Category Archives: random

What’s not to love about Friday?

An exciting new adventure awaits us this weekend… we are taking the kids to see their first movie in the theater. We fully expect that Phoebe might not last through the entire movie, so we’re choosing a $2.50 movie in case one of us needs to leave with her should she get too bored.  Best case, no one else is at the theater and it doesn’t matter if she’s a bit rowdy. The choices are Minions and Inside Out, so we’ll see what the kids decide.  I have a feeling they’ll say Minions just because they already know them from Despicable Me, but my vote is for Inside Out.


Then on Sunday we have some annual leaf pile fun.  Hopefully this rain clears out with enough time to dry everything out.  I’m not a fan of fall rain, mostly because it’s too cold and tends to strip the trees of their colors.  I’m not ready for the drabness of winter just yet, though I know it’s just around the corner. I’ve already got everyone prepped with winter coats, hats, mittens and boots and extras of a few of those.  How is it that kids clothes are so expensive, yet often don’t even last an entire season?  Not because the kids have outgrown them but simply because they’ve somehow worn out?  Enzo ripped through two pairs of pants already that couldn’t have been worn more than last winter and his summer tennis shoes are barely holding together.  I was holding off getting him new ones since it’s just about boot weather and after one wear those are already scuffed, so I don’t see them lasting all winter.


Anyhoo, enough winter talk!  It seems like this past week was entirely unproductive, so I feel like I should maybe cross a few things off the To Do list this weekend.  We finally watched Jurassic World and both agreed we now need to get the Lego game even though we’re so behind on all of the other Lego games.  Parenting!  Really, though, I could name a few dozen things we’re behind on and less sunshine in the morning and evening is not helping my motivation!  I would curl up into a ball in cry if I lived somewhere that only got a few hours of sunlight during the winter.  Granted, I’d probably get so much done during the lighter months…


Okay, enough rambling.  Instead… in case you haven’t seen them yet!

Little Things

I’m sure I’m not the only one who hopes the predictions of a slightly warmer winter are true.  We got a weather warning for the first frost of the year, and I’m really not ready for it.  Granted, I enjoy cuddling up with something hot to drink just as much as anyone, but I’m not looking forward to the below freezing winds howling outside our windows and the cold seeping in everywhere.  Phoebe especially is not too keen about winter.  She wouldn’t even go out into the garage this morning when she realized it was much colder than it has been and immediately stepped back in the house and wanted me to carry her.


Right there with ya, Phoebe.  I am, however, grateful that our office changed to a casual dress code this year, so I’ll at least be more cozy at work and can wear actual winter boots instead of worthless dress boots that do nothing to keep the cold out. Always look on the bright side, right?  Not always the easy thing to do, especially when life gets stressful and throws you curve-balls, but I have to remind myself that it could always be worse and we always get through it.  I just also have to remind myself that it usually takes until the last moment when freaking out seems to be the only option that everything rights itself and you’re allowed a heavy sigh of relief.


Ha ha ^ This is how I feel.  I think I need a super productive weekend, but also to get out and get some very brisk fresh air with our two munchkins.  Maybe a nice drive before all the fall colors disappear… they’ve been so beautiful.

Happy Friday!


Summer’s Encore

Just as I was getting ready to fully accept that Fall was here, I look at the forecast and we’re going to get short weather this weekend.  I am definitely not complaining. Instead I’m planning on putting off all responsibility and we’ll be spending as much time out of the house as possible. Now we just have to decide what to do.  Do we go to the zoo?  Do we go to an apple orchard? Do we go to a pumpkin patch?  Do we go to a corn maze?  So many choices, and those aren’t even all of them…


That being said, a lot will depend on Miss Phoebe who is not only getting some teeth in, but has a canker sore as well and has been understandably fussy lately.  Both kids have been a little more cantankerous than usual and I’m wondering if it’s just the fact that fall is settling in. It seems as though a lot of people have been having “off” days, so hopefully that will change soon. All the more reason to get out and soak up some Vitamin D this weekend!


