I admit, the drive to our new home yesterday, felt really long, and I questioned whether choosing a place so far away from everything was a good idea. However, once I stepped out onto our new back deck and felt the breeze and listened to the crickets and birds and saw the sun set – all doubt vanished. I’m even looking forward to washing dishes in our new place because I have a window to look out of and it’s a peaceful view. Of course I forgot my camera, so pictures will come next week, but you’ll have to take my word for now. We also caught a glimpse of who will be in the otherside of our twin home and it looks like an older woman, so hooray for no more rowdy neighbors! If anything, we’ll be the noisy ones, and we really aren’t that noisy. Hooray for peace and quiet!!
Category Archives: On My Mind
No longer a Miss
Ah, married life. OKay, so it really doesn’t feel all that different from pre-married life. I look at it as a plus, though. Because we’ve lived together so long, we’re already used to each other’s quirks and possibly annoying habits – we won’t have that potential stressor in our first year of marriage because we already know we live well together. We know we won’t fight over new things because we don’t really fight anyway… sure there are aggravations and stress, but usually it’s regarding a situation and not the other person, so in my case, I just need a little space and then I’m fine. When all is said and done we really have a very healthy relationship, I’d say. 🙂
Being “official” does feel good, though. I love that I’m a wife now and it’s a title/label that I’m very happy to have. Every night before bed we take our rings off and place them in a heart-shaped ring-holder and they fit snuggly together, as we do. I can’t tell you what a thrill it is to see a ring on Josh’s finger – just as exciting as when he first put a ring on mine. I remember the words in our ceremony* and that’s what I think when I look down at my hand and his.
Okay, enough mushy stuff. We won’t have pictures for a few weeks yet, but I’ll be posting some as soon as we do, or most likely creating a slideshow. We did get some pictures from my mom (yay) and I think a few people are starting to come out of the woodwork with their pictures from the day. Now I just have to pester more people to share theirs with us. :p
*”As you look at your wedding band, remember the great gift that you have been given and all that you have in one another. Remember that you have someone to share this life with.”
100th Post!
Unpacking Complete!
Well, I think we’ve officially unpacked and are having a few people over for dinner on Friday night in celebration. We’ll most likely have a larger gathering a different weekend once I get even more in order. I still have a few piles here and there to work on, but it’s definitely all coming together and as soon as my new camera arrives I shall be taking pictures of our new space for the next 6 months. :p I admit that I’m eager to grow some roots, so let’s hope that our next move in 6 months (if all works out) will be a good opportunity to settle. I admit I feel like my biological clock has started ticking quite loudly, though it’s a frightening prospect at the same time. I have worries and sometimes feel selfish because I wonder about what happens to our relationship when there’s no longer just two of us, but three.
Anyhoo… pictures to come and new adventures and for once I’ll start blogging regularly again for those who do stop by and read. 😉