Category Archives: photos

The Leavings

I had plans to write something slightly more thought-provoking and even existential, but I got distracted.  My super awesome husband picked up a telescope for me at a thrift store and even cleaned it up (there was a dead spider skeleton on it, so there was no way I was going to), but now we need to find out more about it.  So… I’m looking at joining the local astronomy club and finally fulfilling some of my childhood dreams – my original dream being to become an astronaut, but I projectile vomit when riding twirling rides and hate math, so it was never meant to be.


So, I figured now was as good of a time as any to clear out some of the photos that were meant to be shared previously, but I never got around to it for one reason or another, and yet hate the thought of just deleting them.


I could have sworn I had shared this one.  I love those chubby little feet and I love that she is still this snuggly.




What is this magical red light that I must have?


Just sitting in the cupboard.  Move along.



Cookie making leftover pictures.  I was rushed, which explains the plastic baggies that only so-so worked.

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One more ice castle picture.  So cold.


All they books they hardly read anymore. I can’t quiet bring myself to get rid of them yet, though.

Okay, I think we’re caught up now!

Ice Castles and frosty toes

For someone who is without a doubt, an introvert, I get stir-crazy very easily.  It is for that reason I tend to drag my family out of the house – Phoebe comes more than willingly, but sometimes I have to convince Josh and Enzo to come too. Something about the phrase “Ice Castle” had Enzo even more excited than Phoebe.


We decided to go opening weekend since it was the first weekend where the temps were at least in the 20’s.  In hindsight, we should have probably waited until it was a tad warmer out. Enzo doesn’t mind getting bundled up, but Phoebe is really not a fan of layers and gets very unhappy when it’s time to put her big coat on.  I don’t blame her; I really am not a big fan of bulky layers either – I get claustrophobic and uncomfortable.



Anyhoo, it was cold, but the kids thought it was neat for about the first 5-10 minutes.  One big draw was an ice slide, which Enzo obviously wanted to do, but Phoebe was cold and just wanted to be held, so Enzo and I rode down the slide together. While my hips are padded, they sure could have used extra on the way down. Totally worth it to hear Enzo’s excitement on the way up and then down.  Alas, due to a faulty battery and Josh’s phone dying, we didn’t get a lot of pictures and none of us coming out of the slide. Thank goodness for smart phones!  We walked around a bit, but the kids got cold fast and wanted to head out, so to dinner and home we went!





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Day in the Life – Your Average Sunday

Maybe one of these days I’ll do a DITL post of a week day, but for now it just makes more sense to capture moments with the kids before they no longer want me to. This particular Sunday started out fairly well considering the kids let us sleep in.

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I also decided it was a good day to have french toast, and gave the kiddos a little pre-breakfast so they wouldn’t starve while they waited.




A very good day to stay inside.



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Photo Dump

It’s a new year, so I figured it’s time to clean things up, including my online files and what-have-you.  So… Photo Dump time!  Let’s see what’s lurking around and for whatever reason didn’t get used in a blog post…


I think I probably meant to include the recipe or something with these? They aren’t just your regular Rice Krispy Treats, after all.



So little!



Kale chip crumbs!


This boy LOVES melons.



Hahaha, oh wow… this was from December of 2014.



I thought I posted all of our Sesame Street live photos…



Sleeping while her big cousin pushes her around.


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Tiger! Roar!

Well, that catches us up a bit.  Now to tidy up about a million other things. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

23 Months

Well, just a month to go until our gal turns 2.  She might as well be already considering how much older she seems lately, and changed.  In just a month certain skills have improved vastly, she’s gained new words and in general she is just more and more… Phoebe.


Our sassy little spitfire can be quite a handful at times, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She has mastered the pout with slightly turned down face and eyes looking upward and can also shriek her opinion loud enough for neighbors to hear.  She also has an infectious grin and mischievous sense of humor that are hard not to love.  Being the big girl that she is, she has been even more adamant lately that she do everything by herself, which is pretty cute, especially when she says, “I do it!”  I remember Enzo saying the exact same thing.  Thankfully, though, I can still count on her to always demand that I carry her to the living room in the morning, so she still acknowledges that she needs me for something.


I still remember when we found out we were having a girl and I was so uncertain about it.  I shouldn’t have been concerned at all.  Phoebe is such a fun mixture of girly-girl and tomboy.  She loves all things and purple and loves her pony tails (which I fail at miserably), but she is also a big fan of cars and trucks and while she may not enjoy getting her hands dirty she is a wild woman who climbs, jumps and has not trouble keeping up with her big brother.  She still loves to sing and dance and lately she wants to do “Ring-a-Rosie” all the time.


All too soon I’m going to stop hearing her say, “Hold you?” and it shall be a sad day indeed.  Someone tell this girl to slow down and not grow up so fast. I can’t take how fast this time is going by!!
