Category Archives: On My Mind

A little bit of nothing really

I’m dragging today for some reason. I grudgingly had to pull myself out of bed and have been kind of tired all day. I suppose I didn’t go to bed as early as I could have, but there are shows to watch and steps to take and books to read!  Cats don’t realize how easy they’ve got it. They get to sleep all day. Jerks.



No one ever moves a sleeping cat, right?  They’re all warm and cozy and purr. I never know where I’ll find them. Typically Uzi sleeps on our bed, but I’ve noticed that Enzo’s blanket often has a lot of black kitty hair on it.  Ziggy is usually under our bed unless Vega bugs her and then sometimes she’s under our dresser or who knows where. Vega tends to be everywhere. She’ll usually wait for me outside Phoebe’s door and the other night I tripped on her because she was sleeping on the bathroom rug.  One of the favorite perches is the ledge in the entry way, though.


I would love to be able to stretch out in a nice bit of sunlight and just take a nap and get all nice and toasty. The next best thing is snuggling a cat who’s been in the sun and Vega is getting better about being picked up and cuddled. She is without a doubt MY cat.


She doesn’t talk much, but every so often she’ll do a really quiet squeaky mew at me when she runs up to me. It’s kind of adorable. I also love her crooked whiskers that look like they had a bad perm job. Unfortunately she still loves torturing Uzi, and often chases Ziggy, but usually just wants to cuddle with her. It’s kind of adorable.

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Okay, I’ve had way too many cat update posts lately, which tells me I’m not getting out enough. I think that’ll start changing soon, though. I feel like we need to have a game night or something in the near future – especially once the weather warms up. Either way, I’ve got to get out!!

Snow one day, sun the next!

I really don’t have much today, and I’m really hoping that my body/mind reboot this weekend so that Monday I feel more like myself.  In the meantime, we have a 3-day weekend ahead of us because day care is closed for annual training tomorrow, so timing is perfect. I’m feeling burned out and could use an extra day, which is also why I got the brilliant idea to take the kids on a field trip. I contemplated getting a lot done around the house and possibly starting potty training with Phoebe, but instead we’re going to go spend a little time in the car and go to the National Eagle Center and play it by ear. I’m not in the mood to adult and responsible things can be done on Saturday.  My brain needs to get out, I think, and not be stared in the face by all of the things that are a tad overwhelming right now.

Now, in order to tie-in these photos that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, but are from a random evening, I’m ready to “jump” into the weekend. Hooray for really bad puns!





Unfortunately the really funny photos that caught Phoebe falling down the stairs (don’t worry, she didn’t get hurt) were dark and really blurry.  Curse our dark living room!

Let’s wrap it up!

Bring on the weekend!  We’re in for a busy one, but hopefully we’ll get some rest and relaxation in as well.  Tomorrow morning Enzo and I are going to his early childhood screening thing and then probably will do some grocery shopping since he has been chowing down on strawberries and we’re about out. Then on Sunday a friend is turning 4, so the kids are looking forward to that party as well.

I don’t expect to learn much at his screening simply because we know he’s on track… he’s smart and his eyesight and hearing seem to be good, so… I guess we’ll see. Day care thinks we need to mention how active he is and that his listening skills aren’t always the best, but at that age aren’t most kids that way?  Sure, his tantrums might be a little intense, but he’s just an emotional guy.  With age he’ll learn how to handle his emotions as long as we help him learn how, so if anything we need to learn how to do what’s best for him.


We try not to spend too much time with video games and TV, but the kid has a knack for it. He learns quickly and really enjoys it.  Sometimes it surprises me just how quickly he picks some of this stuff up and I have to ask him how to do something. He’s also been working a lot on sounding out letters and learning how to read and all that good stuff. We do try to make sure he’s active too.  As for Phoebe… well…


While Enzo might be more like me in personality, Phoebe is my spirit creature. We like to curl up and read or watch movies and too much TV doesn’t affect Phoebe the way it does Enzo.  Granted, she is entering the sassy twos right now,  and it’s sometimes hysterical to see how Enzo handles her random and ridiculous meltdowns. He already has the eye-roll and heavy sigh down.  Ha ha.  As they both get bigger I find myself trying to hang onto their “babyhood” as long as possible welcoming the snuggles whenever I can and probably letting them getting away with more than they should since I’m a sucker for dimples and toothy grins.  They know it too.



Happy Little Trees

We’ve decided starting sometime this weekend (either Saturday or Sunday) we’re going to have a week of no TV/Kindles/etc. and only limited smart phone usage (especially in the evenings).  Since we’ve been cutting back anyway, I’m hoping the kids won’t notice it too much… except on weekends. That’s usually when games are played and the idea is to not turn it on at all. Thankfully we’ve got plenty of stuff to do, and the weather should be nice, so perhaps we’ll get out a bit.


The kids have both been on a painting and coloring kick lately, and for that I am eternally grateful to Crayola for making washable paint.  While Josh and I were doing some rearranging, the kids very quietly got into the paints. Thankfully they were mostly painting paper, but the paint had also made it onto the rug and their clothes.  They then moved on to stickers… which Enzo promptly started decorating the wall with.


The funny thing is that Enzo has never really been one to color or paint where he isn’t supposed to. I can usually walk away and trust that he’ll only decorate what he’s supposed to. Phoebe on the other hand?  The world is her canvas.  She will draw on herself, her clothes, the floor, the walls, you name it. Thank you, washable art supplies and magic eraser for the not-so-washable.


So, we’re mostly likely in for a lot of painting this upcoming week, but thankfully some warmer weather as well, which means it’ll be much easier to play outside and go on some walks. Perhaps we’ll head back to the zoo and let the kids run around some more when we aren’t tackling the many things that didn’t get done around the house this week or last weekend. Now that it’s warming up and the days are starting to get lighter, I’m feeling much more motivated!


The Leavings

I had plans to write something slightly more thought-provoking and even existential, but I got distracted.  My super awesome husband picked up a telescope for me at a thrift store and even cleaned it up (there was a dead spider skeleton on it, so there was no way I was going to), but now we need to find out more about it.  So… I’m looking at joining the local astronomy club and finally fulfilling some of my childhood dreams – my original dream being to become an astronaut, but I projectile vomit when riding twirling rides and hate math, so it was never meant to be.


So, I figured now was as good of a time as any to clear out some of the photos that were meant to be shared previously, but I never got around to it for one reason or another, and yet hate the thought of just deleting them.


I could have sworn I had shared this one.  I love those chubby little feet and I love that she is still this snuggly.




What is this magical red light that I must have?


Just sitting in the cupboard.  Move along.



Cookie making leftover pictures.  I was rushed, which explains the plastic baggies that only so-so worked.

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One more ice castle picture.  So cold.


All they books they hardly read anymore. I can’t quiet bring myself to get rid of them yet, though.

Okay, I think we’re caught up now!