Category Archives: On My Mind

The Little Things

It was a very busy and slightly crazy weekend, both personally and the world in general.  There was no missing the news this weekend and how horrible it was.  I admit, it starts to make me wonder what kind of world we’ve brought two children into.  I admit I often avoid the news because it’s either all very trivial celebrity gossip or it’s just very awful.  Both make me shake my head, just for very different reasons.  Honestly, I’m not even sure what to say when it comes to the state of the world we live in.  It makes me sad that there has to be so much hate and violence, though.  I’ll never understand it.  So, this weekend I focused on my family.  We celebrated the 2 years that Phoebe has been with us and then on Sunday we went and bought her a big girl bed.  These pictures aren’t from this weekend, but from a few weeks ago when they helped me make a pie.

Pie Making1

As you can see, Phoebe was also due for another trim, but she’d rather have her hair in her eyes then let me trim it for her… which I guess I can’t say that I blame her for that.  I’m not a hair stylist for a reason.  Anyhoo, it’s always hit or miss with the kids in the kitchen. Some days they’re thrilled to help out, and others not so much, so when Enzo asked if he could help, I couldn’t refuse and he pulled his chair up to the counter.  Phoebe is never one to be left out and pulled a chair over as well.  Thankfully, Key Lime pie is pretty easy to make and what’s not to love about crushing up graham crackers?

Pie Making4

I’m sure Phoebe would argue that sneaking bits is probably the best part, but Enzo was far too intent on getting the right amount so we could do the actual fun part, which is when you get to push the button.  I love how excited they get at the thought of just pushing a button to make something happen.  I often forget about taking joy in the little things, but the kids have been helping me remember that it’s often in the little things that we find the most joy.  Whether it be coloring in a coloring book or sipping hot cocoa and watching it storm or putting flannel sheets on the bed when the weather gets cool… it doesn’t have to be much.

Pie Making3

While we were at Target yesterday with the kids, a woman actually walked over to me and smiled and said, “I just wanted to tell you how adorable your family is. It made my day to see you all.”  So often I feel like we’re a chaotic mess and it was such a huge thing what she said.  Usually I try to keep the kids corralled, but we didn’t today and while it may irritate some people that our kids are giggling and having a great time looking at everything, there are people who also find joy in seeing two very happy kids shopping with their parents and having a grand time.  It may have even been her words that kept me from getting frustrated with them when the didn’t want to listen and Enzo kept removing things from shelves and Phoebe would suddenly run down an aisle out of the blue. Granted, having a parent for each of them helps, but this stranger’s words also helped me take a step back and just watch them from someone else’s point of view. I could either get irritated like some people, or I could smile and laugh like so many others watching them interact with each other and everyone and everything around them.  I chose the latter. I think we all just need to slow down a bit and learn to smile more.

Pie Making2

One of those weeks…

Do you ever have those weeks… I’ll just stop myself because of course you do! Well, it’s been one of those weeks.  I’ve fallen asleep early with the kids at least 2 or 3 times which means I’ve gotten nothing done in the evening.  I’ve barely picked up my camera and haven’t bothered to transfer photos off of it or off my phone.  I think I have about a million little tasks to do and about… zero motivation.  Okay, I have motivation, but by the time I get home, it’s already getting dark and then suddenly it’s time to get the kids in bed and they’re so snuggly… and if I do manage to stay awake I stumble out into the living room by 8-8:30 and usually one or two cats wants to cuddle on the couch and before I know it I’m watching TV and have convinced myself that everything can wait “just one more day.”

I’m attributing it to daylight savings.  It always takes me a while to adjust to change, and the sudden decrease in daylight in the evening will definitely take some getting used to… like every year.  So, I shall give myself a break until this weekend and then major cleaning and tidying up needs to happen.  (Maybe I can work myself up to it and actually make it sound exciting, you know?) Or, I’ll pull a Phoebe….


Weekend Recap

The whole daylight savings thing can be so hit or miss.  This year I kind of forgot about it and kind of just hoped the kids would adjust without too much trouble.  I wasn’t sure what to expect considering Saturday morning both kids woke up at 4am ready to play and we knew they would be up later than usual that night, so we crossed our fingers and hoped for a nap.  Phoebe napped for a whopping 30 minutes and Enzo didn’t at all.  Time would tell how Superman and Wonder Woman do on the walk around the block. (They did great!)


Amazingly, neither kid went to bed too much later than usual.  Josh wasn’t feeling well so he and Enzo lay down in our bed to watch a show, but Phoebe climbed down and came to see what I was up to so she and I watched a little TV on the couch.  I think she was out by 8:30, and when I went to carry her to bed, both boys were out as well. While I was tempted to stay up a bit later than usual, I was still tired from being up since 4:00, so I was probably in bed by 10-10:30. We’re a bunch of party animals, I tell ya.


