Category Archives: photos

Como Zoo

We went to the Como Zoo this past Saturday and had a very nice day overall. Josh’s younger sister Jenny joined us in our adventure, and we had a good time. There aren’t a huge variety of animals, but there is a beautiful conservatory, and they had butterflies as well, which was one of my favorite things, aside from the large kitties. Unfortunately, a lot of the animals were indoors napping, and due to very poor lighting and dirty windows, we couldn’t get good pictures of some of them. However, here are some highlights from the day.

It was a bit chilly this weekend – we went north to camp out at a B-Day party for a friend of Josh’s family – people he’s known for years. We did a little fishing, and sadly the only thing I caught is pictured below. I didn’t even realize it was on my line when I reeled it in. I had felt a nibble, and thought I lost it, but no… it was just really tiny.

Josh’s first catch of the day was about the same.

From there he caught two more about this size, but alas, no bass for us.

Some very nice views, though.

Hooray for Spring

Because of the nice weather we were finally able to open up the window for the kitties and they have been thoroughly enjoying themselves.

And I finally got a picture of the squirrel in the birdhouse. They flip open the lid and jump right in. :p