Category Archives: photos

Year In Review

It’s no surprise that last year pretty much revolved around thing… or rather, one person. We took a spontaneous trip to New Ulm for New Year’s last year and then pretty much prepared for the little man’s arrival.

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We have managed to take Enzo to the Biggest Ball of Twine when he was only a few weeks old, and he’s joined us at a few wineries as well. My only excuse for not getting out and doing more with him is that it was a really hot summer (and he’s a little heater), we live in the middle of nowhere and it takes a good 45 minutes or more to really get anywhere, and we’re new parents… it’s a pain to pack up everything and since Enzo spends a good hour and a half in his car seat almost every day… he really doesn’t want to spend time in it on the weekends.

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This next year (once it warms up) I’m sure we’ll get out more often, though, since once we do arrive, generally Enzo is really glad to people watch and hang out.  He loves getting to sit in shopping carts now and is pretty good in his stroller if we’re at the mall, as long as he gets to stretch now and then.

Other notable things for us this year were getting a new bedroom set and new desks for the office, which I realized I never took pictures of… maybe when it’s not a mess. 😉


Enzo also got to go on his first airplane ride, and we (I) learned just how much stuff we actually need to pack for a trip away from home with baby vs. what we actually brought with us.  Oh the insanity.  Next time we’ll be much more organized.

It’s been a good year overall, but has gone by far too quickly.  Now, we’ll just look forward to warmer weather when we can get out and do more.  This lady his major cabin fever.

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Happy New Year!

A Day in the Life…

I thought it would be fun to chronicle an entire day in photos… if anything perhaps to show me where the time goes?  These are from Sunday the 23rd, so we were doing a lot of cleaning (I swear I helped even though it looks like Josh was doing all the cleaning), and just hanging out.  It’s amazing how much of our day revolves around baby… not that that’s a bad thing, it just makes me wonder what I did with my time before. :p

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A few of my favorite things…

Right now I am loving how  many more veggies are ready for harvesting… we have tomatoes turning red (finally), onions, jalepeños, and even some carrots!  I can’t wait until we have a yard where I can try other things as well.

Despite their small size, Josh said the carrot (or at least the one that was darker) tasted really good!  Hooray for growing food!

Josh is away for the day (hanging with the boys), so I spent a few hours cleaning, which felt really good, watched a couple of movies, and then spent some time outside with the cats doing a little reading, and finding the cutest little frog on my marigolds.  I almost didn’t even see him, but noticed something looked off, so I got closer, and there he was!

Now I think it’s time for a cup of tea and some more reading, I think. Tomorrow we’re going to see Captain America, and it should be a good way to end a pretty relaxing weekend. Maybe I’ll even get some sewing done as I have a pile of things to fix for Josh (buttons and things that are so easy to fix, but also so easy to put off). 😉

Every weekend should be three days!

We ended up having both a relaxing and productive holiday weekend, and really the only thing that could be better would be if every weekend was 3 days long. After a crazy windy storm on Friday night, we got up Saturday morning to drive to IKEA to pick up a buffet/sideboard/whatever you wish to call it. As much as I hate how busy IKEA always is, I love it so. Josh and I walk around and pick out the styles we like and plan our next house out.  I like a decent mix of modern and traditional, whereas Josh is usually more traditional. Anyway, we managed to get a buffet and a new coffee table to boot (no more banged knees)! We also got a couple of pans and some mice for the cats… because why not?

And an awesome rug that may or may not be for small children… hey, we’re having kids one of these days, and now our hot wheels have a place to race. :p

Catnip coma…

Sunday we decided to start the day off right with breakfast! I have never made biscuits and gravy from scratch, and it’s so easy! Plus, we got to break in our new table outside! Exclamation points!!

After that it was movie time, and we decided our theme would be movies that we hadn’t seen in a really long time or not at all, and so it went: Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Akira, Caddy Shack and Penn & Teller Get Killed. We also watched some X-Files and Game of Thrones – how can there be so few likeable characters? Ugh.

Monday was more of the same, starting with breakfast – you can never go wrong with Eggs in a Basket.

We hung pictures from our honeymoon road trip and then it was time for kebabs and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, because what better way to finish up a long weekend?

At least it’s a short work week, right? Then it’s just counting down the days for the next 3-day weekend. 😉