Sunday the kids were up a little earlier than we would have liked, but nothing out of the norm.  They were, however, a tad feisty and I just hoped they’d cooperate for haircuts later in the day. Note to self – I noticed that Phoebe’s bangs need to be fixed a tad – let’s hope I can handle it myself and not make it worse.  I can’t complain too much, though, I mean it takes me half an hour just to try and trim her bangs at home, let along attempt to trim her whole head when she won’t stop moving.


So, there you have it… also my computer has been on the fritz, so I didn’t get any pictures uploaded or anything and haven’t really been taking as many photos in general.  Stress? Maybe.  Or maybe I’m just living in the moment. Or, maybe it’s both.  Over and out!

Prepare… winter is coming.

I can feel winter’s icy hand on the back of my neck and it’s time to prepare.  We need to get the house in order and come up with some fun ideas for when it’s too cold to go out or we have zero desire to bundle up because we are not cold weather people. I know… it’s a mystery why we live in Minnesota when none of us really enjoy snow or frigid temperatures.


I think I need to do some Pinterest scouring to find good winter crafts, although apparently even a paper plate can be fun.  Who knew that switching one simple artistic medium could do so much?  I left out paper plates for about a week and both kids would climb up on the barstools whenever they were hit with artistic genius and color away.



I already know we’ll do plenty of baking, but I want to spend more time this winter crafting and making things and being creative with the kids.  We should also actually take them sledding since they’d both enjoy it this year, but there’s that whole cold and wet factor.  We’ll see. Maybe we can just watch a movie where there is sledding?  I kid. Sort of.


One of my goals is to do some sewing – specifically a quilt.  I’m going to start small and go from there, but first we need to do some major winter cleaning.  I see many trips to Goodwill in our future.  I need to go through old baby clothes as well.  I wanted to try and sell them, but it’s getting to a point where the payout doesn’t seem worth the effort and I’m tempted to just donate the lot.  Sure, some extra spending money is nice, but I could save myself some time and headache by just packing it all up in garbage bags and giving it away.  I can already see the empty bins we’d be left with. I feel lighter already!


We also need to do some deep cleaning and prep our basement windows for their glorious annual plastic wrapping.  While the wood floor looks nice downstairs, it’s not the best choice for Minnesota winters. Plus hot air rises and we have 9 foot ceilings which also does not help.  Basically our basement is no-man’s land in the winter unless we wear warmer layers and remember to turn on the electric fireplace and space heaters an hour in advance.


First, though, I need to get my body used to the lack of daylight. This year especially it seems to have caught me off guard and the late sunrise and early sunset is taking its toll. By the time we get the kids to bed its already dark and the couch beckons me to curl up in its warm embrace. Sigh. Soon, motivation, soon.

What’s not to love about Friday?

An exciting new adventure awaits us this weekend… we are taking the kids to see their first movie in the theater. We fully expect that Phoebe might not last through the entire movie, so we’re choosing a $2.50 movie in case one of us needs to leave with her should she get too bored.  Best case, no one else is at the theater and it doesn’t matter if she’s a bit rowdy. The choices are Minions and Inside Out, so we’ll see what the kids decide.  I have a feeling they’ll say Minions just because they already know them from Despicable Me, but my vote is for Inside Out.


Then on Sunday we have some annual leaf pile fun.  Hopefully this rain clears out with enough time to dry everything out.  I’m not a fan of fall rain, mostly because it’s too cold and tends to strip the trees of their colors.  I’m not ready for the drabness of winter just yet, though I know it’s just around the corner. I’ve already got everyone prepped with winter coats, hats, mittens and boots and extras of a few of those.  How is it that kids clothes are so expensive, yet often don’t even last an entire season?  Not because the kids have outgrown them but simply because they’ve somehow worn out?  Enzo ripped through two pairs of pants already that couldn’t have been worn more than last winter and his summer tennis shoes are barely holding together.  I was holding off getting him new ones since it’s just about boot weather and after one wear those are already scuffed, so I don’t see them lasting all winter.


Anyhoo, enough winter talk!  It seems like this past week was entirely unproductive, so I feel like I should maybe cross a few things off the To Do list this weekend.  We finally watched Jurassic World and both agreed we now need to get the Lego game even though we’re so behind on all of the other Lego games.  Parenting!  Really, though, I could name a few dozen things we’re behind on and less sunshine in the morning and evening is not helping my motivation!  I would curl up into a ball in cry if I lived somewhere that only got a few hours of sunlight during the winter.  Granted, I’d probably get so much done during the lighter months…


Okay, enough rambling.  Instead… in case you haven’t seen them yet!