The passing of time…

There is a definite chill in the air lately and I have a feeling we won’t be turning the A/C on again until next year.  It’s cool enough that opening the window works just as well, and makes the cats happier.  My office, however, is more than chilly and I will be pulling the space heater out sooner than I’d like.  It is October, though.  How is it October?  It seems like just yesterday we were in our pajamas having an impromptu water fight on the deck on a random Saturday morning… but, I guess that was a couple of months ago already.


When you’re a kid, time just crawls and then suddenly it starts passing so quickly you can barely catch your breath. I’m an introvert, so introspection is just par for the course, but I’m uncertain as to whether it’s just the impending winter blues or something else that has me lost in thought and procrastinating so greatly and having anxiety over how little time there is and what I should be doing with this time.  Of course worrying about what I should be doing means I get nothing done at all, so it’s not exactly productive.  I’m in one of those states where I want to do something, but I’m not sure what exactly and just feel tired and decide it’s not worth it to worry about it now and put it off and then keep putting it off.  While taking a break from a schedule was nice, I think I should probably get back into some kind of routine again rather than just winging it every morning/evening. Oh, but that first step is always so hard.


Actually, it would be less hard if I could stop falling asleep when putting the kiddos to bed and if I could get started on more things before 8:30.  It’s hard to convince myself to workout at 8:30pm and even if I wanted to in the morning, I have a difficult time prying Phoebe off of me to allow me to do so.  Sleep is hard to find lately, and I have to remind myself that it’s all temporary.  One day the bed will feel empty without two small bodies snuggling closely together or to whichever parent is nearest.  I can’t help but smile when I crawl into bed and see Phoebe draped across her brother and at least one or two cats purring happily.


I’m not sure if it will ever feel like time is slowing down again, though, so I suppose I’ll have to get used to the feeling that I can’t always keep up, or continue to try and simplify our lives more in the hopes that it will give us more time.


Dance like no one is watching

I’ve discovered that parenting is sort of like dancing.  You’ve got everything from classical, structured choreography to a more impromptu freestyle.   Personally, I’m not much of a dancer, so this metaphor may seem silly to use, but in a way it makes sense to me.  With Enzo I read so many books and felt unprepared for children since it was a completely new experience, but there were also so many different ways to do everything and all of the information was downright overwhelming.  As time progressed it became obvious that I didn’t fit into a specific mold or type of parent, and the more I stopped looking at parenting sites and just trusted my own judgment, the less stressful it became.


I’ve never been good when it comes to learning dance steps, and while some people might feel more comfortable sticking with a structured way of dancing (or parenting), it just doesn’t work for me.  If I am going to dance, I might as well look like a fool and do what makes me feel happy.  In turn, I don’t really care anymore what other moms think of how we parent and for a while I cared too much.  I wanted to avoid judgment and that’s just silly and impossible.  Unfortunately there will always be at least one person who thinks they have a right to make someone else feel bad and the only thing I can control is how I respond to their negativity.  No one is perfect and there is no right way or wrong way to parent as long as a child is loved and safe and happy.


I realize this comes out of the blue, but I’ve seen so much negativity lately online and out and about.  It’s a frightening prospect that people feel very secure in their anonymity online and give no thought to saying hateful things to complete strangers. What ever happened to “If you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all?”  So what if you don’t like how someone is dressed or a mom is bottle-feeding her baby?  How exactly does that hurt anyone?  It’s just baffling to me.


Thankfully, I haven’t run into too much of this in my own life, but there have been moments that were thankfully mild compared to what I’ve seen other people deal with.  Maybe I just get it out there right now…


I’m Heather.  I shop too much and need to lose my baby belly flab.  I could exercise and eat healthier, but I love donuts and sitting on my butt in the evenings drinking wine more than a flat tummy.  I formula fed my kids, we bed-share, babywear when they want to, and let our kids watch TV.  I’m the mom who sometimes lets her kids walk into day care with a sucker because I just needed to get out the door and didn’t have time for a tantrum that would make me late for work again. Sometimes we eat organic and sometimes we order pizza… a lot of pizza.  I don’t give my kids soda, but they drink juice and I don’t make them eat their vegetables.


I could go on and on (I won’t), but should you find yourself stumbling upon my blog and feel like I’m not your kind of person, feel free to just stroll on by. I wish you well, and hope you can do the same for me.


Happy Friday everyone!