Category Archives: random

Snow one day, sun the next!

I really don’t have much today, and I’m really hoping that my body/mind reboot this weekend so that Monday I feel more like myself.  In the meantime, we have a 3-day weekend ahead of us because day care is closed for annual training tomorrow, so timing is perfect. I’m feeling burned out and could use an extra day, which is also why I got the brilliant idea to take the kids on a field trip. I contemplated getting a lot done around the house and possibly starting potty training with Phoebe, but instead we’re going to go spend a little time in the car and go to the National Eagle Center and play it by ear. I’m not in the mood to adult and responsible things can be done on Saturday.  My brain needs to get out, I think, and not be stared in the face by all of the things that are a tad overwhelming right now.

Now, in order to tie-in these photos that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, but are from a random evening, I’m ready to “jump” into the weekend. Hooray for really bad puns!





Unfortunately the really funny photos that caught Phoebe falling down the stairs (don’t worry, she didn’t get hurt) were dark and really blurry.  Curse our dark living room!

Probably going to ramble…

January is always a weird month.  It’s typically slow after months of being busy, and it’s also usually the coldest month.  It’s also generally the time of year my body decides to get sick. All things considered, it’s really only been a meh kind of month this year. I’ve been having some tension headaches (I think), but also have been experiencing some vertigo, so probably something going on with my ears or mild migraines? I do sometimes get the flashing light sensation. However, I don’t know that migraines are mild?  Maybe I’m just dehydrated…


I haven’t really been taking photos as often lately, so these are a little old. I do have some I need/want to sort through on my computer, but at the same time I just feel meh and don’t really feel like sitting in my cold office and doing anything. I can’t even tell you how many nights I’ve just wanted to stay curled up in Phoebe’s bed after she falls asleep even though it’s only 8:00. I get up tired and cold and any motivation falls by the wayside as I curl up in bed with a book or a TV show and 1-3 cats. There are so many things I want to do and need to do, but just don’t have it in me lately.


We haven’t gotten out much, though we did get out for a bit this past weekend to see an Ice Castle. The kids got cold fairly quick, though, despite being bundled up like marshmallows and neither of them wanted to walk. My camera battery died after a couple of pictures and it wasn’t long before Enzo asked to go home. There was a lot of fussing and whining while we tried to get them out of snowsuits with our own hands frozen and I may have had a moment where I kind of lost my head for a moment – yelled really loudly (which did get everyone’s attention), but also felt a tad embarrassed when I realized my door was open and there were lots of other families in the parking lot. Not my finest moment. We probably should have waited for a warmer day, but the previous 2 or 3 weekends have been spent in the house and I needed out.


I think it’s just my typical seasonal funk and I have to deal with it as I do every year. Granted, we’ve had some extra stress so that doesn’t help things either. I’m just trying to take it one day at a time and am allowing myself to just be meh for the rest of the month. Come February I’m going to give myself a stern talking to and make some changes. I’ve been a tad too lenient with myself and allowed myself to wallow and procrastinate long enough. So, time to make the most of the rest of this week and binge watch some more Grey’s Anatomy and Downton Abbey because you know I picked up the full season today and can now finish it at a much more desirable pace.

Photo Dump

It’s a new year, so I figured it’s time to clean things up, including my online files and what-have-you.  So… Photo Dump time!  Let’s see what’s lurking around and for whatever reason didn’t get used in a blog post…


I think I probably meant to include the recipe or something with these? They aren’t just your regular Rice Krispy Treats, after all.



So little!



Kale chip crumbs!


This boy LOVES melons.



Hahaha, oh wow… this was from December of 2014.



I thought I posted all of our Sesame Street live photos…



Sleeping while her big cousin pushes her around.


Processed with VSCOcam



Tiger! Roar!

Well, that catches us up a bit.  Now to tidy up about a million other things. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

Sunshine and Giddiness!

I have no idea why I’m in such a fabulous mood, but I am. Maybe it’s just the time of year, maybe it’s the fact that it’s 40 degrees outside, or maybe it’s because I’m having a great hair day and get to leave work early.  Who cares?  It’s sunny outside and life feels great right now.  Granted, not everyone woke up feeling that way this morning, which was sort of funny in a way.


Enzo came stumbling into our bathroom while I was in the shower because he needed to pee and Josh came to tell me that Phoebe was also up… but wouldn’t let him get her. She was demanding that I come get her. That was kind of the theme for the morning and she wanted nothing to do with leaving the house and threw a major tantrum.  Thankfully it ended, though I admit we were all kind of yelling – mostly to be heard over her because Enzo was also yelling about how he wanted candy because he was being good and wouldn’t drop it, all the while Phoebe is screaming and doesn’t want her coat or hat. Finally I think I yelled at Josh and he yelled back, so I started mock yelling/tantruming and we were all good again.


See?  Nothing is stopping my annoyingly good mood today! I may have to rush a bit to get ready for the work party we’re going to tonight, but I’m looking forward to it. I just made the mistake of buying a dress I have to iron… I’m usually very good about not buying high maintenance clothes too. Oh well, good mood prevails!

Happy Friday, World!

One of those weeks…

Do you ever have those weeks… I’ll just stop myself because of course you do! Well, it’s been one of those weeks.  I’ve fallen asleep early with the kids at least 2 or 3 times which means I’ve gotten nothing done in the evening.  I’ve barely picked up my camera and haven’t bothered to transfer photos off of it or off my phone.  I think I have about a million little tasks to do and about… zero motivation.  Okay, I have motivation, but by the time I get home, it’s already getting dark and then suddenly it’s time to get the kids in bed and they’re so snuggly… and if I do manage to stay awake I stumble out into the living room by 8-8:30 and usually one or two cats wants to cuddle on the couch and before I know it I’m watching TV and have convinced myself that everything can wait “just one more day.”

I’m attributing it to daylight savings.  It always takes me a while to adjust to change, and the sudden decrease in daylight in the evening will definitely take some getting used to… like every year.  So, I shall give myself a break until this weekend and then major cleaning and tidying up needs to happen.  (Maybe I can work myself up to it and actually make it sound exciting, you know?) Or, I’ll pull a Phoebe….
