Category Archives: photos

Photo Dump

There isn’t a lot going on right now, and I’ve got a bunch of random photos that never made it into posts either because other pictures were used instead or they never worked anywhere (which would explain why they look familiar), so now seems as good of a time as any to put them somewhere.  If you only knew just how many photos were on my computer… soooo many.  When you’ve got two kids constantly moving the best thing is to just keep snapping and just hope for a decent shot or two.


Still obsessed with cars and trucks.


I wonder if we’ll have a musician on our hands… she LOVES all things musical.


Ack, that grin.


So glad her eczema cleared up with age!


Hey, look!  Food!  Remember when I used to take pictures of what we were eating?  Ah, the days before kids… now I barely have time to compose any shots at all… good or bad.



Still working on getting this kid to try new things… we’ll get there.


Will her eyes stay blue like Enzo’s?  Hard to say.



Friday Funday!

Today is my favorite kind of fall day.  Driving to work it was overcast and the clouds had hints of not only grey, but bits of blue and gold.  That combined with falling leaves and muted Fall colors made the morning seem very dramatic. Perfect for curling up with a thrilling book… preferably in front of a window with a lakeside view – might as well go big since I’m imagining this entire scenario.

Rather than links, how about an awesome picture of Phoebe that wins?

Happy Friday!



Photo Dump

Some pictures that never made it into posts, so I’m sticking them here.  Also, it’s Monday, and after yesterday’s very productive day of organizing, today seems like a good day to do more sorting and organizing.  So… putting these photos here is sort of like organizing. 😉



I received these flowers after Josh’s first trip to Maryland for work.  His supervisor/rep person had them sent to the house for me. Very unexpected!


I love how golden the light is in our living room.


Little Miss is just about to outgrow her favorite toy.  I pull it out and her face lights up and she would bounce for days if you let her.


Aww, her hair was so patchy. Uzi still gives her some head-butts, but not nearly as many now.


Are words even needed for this picture?  What a ham.


What a squish. Her hair was just getting long enough to start sticking straight up.


And this guy.  Popular with both our munchkins.  It was only fitting to take a picture of someone we used to spend so much time with on a daily basis whether it be movies or otherwise. 😉


Morning coloring.  He loves doing the letters of his name and telling us what shapes to draw. I’m imagining his future excitement when he can draw them himself.


Fireworks and Currently

Another nice thing about our deck, is that we’re close enough to watch the city’s fireworks every year… not super close (had to zoom in a bit), but close enough. 😉  They aren’t perfect and most are a tad blurry, but I like how so many of them look like flowers… so….




Still reading ‘Life After Life’ by Kate Atkinson, but I’ve also added a few other books as well.  Don’t ask me why since I rarely have any time to read.  I’m happy to say that ‘Life After Life’ has gotten more interesting as I’ve gotten further into it.  The concept is unique and it’s also a bit thought-provoking as you watch and wait to see what the main character (Ursula) will change as she is reborn again and again.


I’m just about finished listening to ‘Outliers’, so I don’t know that it really counts as reading. I tend to think not, but it’s nice to have something to listen to in the car.  So far it’s been really fascinating and dives into what is behind the success of some of the most successful people in the United States (past and present).  One of the biggest things really just seems to be circumstance. Sure, hard work helps, but if the right circumstances don’t present themselves… too bad?  As much as I wanted to say how ridiculous that was and deny that some people just don’t stand a chance despite their brilliance or otherwise… the more I thought about it, it actually makes sense.  So, take advantage of any opportunities that come your way!


As far as television series go – nothing new here. I’ll keep you posted if we decide to try anything new.  We’ve watched a few movies, though, including ‘The Lego Movie.’  I think going into this I had pretty high expectations because of all the hype, so maybe that wasn’t fair. I’m going to say it, though… I wasn’t all that impressed. Sure, it had some clever moments and the incredible randomness made sense in the end, but I still really felt kind of “meh” overall.  I also finally watched ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel,’ which I very much enjoyed. A wonderful cast as can always be expected of a Wes Anderson film, and I was not let down.


Working on cutting back on sugar, salt, breads, etc. I started a program recently designed specifically for moms since it really focuses on your core and regaining that strength by offering exercises that won’t make DR (diastasis rectis) or in my case, my umbilical hernia worse than it is already.  I’ll do a blog post on that later. In the meantime, though, I’ve had a few major cheats, but I’m getting better about paying attention to what I’m eating and really making an effort to add in more good-for-me foods.  I’m not stressing about the slip-ups, though.  Some days I may still have 2 cups of coffee and I might just eat that donut.  😉  I’m fully aware that it’s up to me if I want to change the way I look, and maybe over the next week or so I’ll make more of an effort.


Being a mom. I’ll fully admit that some days I can’t wait until everyone is asleep because we’re all cranky and tired or whatever, but most days are fun. Enzo has reached that toddler point where he’s always coming up with something new and can be really imaginative, and I LOVE it!  There are also times where his tantrums are over something so ridiculous that it’s really hard not to laugh and we have to quickly turn around and take a deep breath and not let him see.  Phoebe is also a lot of fun, but has reached that point where she doesn’t want her nose wiped or her face and hands, and there’s a lot of that some days.  Every day they give me some reason to smile, though, and what more can you ask for than that?

Thinking About

My upcoming hernia surgery – woot!?  It’s really not a big deal. Fast recovery, but Enzo will not be happy that I can’t pick him up very often and not at all in the beginning.  Otherwise, I’m also thinking about family coming to visit, and it was the perfect push to get us to rearrange a little downstairs.  Josh and I decided to split up our offices, so mine is now combined with the guest bedroom/Josh’s games.  We thought about trying to combine Josh with the guest room and his games, but since he often works from home, it isn’t a good arrangement for his office to share the guest room. I’m just glad we’re finally getting things really organized. Those two rooms have been the scary zone of the house for about a year now.  That’s kind of sad.

Now, if you want a bunch of firework flowers… Read More. Continue reading

Photo Dump

I take a lot of photos… usually of the kids or other things with the intent that they’ll end up on the blog, but then time passes and they’re quickly out of date.  So, the photo dump.  Just be glad I’m not dumping all of the hundreds and hundreds of photos I take that just end up on my hard drive, hopefully to put into a photo book one day when I have time.


Playing one of Enzo’s favorite games.


Really trying to crawl... with much less hair than she has now.

Really trying to crawl… with much less hair than she has now.

Reading with Daddy.

Reading with Daddy.

Love the Uzi/Phoebe love.

Love the Uzi/Phoebe love.

Oh, hey, mom.

Oh, hey, mom.

Why is she not this little anymore??

Why is she not this little anymore??


Serious boy.

Just a little unsteady.

Just a little unsteady.

Duckies that are now too small.

Duckies that are now too small.