Category Archives: preschooler

A busy and somewhat chaotic weekend.

To my great surprise, the weekend ended up being much nicer than originally predicted!  I need to upload photos, but for now you’ll just have to take my word that we were very productive and finally tackled at least one project that has been mocking us for a year.  In the meantime, we have bubble photos because they need to go somewhere.  As sticky and messy as they are, they cause such excitement when we bring them out.


I mean, sure bubbles are fun, but really? Nothing gets quite as many squeals and jumps for joy as bubbles do.  Well, being allowed to jump on the bed is pretty awesome too.  We had a bit of that this weekend, especially when Phoebe needed to be contained somewhere, so we put her in her crib.


I think Enzo may be feeling a bit under the weather, which could explain his moodiness and the extra tantrums we had this weekend.  His nose has been pretty runny and stuffy and he woke up with goop in his eye that I’m hoping doesn’t mean he’s getting pink eye.  Fingers crossed!  The last time he was this cranky was during/after our California trip, so I’m trying to think of what was off.  He did miss a nap on Saturday, but went to bed early that night and got a good nap Sunday.  Otherwise his tummy has been a little off, so I’m thinking he may just be under the weather and without patience, which is always exacerbated when his parents are feeling a little stressed.  It’s amazing how easily kids pick up on that.


I’m hopeful that we can get him sorted out this week and in time for our trip and that we can keep the stress low so we can avoid tantrums.  The poor kiddo just doesn’t do well with change in his routine and gets really Hangry and needs a certain amount of sleep.  So, we’ll do our best to accommodate him and also be more conscious of our own moods as both kids pick up on any and all stress.


While Enzo was on timeout for the umpteenth time this weekend, we had to keep Miss Sassypants from poking the bear.  She wouldn’t leave him alone and was making the situation much worse, so we stuck her in crib.  She didn’t seem to mind and just jumped and jumped for a while.  We did get outside this weekend as well… a nice long walk and the kids helped me pick out flowers.  Then I let them play in the water table on the deck for a while, which they both greatly enjoyed, especially Enzo because he was allowed to completely strip and run around sans clothing.


I don’t think anyone slept well last night, though, and by midnight both kids were in bed with us.  Enzo either curls up right next to Josh or lays sideways and Phoebe prefers sleeping half on top of me or also sideways.  Amazingly they don’t keep each other awake all night, but we do have those times when someone starts kicking and we have to do some rearranging.  Funny… I didn’t realize we’d still be sleep deprived at this stage of the game.  Oh well, this too shall pass and in the meantime I’ll make the most of these snuggles.


Thursday Musings

I’m not sure what to think of this silly weather we’ve been having… up and down and all the nice weather seems to fall during the week instead of on the weekend.  Most Memorial Day weekends we’d be off doing something like camping, but we definitely weren’t about to do that last weekend.  The kids have been extra cantankerous, though. I’m not sure if it’s the rain coming through or what, but I know I would certainly like some warm weather to actually fall on a weekend so I can soak it all up.


It doesn’t help that there has been so much going on either.  It is time to fit in some evening walks and tackle our outside projects whenever the opportunity arises since summer is always too short.  Soon we’ll be sending swimsuits to day care and trying frantically to fit in as many outside activities as possible.  I want to camping, swimming, you name it!


The kids did get some cousin time in over the weekend, which is always nice, and I have some pictures from when we traded babysitting a few weeks ago that I need to go through.  Josh got a couple of really good pictures and there are some fun ones of all the kiddos hanging out. I love watching our little tomboy keep up with the boys.  I swear she’s more rowdy than her brother at times and giggles madly when she gets tackled.


Already she’s rebelling against the dresses I’ve gotten her… I put one on her the other day and she wanted it off.  Then she wanted a skirt, but didn’t want a shirt on.  Then Enzo wanted a skirt too, so I was like… okay, sure, why not?  They both twirled and had great fun and then watched Strawberry Shortcake, which was Enzo’s choice.  I think it’s good for both kids to get to do “boy” and “girl” things.  I can’t imagine telling Enzo that I won’t paint his nails, but I’ll paint Phoebe’s because she’s a girl… he likes brightly colored things, so paint his nails I will!


Don’t ask me where this post is going… just random thoughts on a very hot afternoon from a very air conditioned office during the slowest time of the year.  Tomorrow can’t come soon enough… plus its Josh’s birthday and I have surprises in store!  There is nothing more fun than surprising someone. 😉

No fear of flying here.

Why do you suppose it is that most young children are thrill seekers? Or rather, why is it that so many adults go from being thrill seekers in their youth to being too nervous or scared about getting hurt? Much like Enzo and Phoebe, I know I liked climbing up on things, jumping off of things, and gave very little thought to whether or not I’d get hurt.  But now?  Not so much.  Even looking at Josh tossing the kids up in the air makes my heart slightly stop, but also just makes me slightly nauseous.


I don’t have that many fears, but the ones I do have are fairly irrational.  I have a fear of being up on ladders… and get nervous standing on kitchen chairs.  Yes, even being a couple feet off the ground makes me incredibly nervous.  I’ll still do it because there are times when one has no choice, but I get shaky and can’t think too much about what I’m doing.  I haven’t the slightest idea when or why this fear began either.  I’ve never fallen from an extreme height or broken anything, so you’d think there would be nothing to fear.


In the beginning neither kiddo enjoyed being tossed up into the air, but at some point for both it became fun.  Phoebe is the same way with the swing set.  Enzo hates swinging, but after a couple of times, Phoebe started to enjoy it and thought it was fun.  Enzo is, however, getting better about bugs… as long as they don’t fly. I can’t argue with him when it comes to wasps or hornets – they are just nasty and I won’t pretend they aren’t.  The kids and I stood in the rain looking at worms the other day, which Enzo was fascinated by.  Phoebe was more concerned as to why water was falling from the sky, so she didn’t care about how “squishy” or “neat” the worms were.  He’s also fascinated by ants, especially after I showed him one carrying something.

DaddyUp3 DaddyUp2

Now the next big fear to overcome is swimming.  I’m really hoping we can get the kids into the water this summer and show them it’s not scary… just a little colder and bigger than the bathtub.  Baby steps.  It’s not like I’m a very good swimmer, so I suppose it’s good that they’re cautious.  Hopefully they’ll always be mostly fearless and not develop silly little phobias that hold them back.

MyTurn2 MyTurn

Rub a dub dub

Never underestimate the power of a spring cold.  I’m headed toward a sinus infection (I can feel that pain beginning in my upper teeth and cheek), so until I can get home and do a steam treatment I’ll have to find some helpful herbal tea at the store.  It’s picture day at day care today, so I gave the kids a good scrubbing last night and with the rain I doubt they’ll be playing much outside today.  Now that it has warmed up, the kids pretty much need a bath daily as they come home with sand and dirt plastered on sunscreen covered arms and legs. Thankfully, though, bath time is usually a favorite part of the evening.


Neither of the kids are fans of water spraying and the few times we’ve done showers (usually after someone has decided to poop in the bath) there has been much crying – the kids weren’t happy either.  I decided to buy a frog shower head in order to introduce the idea of showering to the kiddos and help get rid of some water fears.  The first time they looked at me like I was insane and both tried to scramble out of the tub, the second time… went much better.  Now I can actually rinse them both off with it as long as I don’t go near Enzo’s face, otherwise I may as well have slaughtered a thousand kittens from the wailing that happens.


Thankfully Phoebe is a good sport when her brother takes over and accidentally sprays her in the face.  I think she’s more into it then he is and will point to the frog and ask for it anytime we’re in the tub. I guess I can’t blame Enzo for not wanting water in his face.  I admit there have been a few times when I’ve failed at my motherly duties and not done a good job keeping water and shampoo out of eyes.  I’m just helping them to overcome their fears by subjecting them to them?  Right?  Water in the eyes today, skydiving this weekend?



One day we’ll laugh over the trauma I may have unintentionally put them through and one day when they have kids they’ll realize just how hard it is to bathe a slippery, squirmy child… kind of like trying to bathe a cat.  At least with cats you have something to hold onto, though. 😉

Cookie Fun

A few weeks ago the kids and I were bored while Josh had to spend a weekend working, so we decided to make some cookies.  I may not know how to draw or do cute little art projects, but I can definitely bake, and the kids were more than happy to lend a hand.


I grabbed a couple of chairs and set the kids up while I grabbed ingredients and Enzo proceeded to test them all out.  He checked the consistency of the flour and sugar and decided what he would dump into the bowl and what Phoebe would.


I couldn’t easily take pictures during the ingredient adding steps, but they both took turns and surprisingly kept most items in the bowl.  I did have to wait to open the chocolate chips until the end, though, since that was all they cared about once they realized what kind of cookies were being made.


The highlight was the mixer, though.  Enzo didn’t used to like it, but Phoebe loves the mixer… and the blender and the coffee grinder and the vacuum, come to think of it. Loud noises don’t typically bother her and even when I vacuum she runs up and laughs.  It’s nice, though, because once Enzo realizes something doesn’t bother Phoebe he’s more likely to not mind as much either.


If only this worked with foods they don’t like.  It doesn’t matter how many green beans Enzo eats – Phoebe won’t touch them, and as for other delicious amazing veggies… well neither will touch sweet potatoes anymore.  Sweet potatoes of all things… the tastiest “veggie” out there.  At least they’ll eat peas and sometimes broccoli.  I’ll take it.  Oh, and let’s not forget chocolate chip cookies. They’ll both eat those.



So many of those. Especially when they’re Chocolate Chocolate Chip.