Category Archives: On My Mind


I should know by now that things rarely go as planned, and that I should therefore stop making so many plans, especially when it comes to things that are often out of our control. So, I’m changing the way I look at my hopes and goals and accepting that some will just happen in their own time, and not necessarily when I want them to.

In the meantime, I have a wonderful husband and two quirky cats – all of whom make me laugh on a daily basis and make me feel loved in their own ways. I shall continue to work towards a few of my more controllable goals – like getting through school and focusing more on the present and finding what makes me happy. My feet are ready to walk, but the rest of me is uncertain where to go, so I think a little exploring is in order. Josh and I both share a great many of the same hopes and dreams, but many of them will take work and most of all patience. Time will tell which of these will become reality. You never have full control over anything… some more than others, but never entirely. So, I will accept that timing is everything, and patience is something I must cultivate as well as faith that the universe will provide if it is meant to be.

It seems like a cop-out almost. Oh it was “meant to be” or it wasn’t, but I think that is just the way of things… there is a reason for everything, whether we understand it or not. Or maybe I’m just hoping this is so to make myself feel better? I won’t deny this is a possibility because there is one thing I/we really want, and for unexplained reasons, can’t have right now, so… patience, and in the meantime, telling myself that everything happens for a reason. 😉

Heat Wave

What can I say? I haven’t had a whole lot of motivation lately… partly due to the heat wave, and a mixture of other things. However, “we are made to persist” and that I will.  Not everything ever goes exactly to plan even if we would have it so.  On the plus side, how about my awesome find a couple of weekends ago?  Vintage bowling shoes that fit almost perfectly!  Yeah, yeah, so we rarely go bowling – they’re still really nifty and I plan on wearing them a lot. 😉

Mmmm… milk.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks since we got back from our trip, and I can’t believe it’s almost July already. I really can’t believe it’s been almost 3 weeks since our trip… where did the time go?  Time to sort through the photos some more and finish our rearranging project as the house is still in a bit of disarray. My motivation has been elsewhere, though, and I think we’re still getting back into the swing of things, and really just wishing we were still on vacation. 😉

The cats have been up to no good…

They now whine rather incessantly to get outside.  I suppose I can’t really blame them, though.

Otherwise, it’s milk and cheesecake this week and lots of procrastination… not a bad way to spend the summer.


Friday finally!  It’s been a horrendously long week, and I’m just hoping today goes better than yesterday.

Just because Mario is awesome

I’m also hoping we can squeeze in a movie this weekend. I was thinking Bridesmaids, but I’m not really sure what else is playing right now. Either way, let’s hope today goes quickly!

So Busy

Less than a week until our trip, and so much to do it seems. Thanks to nice weather, we’ve been able to ride our bikes a couple of times, but apparently it’s supposed to rain… again. I’m hoping the forecast isn’t right because the rain is also supposed to follow us a bit on our trip.  At least that means less time spent outside watering plants for our house-sitters. :p

“You rock, Rock.”

This made me think of I ♥ Huckabees, which I fell asleep watching the other night. Normally I don’t fall asleep during favorite movies, so I’m going to have to go finish it. 😉

The Fan Carpet