Category Archives: On My Mind

Things they say and do…

I think Enzo has gone through a growth spurt, or I’ve been turning a blind eye to the fact that he’s growing – that they both are. All of the sudden his ankles are sticking out from below pant legs and while he remains skinny as a rail, we’ll have to go up a size to account for his legs being too long.  He’s growing in so many ways and it’s fascinating to watch him in this in-between stage. The stage where he wants to hold onto some of his baby/toddler-hood, but on the other hand he wants to learn how to read and figures things out so quickly. I was playing a video game with him last night and he was showing me how to do certain things.  He has a very serious and inquisitive mind and that combined with his… determination, shall we say? will take him far.


Phoebe is very much a toddler, and while she has her moments, I wouldn’t say her two’s are all that terrible. Does that mean we have drama coming in her three’s?  Perhaps. We’re at that stage where she changes her mind fifteen times in 5 minutes and everything seems to fall apart if we haven’t guessed correctly what she will choose. She has epic pouts and the other day she did the full-on fake crying with fists on her eyes. It was fairly hilarious. She’s also that stage where more often than not she does not wish to get dressed, or is okay about getting dressed, but not in those clothes – definitely not those socks, and let’s make a game of it. Most mornings we’re okay with it, and since I’m usually getting ready myself while Josh gets them dressed (unless one of them demands that Mommy do it) he can probably add child/alligator wrangling to his resume under Skills.






Parenting is a glorious, chaotic, exhausting and rewarding thing.

Probably going to ramble…

January is always a weird month.  It’s typically slow after months of being busy, and it’s also usually the coldest month.  It’s also generally the time of year my body decides to get sick. All things considered, it’s really only been a meh kind of month this year. I’ve been having some tension headaches (I think), but also have been experiencing some vertigo, so probably something going on with my ears or mild migraines? I do sometimes get the flashing light sensation. However, I don’t know that migraines are mild?  Maybe I’m just dehydrated…


I haven’t really been taking photos as often lately, so these are a little old. I do have some I need/want to sort through on my computer, but at the same time I just feel meh and don’t really feel like sitting in my cold office and doing anything. I can’t even tell you how many nights I’ve just wanted to stay curled up in Phoebe’s bed after she falls asleep even though it’s only 8:00. I get up tired and cold and any motivation falls by the wayside as I curl up in bed with a book or a TV show and 1-3 cats. There are so many things I want to do and need to do, but just don’t have it in me lately.


We haven’t gotten out much, though we did get out for a bit this past weekend to see an Ice Castle. The kids got cold fairly quick, though, despite being bundled up like marshmallows and neither of them wanted to walk. My camera battery died after a couple of pictures and it wasn’t long before Enzo asked to go home. There was a lot of fussing and whining while we tried to get them out of snowsuits with our own hands frozen and I may have had a moment where I kind of lost my head for a moment – yelled really loudly (which did get everyone’s attention), but also felt a tad embarrassed when I realized my door was open and there were lots of other families in the parking lot. Not my finest moment. We probably should have waited for a warmer day, but the previous 2 or 3 weekends have been spent in the house and I needed out.


I think it’s just my typical seasonal funk and I have to deal with it as I do every year. Granted, we’ve had some extra stress so that doesn’t help things either. I’m just trying to take it one day at a time and am allowing myself to just be meh for the rest of the month. Come February I’m going to give myself a stern talking to and make some changes. I’ve been a tad too lenient with myself and allowed myself to wallow and procrastinate long enough. So, time to make the most of the rest of this week and binge watch some more Grey’s Anatomy and Downton Abbey because you know I picked up the full season today and can now finish it at a much more desirable pace.

Let there be snow!

I’ve never actually wanted snow as much as I do now. I’m not a fan of cold rain and would take snow over sleet any day. Plus, everything is just dreary and mucky right now. Where’s the snow, Minnesota??  I’m crossing my fingers that we get some before 2016, ideally over our 4 day weekend. We’ll be spending lots of time with family and hopefully hanging out playing games, relaxing and attempting de-stressing before the year comes to an end. I’m going to try and get as many snuggles as possible from my two munchkins this weekend. While it’s great that Phoebe loves her new big girl bed, I’m not gonna lie… I kind of miss waking up in the middle of the night with her snuggled up next to me.  Enzo will sometimes come snuggle, but he’s super squirmy. Ha ha.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Holidays, everyone!



Constantly Busy

The weekend was busy and once again I’m reminded that children are way more easily affected by lack of routine and sleep then I’d sometimes like to think. They were up a bit late Friday night, which wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that Enzo didn’t want to take a nap on Saturday and even though Phoebe did, she was a tad more clingy than usual. We’re also learning that we really, really need to limit all screen time and come up with some household rules because it is becoming apparent that too much screen time is making children (and I think occasionally the adults) more prone to crankiness.  It was still a fairly productive weekend with some fun mixed in, though.  It’s funny how different Enzo and Phoebe are and how it becomes more obvious as they get older.  For instance, if I announce we’re going to get of the house and go shopping, Phoebe will get excited and want to leave immediately. Enzo, on the other hand will immediately say, “I don’t want to go shopping.”


He’d much rather stay at home with his Dad and snack and play video games or watch TV.  I knew that there had been too much time in the house, though, and made the executive decision to take us all to the mall.  It probably serves me right that the kids were full of energy and completely uncooperative and into everything. Thankfully most people were in a great mood and didn’t mind when our circus crossed their path.  We had one mom with teenagers laughing because she remembered those days (as I chased Phoebe down an aisle while Enzo went the opposite direction), and a couple of young girls were laughing at Phoebe’s antics as she attempted to outrun me a second time.  You’ve also go to love the limp noodle when you try to pick them up and suddenly you have a toddler laying on the floor at your feet.  At that point I had to laugh because we must have looked like a complete and total joke and like the most inept parents unable to control two small children.  There are just those days, though, you know?


Thankfully it isn’t always like herding cats when we take them out, so I suppose we’ll keep allowing them out of the house. 😉

Sunshine and Giddiness!

I have no idea why I’m in such a fabulous mood, but I am. Maybe it’s just the time of year, maybe it’s the fact that it’s 40 degrees outside, or maybe it’s because I’m having a great hair day and get to leave work early.  Who cares?  It’s sunny outside and life feels great right now.  Granted, not everyone woke up feeling that way this morning, which was sort of funny in a way.


Enzo came stumbling into our bathroom while I was in the shower because he needed to pee and Josh came to tell me that Phoebe was also up… but wouldn’t let him get her. She was demanding that I come get her. That was kind of the theme for the morning and she wanted nothing to do with leaving the house and threw a major tantrum.  Thankfully it ended, though I admit we were all kind of yelling – mostly to be heard over her because Enzo was also yelling about how he wanted candy because he was being good and wouldn’t drop it, all the while Phoebe is screaming and doesn’t want her coat or hat. Finally I think I yelled at Josh and he yelled back, so I started mock yelling/tantruming and we were all good again.


See?  Nothing is stopping my annoyingly good mood today! I may have to rush a bit to get ready for the work party we’re going to tonight, but I’m looking forward to it. I just made the mistake of buying a dress I have to iron… I’m usually very good about not buying high maintenance clothes too. Oh well, good mood prevails!

Happy Friday, World!