I’ve seen other bloggers do a variation of what they are currently up to, so I thought I’d do the same thing since often it doesn’t fit anywhere else.

Not recent or current, but now I’m craving it.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (sp). Well, technically I just finished it a few days ago, but close enough. I’m on the fence when it comes to this book. It started out decent and then had a great twist midway through, which helped moved things along. Then there were problems for me, though. I’ll try not to give too much away, but the twist suddenly had me wondering which characters I liked and just when I thought I had figured it out – things went a little too far for me and I was left frustrated with everyone. I tend to get really involved in books (most of the time – not always) and the last three quarters of the book drove me crazy. What could have been believable went too far and I hated the ending. I didn’t buy it and wanted to chuck my book… err Kindle across the room (but didn’t).
Josh and I are watching Fringe on Amazon Prime lately, which we really like, and started Under the Dome, which is only so-so. I read the book, which was decent enough, but the show is kind of dragging a bit and I question how they’re going to make another season out of it without really padding it. Fringe, however, is a fun show… it reminds me a little of the X-Files, only with less aliens and not quite as cheesy.
As far as movies, we just watched ‘Side Effects’ and I think we both felt it was a little slow moving. I actually fell asleep around an hour into it (hooray pregnancy!), right as it was starting to pick up… finally. While the story itself was interesting, we both feel it could have been better executed. So… meh.
As far as cravings go… I could honestly be happy eating cereal all day. I flip flop between various flavors of Cheerios, Vanilla Chex and a variety of granolas. I also just want to eat cake and donuts and other tasty confections all day, but manage to keep that mostly in check. 😉 I’m also loving fruit, especially strawberries with a little whipped cream on top – mmm.
Ice cream… any kind really. Ice cold root beer (must be in a bottle). Watching Enzo learn and grow each day. He tried to say Jump last night because of a book titled that – quite frankly a really weird book we got from a cereal box. He brought it to me and was saying the word really enthusiastically and I started reading it to him, to which he responded by saying, “Bye Bye” and closed the book. Ha ha. He’s recently been really into books, which I am absolutely loving!
Thinking About
Baby Girl and how much needs to be done before her arrival. I have a funny feeling that she’ll be early, so we’ll see if I’m right, and if so, by how much… hopefully not too early since I obviously want her to grow as much as she can before coming out. I admit, it all seems to be happening so fast and I wonder what life will be like with two kids instead of just one. I know it’ll be crazy for a while, but I hope everything falls into place easily and that Enzo adjusts well to having a younger sibling.