Category Archives: links



Counting…down the minutes until it’s time to start the weekend!

Reading… Crown of Midnight and The Storyteller

Watching… The Great British Bake-Off, Scandal, Outlander, Grey’s Anatomy, Supernatural

Listening to… I Am a Gummi Bear Pandora station… kids.

Drinking… Still way too much coffee… and wine.  I need them to live.

Eating… Baked goods. I need to stop making pies and things that are not going to help my waistline.

Organizing… The house. It’s an ongoing project that never stops.

Planning… An escape!  I’m having a mommy morning tomorrow!

Relaxing… By coloring. So glad there are so many more choices for coloring books for adults now!

Snuggling… Children and kitties. They’re all rather jealous of each other.

Participating… In a monthly book related Instagram photo challenge. #booksandteacups

Adjusting… To way too little daylight.  I lay down with the kids in the evening and don’t want to get up.

Attempting… To get the cats on better terms so we can move Vega’s litter box and food downstairs… okay, at least the litter box.

Dreading… Winter. There, I said it, but I’m…

Excited… For twinkle lights and how magical they are in the snow.

Love these pictures from a Haunted House. Ha ha.


What’s not to love about Friday?

An exciting new adventure awaits us this weekend… we are taking the kids to see their first movie in the theater. We fully expect that Phoebe might not last through the entire movie, so we’re choosing a $2.50 movie in case one of us needs to leave with her should she get too bored.  Best case, no one else is at the theater and it doesn’t matter if she’s a bit rowdy. The choices are Minions and Inside Out, so we’ll see what the kids decide.  I have a feeling they’ll say Minions just because they already know them from Despicable Me, but my vote is for Inside Out.


Then on Sunday we have some annual leaf pile fun.  Hopefully this rain clears out with enough time to dry everything out.  I’m not a fan of fall rain, mostly because it’s too cold and tends to strip the trees of their colors.  I’m not ready for the drabness of winter just yet, though I know it’s just around the corner. I’ve already got everyone prepped with winter coats, hats, mittens and boots and extras of a few of those.  How is it that kids clothes are so expensive, yet often don’t even last an entire season?  Not because the kids have outgrown them but simply because they’ve somehow worn out?  Enzo ripped through two pairs of pants already that couldn’t have been worn more than last winter and his summer tennis shoes are barely holding together.  I was holding off getting him new ones since it’s just about boot weather and after one wear those are already scuffed, so I don’t see them lasting all winter.


Anyhoo, enough winter talk!  It seems like this past week was entirely unproductive, so I feel like I should maybe cross a few things off the To Do list this weekend.  We finally watched Jurassic World and both agreed we now need to get the Lego game even though we’re so behind on all of the other Lego games.  Parenting!  Really, though, I could name a few dozen things we’re behind on and less sunshine in the morning and evening is not helping my motivation!  I would curl up into a ball in cry if I lived somewhere that only got a few hours of sunlight during the winter.  Granted, I’d probably get so much done during the lighter months…


Okay, enough rambling.  Instead… in case you haven’t seen them yet!

Friday Funday!

We are back (and very tired) from a long (but very fun) trip.  Pictures to come, but the kids did so good. I think the worst tantrum was actually when we got home. Ha ha!  This definitely has us excited for more trips in the future.  In the meantime, some trailers for some movies I’m looking forward to!

I’m just getting ready to read this finally!

Should be a fun one!

Could also be a fun one…

And because Honest Trailers are awesome.

Friday Funday!

Happy Friday everyone!  I am looking forward to a nice long weekend hanging out with family and getting some stuff done around the house.

Wes Anderson designed a bar!!

When you’re having a bad day.

Coffee naps are a thing.

Photos from Earth that look alien.

The struggle is real. “Joey doesn’t share food!”

I really do like this movie and will definitely see the sequel.

Friday Funday!

Happy Friday!  We’re in for a semi-busy weekend, but it should be a fun one.  Our little man turns 3 on Monday, so he’s going to have some play time with some of his best buds tomorrow.  In the meantime…

The importance of staring out the window.

It turns out Josh and I are actually quite brilliant!

One day we will go on a road trip through every state (okay, we’ll have to hit Hawaii and Alaska on a separate trip).

This is one of my favorite books and makes me very happy!