Category Archives: photos

4 Years

Today marks 4 years of marriage for Josh and I.  We’ve been together a total of 7 years, and it’s amazing to think just how quickly that time has passed and how much has changed.  I also realized that I never actually posted many pictures from our wedding either… mostly just on Facebook for family and friends to see, but not much beyond that.  So, I’m going to post a bunch now simply because I loved our wedding. 🙂

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We had our wedding reception in a barn, which I had always wanted.  Plus, the price was right and it was ours the entire day with lots of room outside for the ceremony and to just enjoy the day afterwards.

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We made pretty much everything ourselves.  It didn’t always save us money, but it definitely made everything more personal (the tables were each named after a random place we’d gone to).  We had so much help from family and friends the day of when it came time to set up and then take down – we couldn’t have done it alone, and I’m so grateful for all the help we received that day.

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Yep, we had a candy bar… cliche, but so perfect and it was gone fast!

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We had a mix of elements going on what with paper cranes and a variety of sari fabrics I’d collected for use in the middle.  I also love marigolds, so there were pots of those at each table.  We had chopsticks at each plate because we went with Chinese Buffet for the meal.  Needless to say, it was a big hit.

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Getting ready time!  Not the most glamorous place to get ready, but having someone else do my makeup and hair wasn’t in the budget. Plus… I didn’t want to risk looking too different than what I look like normally.

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And I didn’t even end up having to do my own hair, anyway. 😉

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First look kiss.

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More color!  Kind of an ongoing theme.

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My brother got ordained online and married us, and was definitely the perfect way to go. Josh and I didn’t want a long ceremony (short and sweet is more our style), and we were able to make it our own. Daniel started things off Princess Bride style (“Mawage is wot bwings us togedder tooday”) and about 10 minutes later we were married.  Yeah, we didn’t realize it was going to be quite that short, but never actually did a practiced read-through.  Whoops!

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Husband and wife!

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Oh yeah, Chinese food.

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Yes, that is our cake.  So much fun!

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Also, very tasty.  It was funfetti because we are 12.

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While there was some dancing, neither of us really enjoy it, so we decided that we’d rent a projector and have Rock Band available to play.  Lots of fun, especially since Rock Band was much more popular 4 years ago. Does anyone play Rock Band anymore??

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Further evidence as to how organized we were… we almost forgot to sign the marriage certificate entirely.  Thankfully Lyle (the fabulous man behind the camera) reminded us that we should probably do that.

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And then the night was soon over, but not until we lit our lantern.  Full of many wishes and hopes for the future… many of which have most certainly come true.

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Happy Anniversary, Babe.


Capturing the moment

We had family photos taken in May, so I thought I should actually share them this time considering the last time we had photos taken I completely forgot to share any of them at all. We went with Voss Photography both times and couldn’t have been more pleased. It was a really windy day, so I’m just glad they managed to get some great shots of the kids especially. We received a lot of good prints, but I just picked a few favorites to include here.


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Love this look!  Ha ha. 


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I could just squish her!



Photo… Dump? Deposit?

Photo dump just sounds so… blech, even though that’s kind of what this post is.  I take so many photos of the kids and random things and end up editing them and uploading them, but don’t always use them in posts.  So, I thought I’d just do a random mish mash post of things that happened and sort of fell through the cracks in the last few months.


I love making cookies, but when I do I never hear the end of it and Enzo won’t stop talking about them, and he’d sit down and go through the entire batch in one sitting if we let him.


It’s hard not to take about a million photos of this little girl… especially since her brother doesn’t like to sit still anymore and is more interested in what’s going on behind the camera than being in front of it.


She’s not quite as serious as she was a few months ago.  Now she seems to be constantly smiling moving – not that that’s a bad thing!


Sigh… soon she won’t be using the Bumbo.  She’s been doing so good with sitting up on her own. I still tend to stay really close, but even when she falls over she does it in such a graceful way… not like Enzo who would suddenly just tip and BAM.  I guess he got that from me.


Mmm… cake. I should make more of this.  However, the caramel sauce that day did NOT cooperate. Why do I have such trouble with caramel??


This guy can be so serious as well… his determination lives on, however now that he’s a 2 year old he makes it known when he gets frustrated.  Sometimes he’ll just stay silent for a minute and huff, but other times he yells – more like roars – and throws whatever has made him mad.


In this case, he happened to be mad at Elmo for some reason.  Or me… and he was taking it out on Elmo.  That happens sometimes. So far we haven’t had to deal with much grumpiness from Phoebe (though I’m sure that will come), so let’s just end this post with another ray of sunshine, shall we?


Light that soothes

There’s something magical about that time of evening when the light is golden.  There tends to be a certain amount of quietness in our house when that takes place, which only adds to the serenity of the moment.


When Josh was traveling for work, and it was just the kids and I, it felt especially quiet after they were both in bed.  Even the cats were quiet downstairs, and I could take a moment to just breathe before tidying everything up.


Even the mess feels and looks different as the sun sets.  I almost feel like we should all sit and be still while the light is golden… let everything wait for just a little bit.


Everything will still be there, and by the time the warm glow is gone, won’t we all feel so much more relaxed and ready to take on whatever nighttime tasks need to be managed? Rather than rushing around and rushing around until finally it’s all done and we want to collapse.  Maybe we’d be less snippy with each other and more patient if we allowed ourselves those few moments.
