Category Archives: On My Mind


I am really hoping this is the last of the snow, but I’m also not holding my breath. I am more than ready for warmer weather and can’t help but get excited (except for days like today).  May is just around the corner and with it the end of the semester (hooray!) and our road trip (another hooray)!  Because I’ll also have time again, I want to really make the most of it – you don’t appreciate all of that free time until it’s gone.

On the list:

Camping, lots of mini excursions, watching the sunset, barbequing, gardening, lounging with a book, lots of projects, and a few other things…

It’s going to be a glorious summer, I can tell. 😉


I am trying to grow my hair out, but oh is it ever difficult. It is not easy for me to keep a hairstyle for so long, and part of me is itching for a change again, if not in length, at least in color… or I’ll just go completely crazy and try to grow out my natural color… though I really don’t know that I’m a brunette. :p

I think it’s safe to say that red has always been my favorite. 😉



Walk down memory lane…

It’s funny, how looking back there are huge gaps in my life where there are no photos – either I didn’t take any (though I had a camera) or they are lost somewhere. Then there are the years when I was younger where maybe my parents just didn’t take any pictures. I’ve gotten better about taking pictures more frequently, but want to be even more diligent. There are so many photos that I wish existed, and now I’m determined not to miss any future moments. I’m terribly sad I can’t see pictures of Josh during his awkward years (which he assures me is a good thing), and even though our kids might hate us at the time, I want to be sure all of the years are captured.

All of this reminds me I have a package full of old pictures to scan that my mom mailed me that we were originally going to use at our wedding, but let’s face it – we got busy, so it’ll be fun to go through and scan some photos. Here are a few older ones – from when I was little. Doesn’t my mom have a pretty smile?

The time has come…

to purchase a more practical vehicle.

While my current car still runs well, it’s time for a 4-door vehicle. No one wants to climb in the back of a 2-door, and it would be an absolute pain whenwe have a baby. While I like my Sunfire, it’s a pain to get in the backseat and a nightmare if you’re tall. I also didn’t have a lot of money at the time I bought my Sunfire, so it’s a manual and has nothing automated. I’m so excited to have power locks and windows again, and we’re getting an automatic so that Josh is comfortable driving it as well (he knows how to drive a manual, but does so very rarely and it’s always a pain to get used to).  We had thought about an SUV, but decided that good gas mileage is more important than extra cargo space and 4WD. I drive at least 60 miles a day currently, and unless I can find a job nearer to home, that’s not changing anytime soon. So, ideally we’ll get something with better mileage than what I get now.

We won’t be going shopping this weekend, but most likely the next, so let’s hope it goes smoothly.

And no reptile yet – it must be the wrong time of year to shop for one. Most of the places we went to had empty cages or not what Josh wanted. Well, there were some neat Water Dragons, but those get up to at least 2 feet long – kind of bigger than we wanted, so we’ll resume the search when it gets warmer out.

And now… time to finish up work for the night.  I’m running out of desk space, though…

Not really resolutions

I have New Year’s Funk. I think it must be the cold weather, and now that the holidays are over and the festive decor is stored away, I feel a little glum. Granted, I was sick for most of the holidays, and getting sick always messes up routines and plans. When all is said and done, we had a good 2010, and we’re in for an exciting 2011, so I just need to stay focused on the positive. Sure, I’m uncertain as to what I want to be doing for a job right now – all I know is I need a change soon. It’ll be a while before I can use education to get more interesting jobs, so in the meantime – what to do? Still figuring that out. Anyway…

So, let’s stay focused on what I/we plan on doing in 2011:

*Start our family – We’ve been planning this for a while, and are very excited the nearer it gets
*Have the most awesome summer road trip ever (even though I found out we’ll have to cut it a bit shorter than we wanted).
*Start investigating where to move to when we leave Minnesota – definitely in the year of 2012

and other little goals for the year:
*Take more photos
*Try my best to get a 4.0 GPA (or near to it)
*Pay off a huge portion of our debt
*Start going to the gym again
*Blog more
*Declutter our lives a bit
*Combine offices and create guest bedroom/future nursery
*Go on more weekend adventures together
*Start a pot garden on our back deck and grow some healthy food!
*Do more sewing/crafting
*Work at de-stressing – handling it better

and just because… Uzi with his new toy: