I think Enzo has gone through a growth spurt, or I’ve been turning a blind eye to the fact that he’s growing – that they both are. All of the sudden his ankles are sticking out from below pant legs and while he remains skinny as a rail, we’ll have to go up a size to account for his legs being too long. He’s growing in so many ways and it’s fascinating to watch him in this in-between stage. The stage where he wants to hold onto some of his baby/toddler-hood, but on the other hand he wants to learn how to read and figures things out so quickly. I was playing a video game with him last night and he was showing me how to do certain things. He has a very serious and inquisitive mind and that combined with his… determination, shall we say? will take him far.
Phoebe is very much a toddler, and while she has her moments, I wouldn’t say her two’s are all that terrible. Does that mean we have drama coming in her three’s? Perhaps. We’re at that stage where she changes her mind fifteen times in 5 minutes and everything seems to fall apart if we haven’t guessed correctly what she will choose. She has epic pouts and the other day she did the full-on fake crying with fists on her eyes. It was fairly hilarious. She’s also that stage where more often than not she does not wish to get dressed, or is okay about getting dressed, but not in those clothes – definitely not those socks, and let’s make a game of it. Most mornings we’re okay with it, and since I’m usually getting ready myself while Josh gets them dressed (unless one of them demands that Mommy do it) he can probably add child/alligator wrangling to his resume under Skills.
Parenting is a glorious, chaotic, exhausting and rewarding thing.