelf, so we ended up at IKEA where Enzo got very excited about a small loft bed.  More excited than we’ve seen him over anything in a long time, so we decided to get it for him in the hopes that bedtime would become easier.  For the first time in weeks, he slept in his bed the entire night.  If this trend continues, the bed will have been worth every single penny.

All in all it made for a very busy weekend, though, and the kids are still off from vacation.  Enzo had a rough preschool drop-off and Phoebe got clingy as well, so I’m just hoping we can get everyone back into their normal routine this week.  I’m really glad we have a 3 day weekend coming up as I feel like every night this week is going to be filled with busy work as I finish moving books and toys around and finally get photos from our trip off my camera, and about a million other tiny little projects.  We do, however, plan on getting out this upcoming weekend and relaxation and fun will be a must.
