Category Archives: house stuff

Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?

It’s March and the husband and I have been pondering a lot.  The neighbors across the street just sold their town home, and according to our Realtor, now is the time to sell…

Which means we have to make some decisions pretty quickly, and it really hasn’t been easy. We’ve made lists of pros and cons and somehow they still manage to come out kind of even.


Sometimes I think it’s a matter of being afraid of the unknown… it’s so easy to stay where one is comfortable, and even if the situation isn’t perfect, you at least know what to expect for the most part.

I’ve never enjoyed making big decisions. They stress me out and I worry that I’ll make the wrong choice.  It also doesn’t help that in this situation, as soon as we get close to deciding something will sway us back to the middle again and leave us second guessing what the right choice is. Like today… my 6 month review in my new position went well, so I get the second part of my raise.  I can pretty much guarantee you it’ll take me another 5 years or more to make the same amount if I leave this job.  However… it’s not really my ideal job, and I’m not as happy as I’d like to be, so is it worth the money?

It’s questions like this that make my brain want to shut down and not think about anything… procrastination for the win!  I know we have to make a choice, though… whether it be to stay or go; or for me to stay at a job that pays well, but isn’t really fulfilling in any other way or to stay at home.


I admit, I’m not good with change and I worry about making huge leaps into the unknown. As for Josh… I think he’s leaning more towards staying, but me… I don’t know. I look at it from a logical standpoint and an emotional one, and I truly don’t know what the right choice is.  I want what is best for our family, but I think I need to figure out what that really means. Is financial security more important or one of a handful of other things?

I think it’s Friday night and I’m going to think about it later.  I know it’s silly to wait for a sign telling me what to do, but holy crap that would make it so much easier, wouldn’t it?

In the meantime… maybe I’ll go give the cat some attention. He’s been exceptionally needy lately, and I really haven’t been giving him much in the way of affection. Besides, cat purrs are known to reduce stress!


The smell of new furniture…

Well, we’ve got our bedroom mostly put together now, and the office halfway there as well.  We’re going to pick up a small cube shelf for our bedroom to hold some extra shoes and to have a place for the humidifier and air purifier to sit, and then that’ll do it.  We don’t have nearly as much room in our bedroom now, but eventually we’ll be getting a bigger house, and do you really need a lot of floor space in a bedroom anyway?  I think we’re all much happier with the new arrangement.

Although next time we should probably actually measure things to make sure they fit so we don’t end up losing half our closet space as well. 😉


So with that done, we just need to move a few more things around in the office and it’ll all be complete!  I think Enzo will be glad when we are no longer spending half our time putting together furniture, and can more fully focus on him once again. He’s growing by the day it seems, and he’s started to laugh – real laughs, though they do take some coaxing.  He’s learning new things every day and is enjoying Peek-A-Boo, even if it scares him at first when his dad covers his face with a blanket – you get a lot of these faces, so maybe it’s just excitement and not “Oh crap, the world is ending!” Ha ha

Also a new first – he noticed one of the cats for the first time today. Usually he just doesn’t seem to notice them at all, but today he was playing and happened to look over at Ziggy who was on the floor taking a bath and he was completely enthralled.  He started reaching his hands out to her, but of course she didn’t want him touching her. I told her she’d better watch out because it’s only a matter of time before he’s chasing after them.

Changing it up… Before Shots!

Since we decided to postpone our move to Colorado, we decided we should at least make a few changes around the house.  We’ve been spending more time at home, for one thing, and will probably continue to do so as we save up money, or attempt to. (Why must there be so many irresistable cute baby things that I can’t help buying??). I digress.

So, we finally decided to buy matching bedroom furniture and matching desk sets for our office.  Josh works from home frequently and needed a better set up, and I couldn’t stand mine either, so for functionality we decided we might as well change up everything. Because we can’t afford anything super nice right now, we decided the IKEA route would be best, as eventually we do plan on replacing things with items that are higher quality and will last longer.

So, let’s start with the before shots (notice everything is extra messy and disorganized so it’ll look twice as awesome when the new stuff is in).

Ah the bedroom… the bed (and mattress) have seen better days and considering Josh got it used… I have no idea how old it is and don’t even want to think about the amount of allergens and who knows what this thing is holding.

We will be upgrading to a King Size bed as the Wonton is outgrowing his bassinet and our bed is getting small for the three of us plus two cats.

The dressers are mismatched and have seen better days.

Then there are our nightstands. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Plastic bins are great and all, but not really in the bedroom… granted we used these when we were in a room that had no space for nightstands, but that’s really no excuse now.

 Now for the office… everything mismatched, and neither of our desks really functional for what we want/need.  We each have two computers… we discovered our new computers won’t run some of the software on our old computers and right now it just makes sense to keep the old computers. Granted, I don’t use mine that often, but until we need a new scanner/printer  (my new computer doesn’t utilize the scanning feature very well – something to do with a 32bit/64bit difference, which annoys me to no end) I have to use my old computer to scan in photos so the quality is awesome and it separates them all out. Once again, I digress.

Another thing we want to do is move our giant elliptical into the office, so that means moving some furniture around, getting rid of a few things, and probably a miracle.


So there you have it!  Tune in, in a few days for the After shots!

Rolling over and tough decisions

Well, July is shaping up to be a busy month… and what do you know – it’s almost over. We listed our townhome almost two weeks ago I think and we’ve had a few showings since then, including another one scheduled for this weekend. I don’t know why showings stress me out, but they do. Probably because Josh has been gone, and it’s almost impossible to get the baby out of the house in just a moment’s notice. By the time I grabbed everything they’d be done looking around anyway, so at least now that Josh is back, Enzo and I can sneak out a little before any appointments – everyone has been about 15 minutes early each time – and then people don’t feel weird looking around with us there. I just figure the baby helps sell the place, because who doesn’t love an adorable baby? 😉

Enzo and I had a pretty good time while his daddy was in Colorado Springs looking at potential homes.  The time went by really fast surprisingly and I got to witness his next big milestone reached – rolling over from tummy to back!  He did it several times, but has yet to do it now that Josh is home, however, he is trying like mad to roll over from his back to his tummy now.  I’m not sure why he hasn’t rolled over again since this past weekend… perhaps no incentive? Ah well, he is getting big so fast, I’m in no rush to hurry things along.

 As for Josh’s trip… was it a success?  We’re not sure yet.  We have a couple of houses that might work, but it all depends on whether or not our offer is accepted.  If not, well, we’re not sure what our next step is if that happens. It’s not like Josh can skip on down to Colorado every weekend to house hunt, so we have a couple of back-up ideas in mind, but not all of them are ideal. So, we wait and see.

Really all that matters is that we do what’s best for our family and we’ll know what that is when it strikes us.


Our newest addition – Chanticleer the rooster. Named after a character in one of our least favorite Don Bluth fans, and we’re big Don Bluth fans, but really? Rock-A-Doodle was just really bizarre and not very good.

Anyhoo, we’ve been really busy lately and with a new semester about to start I have realized I didn’t get nearly as many projects finished as I wanted to. Oh well, I’ll find time for some of them in between papers, I suppose.