Category Archives: photos

3 Years Old

It’s hard to believe that today our Enzo is 3 years old.  How is it that so much time can pass in the blink of an eye?  I know every mom says that, but it’s oh so very true.  I will never forget the day I became a mom and the moment he was put in my arms.  No one can prepare you for the moment you first hold your child and see the face you’ve been picturing in your mind for so long.  They feel like old friends and you experience the kind of overwhelming love that only a parent can understand.  It’s safe to say that our son’s arrival was one of the best days of my life (and one of the most difficult).  I will forever remember his squishy cheeks and how we laughed when we realized he wouldn’t fit into his going home outfit because he was too big for it.



You are strong-willed and spirited, and because of this I know you will be successful in whatever you choose to do one day.  You don’t take no for an answer, which is often exasperating at this stage in your life, but one day this persistence will pay off.  You’re a risk taker, but also cautious and know your limits.  You’re determined and fairly independent, which is quite nice when you decide to wake up early and turn on the lights and play by yourself while letting your parents sleep in.


You’re clever and curious and also very observant.  You often catch things that others around you don’t, and I know I can count on your keen eye to spot bald eagles or other fun things when we’re in the car together.  Maybe one day we’ll finally see that elephant you’re always looking for. In the meantime, your imagination is big and we love listening to the games you come up with as well as the stories you tell.


One of your most endearing qualities is how much you care about your little sister. You don’t like to see her sad and (usually) like to lend your assistance in taking care of her, especially during day care drop off when you make sure she sits down to eat her food.  You like to read to her and include her in your games (even when she isn’t always as cooperative as you’d like).  You are nurturing and sweet and take such good care of her and your animal friends.


You are mischievous with a naughty laugh and a grin with the cutest dimple and you’ve already discovered that your parents will often cave if you’re being ridiculously cute.  This will sometimes earn you extra snuggle time in front of the TV when you should be sleeping and extra treats that we share in secret.  I hope we’ll always have these special stolen moments, even when you’re much too cool to hang out with your mom and watch things like Downton Abbey with her.  Love you, Stinker!


Photo Dump

A handful of photos from the past however many months.  I’m still baffled by the fact that we don’t seem to do all that much and yet never seem to have time to do anything.  How is this possible??

Mickey and Minnie… because there are only so many years we’ll be able to dress them alike.



Our gamer baby, playing with Daddy when he was laid up.


When she was learning to walk still and discovered the light switch.


All of the coloring!


A couple from our last minute Duluth train excursion.

2014-12-13 20.07.30

2014-12-13 20.07.41

And some more Sesame Street Live.



One of Phoebe’s favorite toys that we have to hide from her because she likes to put the tiny cars in her mouth. :p  Oh, you should see her dance to the music, though.


And some delicious food that I am now craving.  NOM.  Fry bread smothered in beans, beef, sweet potatoes, green chilies, cheese,  and who knows what else.


Day In the Life

I haven’t done a Day in the Life post in about a year, so I decided last month to do one. I’m sure at some point it’ll be fun to look back and remember how we spent our weekends – as of now, most of our days are pretty similar to one another.  Not pictured are the most chaotic moments from that day (dinner time, bathtime, bedtime).  This was also from when Enzo wasn’t staying in his room, which is why the last picture is of Josh sitting in the hallway.






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Yearly Holiday Card

One of my favorite things about this time of year is mail – especially the holiday cards and year-in-review cards we receive from family and friends who we haven’t seen in a long time.  When you have kids it’s so easy for a year to go by in an instant and while social media makes quick catch-ups so easy, it’s not as personal as receiving something via the good ole USPS.  Even if it’s just a photo card, we enjoy getting them (I use the blog as an excuse to not write a year end letter). 😉

When we first decided to send out a holiday card we knew we didn’t want to do a standard photo because it’s not really “us,” so now each year we try to come up with a unique idea, which is both a lot more fun and difficult with kids added into the mix.


The year we got married and the start of a tradition.



This was the year we found out we were going to be parents, so this idea was actually inspired by a friend who posted a screenshot from ‘Alien’ to my Facebook wall when we announced the news.



I knew I wanted to do this when I realized that Enzo would be big enough to sit up on his own by the time we need to take the photo.  Nom nom, babies!



This year, I don’t have a picture of – we went for your standard collage card because Phoebe was a newborn and we didn’t have the energy to do anything creative.


There really is no explanation needed is there?  Let me just say it is not easy to get two children this young to cooperate for one photo.  It was a fun one, though.



We already have a plan for next year, and it’s going to be spectacular and take some sewing on my part, so I should probably start now since I don’t really sew.

Photo Dump

I really need to come up with an alternative to photo “dump.”  I just don’t like that word…  Here we are, though, with a bunch of pictures and no place for them to be, so I’m giving them a home here because I can, and also because I’m not going to be posting as much this month in general.  I’ve decided to change the blog (this time it’ll be the last time), but it will take some time to move everything, so in the meantime I want to focus on that a bit and not add too much more to this blog that will just need to be moved later.  I figure we might as well start off 2015 fresh, so that is my plan.

Anyhoo… pictures!


Alas, photos like this are a thing of the past as Enzo is waaay too loud for the cats and Phoebe is now far too mobile and doesn’t understand “gentle.”



Before she was a stair master.  We’ve had a couple of tumbles, but for the most part she can go up and down by herself.


I haven’t done a Munchkin Meals linkup in a bit, but it wouldn’t be much different then before except that Enzo has gotten a tad more picky in many ways and only ever wants pizza.  Go figure.


This lady started the day care food program this week, which thankfully saves me some time as I don’t have to pack a lunch for her now.  Food of any kind is hit or miss with Enzo, but Phoebe will try just about anything… at the very least I can count on her to eat all her fruits and veggies, so what more could you want?


These two are still hooked on firetrucks.



Yep.  It’s been a long week with much interrupted sleep, so Happy Tuesday.