Category Archives: photos

Just Keep Swimming…

I probably should be repeating this over and over this week.  I figure it’s fitting since we just watched Finding Dory and this week has been a rough one, so I should probably remind myself to breathe more and Let It Go.  If Josh was here he’d probably help me with more Disney puns.  It’s been a stressful past week and the kids were thrown off by a few things, as well as Josh and I.  I think we all just want everything to get back to normal.


Two weekends ago we pulled the bouncy house outside, which thrilled the kids for about 15 minutes.  It was pretty hot, though, so I’m not surprised they didn’t last too long.  I wish all days they could play as well together, but they have two very different personalities and they’re each going through various developmental stages.


Quite often there is fussing and whining and “Enzo hit me” or “Phoebe took my toy” which is what I’m guessing he’s saying since really all I hear is high-pitched screaming.  We’re really working on the yelling/screaming lately.  Enzo’s first response to frustration or outrage or embarrassment is to scream and yell and now Phoebe is starting to do the same.  There are some days when I think my ear drums will burst.


His moods are rather like the tide.  He’ll have several good days or a great week and then suddenly something sets him off and it can be hard to get through the rough days and back on track.  Phoebe’s shenanigans are no help either as she’ll do things that are naughty and laugh at the negative reaction (like her brother freaking out).  Parenting is so exhausting.


There are some days where we are able to just laugh the chaos off because some things are just so absurd and ridiculous and exasperating and I’m trying more and more to laugh rather than cry.  I don’t know if I’ve told this story yet… but Phoebe can’t be trusted to be left alone – at all.  I left her in the bathroom on the toilet for maybe 15 seconds and came back to find that she had unrolled half the roll of toilet paper. There was just this massive pile of toilet paper on the ground.  I got her off and then Enzo came in saying he needed to pee, so I got her out of there and told Enzo if he needed toilet paper to just grab some from the pile since I needed a minute.  Well… I walk back in to find him with the huge wad of toilet paper in his hand blotting himself and not stopping him in time before he  dropped it all into the toilet.  I was pretty much speechless… it had been a long day and Josh legitimately thought I had lost my mind when I walked out of the bathroom and just threw my hands up in the air and started laughing hysterically.


They do have moments of sweetness, which are so hard to remember during those rough times when they try your patience and push every single button they can.  I’m trying to really respond to these moments, though.  Josh spent two nights in the hospital and Enzo cleaned up his floor a bit without asking for which I praised him greatly and he told me he’d take keep me safe while Josh was gone.





I guess we’ll just have to keep each other safe and do our best to get through each day.  I call a do-over on this past week, and the great thing is that like I tell Enzo we can choose to start-over and try to have a better day.  We choose how we react and we can choose to be mad/sad/frustrated all day or we can choose to accept that what’s done is done.  I may have “failed” in my mind as a parent this week, but I can do my best to turn that around.  I always make sure that I tell my kids I love them and apologize when I make a mistake as a parent. Tonight my plan is to start over.


Photo Dump – The Food Edition

Food plays a major role in our daily lives… sure it nourishes and sustains us, but it’s also just awesome. Because of that I apparently have a bunch of random pictures with food in them that never made it into any posts. Lest they feel left out, here they are given a chance to shine.


I honestly can’t remember the last time we had cupcakes… so sad.


I was never more proud than at this moment. Honestly, I haven’t bought a pint in a while either.

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Breakfast that Josh made me. MMMM.


We really need to go get more ice cream soon.

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Ah, yes. On the way home from our camping fail!

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They didn’t even want to try my Root Beer Float… so sad.


This Blue Apron burger was so good.


Phoebe’s take on dinner.

Happy Friday, All!


Day In The Life – July 4th Edition

Time for another Day In The Life post!  For previous posts see here, here, here, here or here.

A holiday is never a typical day, but I figured it would be more fun.  I also decided to just use my phone and had Josh take pictures as well.  Funnily enough I thought I would take more photos if I just stuck with my phone, but I think I usually take more photos for these posts when I pull out my big camera.

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While it could have been earlier, I still wasn’t thrilled to wake up before 6:00 on Monday, so I decided to let the kids crawl in our bed and watch some TV while Josh and I dozed on and off.

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The kids went to the store with me the day previously and Enzo had picked out donuts, so we had those for breakfast.  It turns out the kids don’t like cream filled out donuts, so more for Josh and I. 😉

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Knowing it was going to be a late night and that the kids needed naps, we nixed anymore TV and I tried to keep them occupied with random activities throughout the morning while Josh and I did a little tidying up in the kitchen.


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The kids had some fun with perler beads.  Enzo decided not to keep his truck design, but Phoebe decided to keep her ice cream cone. The bigger beads are perfect for tiny hands, and let’s face it, me too.

Continue reading

Father, Dad, Papa… you get the idea.

I woke up unusually invigorated and chipper this morning.  I remember at some point last night I woke up in Phoebe’s bed and she wanted to switch to our bed, so this morning I woke up with little toes burrowed into my side and the sound of Josh already in the living room with Enzo who decided to wake up early today. I don’t think Josh was amused by all of our unexplainable energy. Maybe (just maybe) I’ll let him sleep in a bit on Sunday since it is Father’s Day after all. And because of that, I thought I’d throw a little love his way.


Dear Josh,

While it may be annoying that the kids probably think of you as the fun parent, I appreciate so much that you are fun with our kids.  It’s the moments where you all play silly games together that they will look back on one day.  Even when they are teenagers and think you are so embarrassing and we all try to pretend we don’t know you, they (and me) will always be grateful for your sense of humor and fun loving spirit.


Your super awesome and humble wife.



Through the ups and downs, we’ve been a fairly decent team when it comes to parenting and I’m glad to have you as my partner in this whole raising kids thing. You’re the yin to my yang and the peanut butter to my jelly… or maybe the frosting to my cupcake. Either way, you’re necessary and together we made some pretty adorable kiddos who think you’re pretty awesome too.


Last, but certainly not least, a thank you to my own dad who gifted me my first camera and instilled in me a sense of wanderlust and appreciation for the beauty that is all around us.  Some of my favorite memories will always be of waking up early to go on explorations and long drives.


Feathered Friend and Contemplation


“You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.”
Mary Oliver

