Category Archives: On My Mind

New Name

Nothing fancy, but I decided a new name would be good for the ‘ole blog. While I was pregnant we referred to Enzo as Wonton since we didn’t want to tell anyone his name (plus for the first few months we didn’t know that he was actually a “he”) and rather than using the usual “peanut” or other terms, we decided to go with one of our favorite foods. What is more magical than a cream cheese wonton? Nothing.

Sick babies and changing identities

Our poor Mr. Enzo has not been feeling like himself as of late.  He caught  a nasty flu bug (I’ll spare you the details, but we were changing clothes and sheets several times a day it seemed from liquids leaving both ends).  Just as we thought he was getting over the nasty tummy bug, he caught another cold, so we’re still not quite past the morning vomiting (from coughing irritating his gag reflex), but he seems to be relatively happy today.

We tried to keep things low-key this weekend, and cancelled some plans so we could give him our full attention and make sure he rested and attempt to give him enough fluids. He’s eating about 10 ounces less than usual, and has been losing about twice the amount of fluids as usual, so we’ve definitely been concerned about the little guy who continues to smile and tries to be his usual happy self.

As for other things… there seems to be a lot going on, and lots of changes, and I feel a need to change myself a bit. Having Enzo really made me think about things differently and has made me wonder what I’m doing with myself, and what my goals are now.  It seems like they’ve gone from certain to very up in the air, and I find myself not really sure of who I am anymore. It’s not good or bad, it just is. I’m a mom now, and while knew it would be a new title for me, I didn’t realize how much it would start to define and change me, and that I’m okay with that. However, I’m not really sure where that leaves me… and feel like I need some new goals and purpose (Enzo has given me great purpose, but I can’t my entire purpose in life revolve around him… otherwise I’m going to feel lost when he no longer needs me to the same extent).

So for starters, I think I need a new blog title. I know, it isn’t really a big earthshattering change, but it’s a start. Then, I need to figure out what to do with myself so I don’t wander around the house aimlessly whenever Enzo is asleep.  I have hobbies, but haven’t been doing anything with them lately and I feel like I need to DO something, whereas normally I would welcome any down time to read or catch up on shows.

So, there you go.

Back to work…

I can’t believe my 6 weeks are just about up.  I head back to work on Thursday, and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’ll be nice to get out of the house on a daily basis for more than just a couple of hours, but I’m going to miss hanging out with my little guy.  Sure, we have a rough day now and then, but every little smile he gives us makes it all worthwhile.

I’ve been trying to make the most of these last few days, but I know Thursday morning is going to be difficult when I drop him off at daycare.

At least we’ll have evenings and weekends… I have a feeling this year is going to fly by far more quickly than we would like, though. So many big changes happening, and it’s hard to believe we’ll be moving in just a few short months.  I’m excited and nervous, but I’m sure it’ll all be fine in the end and all the little details will get worked out even if there is a lot to plan for.  We’ll just remain optimistic, and we’re already off to a pretty decent start considering Josh gets to keep his job, which is a huge help and relief.

Anyhoo, so little time left in the evening, though, I think my boys are both asleep on the couch, so I don’t think I’ll wake them just yet. 😉

New Tumblr Blog

Josh and I hopped on the Instagram bandwagon and decided to set up a Tumblr blog of Instagram photos only for anyone who wants to follow what we’re up to in pictures only, especially since with a new baby coming soon, I can’t imagine I’ll be blogging a whole lot on this blog in the beginning since I can barely manage one a week now as it is. 😉 

So here’s the link:


Personality Test (with pictures)

If you’re like me and sometimes get bored and like to take personality tests, this one is a bit different as you choose from pictures, and was actually really, really accurate for me.


You’re a Seeker. You believe in living life to the fullest. You’re curious and enthusiastic with a bright spirit that is an inspiration to your friends and family. A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be quite a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be really inspiring to you and you like exploring your creative side from time to time. Right now, life probably feels pretty good. You have a healthy balanced attitude and know how to take the good with the bad. You’re feeling comfortable in your own skin. You have a healthy approach to life. Having a regular spiritual practice that gives you a sense of inner peace is one of your priorities. Allowing yourself that kind of time for reflection will have a positive effect. It’s important to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognize when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans. Having a loving relationship is one of the biggest blessings there is. A solid home life is an immense source of strength and support. Make sure you don’t take your partner for granted. Carving out some regular special one-on-one time is always worth it.