It’s hard to believe this year will be over soon… next year is going to be an eventful one, I think. Josh and I have talked about kids for a while – we’ve always known we’d have them, but once we got married the talk became more serious – we want to be responsible about it as having kids changes your lives forever. Our biggest worry is always finances, but the more we talked about it – we always pull through. Josh may have downtime in between jobs, but we’re getting better when it comes to budgeting and saving as a couple. If one of us lost a job for more than a month or so – we’d find a way to pull through. We somehow always do. So, we talked about the possibility of starting our family in 2011, and I think we’re sticking to it. We may start “trying” as soon as April. We’d start sooner, but we have a road trip to take in May! One final big road trip, and then potentially a new baby in the early months of 2012… it seems so far away, when you put it that way. :p
I suppose time is good, though, as we need to keep thinking about when we plan on moving West again. I’m excited at the prospect of being closer to my family once we have a baby. My sister wants to try for their second at the beginning of next year as well, so it’ll be fun to be pregnant at the same time. My brother and his wife will be moving back to Colorado in the next year as well, so it would be nice to be closer to both my sister and brother once we all have kids. I always enjoyed getting to see our cousins as often as we did growing up, and really it was only a few times a year, I think. Plus my dad and stepmom are still in Colorado, so I’d get to be close to one parent if we choose Colorado as our destination. I miss my family immensely so it’s hard not being closer. We can all be pretty bad about picking up the phone too. :p What can I say, I’ve never been a phone person, and I think it’s inherited. 😉
I know we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves – anything can change or happen, but we’ve been very lucky, and I think our goals are attainable – we’ll make them happen! I do wish I’d started school much sooner, but the way we have things planned, I should make it through at least 2 semesters before I have to take a break for a semester and then can get back at it again. Sure, I’ll have to figure out things with my job and see if I can work part-time or find a different job, but that’s far enough away it’s not worth thinking too much about. We’ll just have a super brilliant baby as he’ll be surrounded by books at all times. :p
In the meantime, have some Winter! I’m really not cut out for this below-freezing business. I’m pretty sure I’m part lizard as my dream yard would have a massive sunning rock and no below-freezing weather. :p I don’t mind a bit of snow, which would happen if we go back to Colorado, but at least you rarely get this cold if you’re in the right part of the state.