Category Archives: holidays

Thanksgiving went better than expected, all things considered. We also officially have finished all of our Christmas shopping, so now to pay off bills! :p Josh and I decorated stockings for each other the other night and we’ll probably be shipping off presents soon since they are overflowing around our little tree. It’s so much fun shopping for presents and wrapping them up. I’ll probably get some catnip filled toys for the cats, though, those will be a last minute gift or else they’ll just get ripped open early. :p Yes, I know, it’s probably extremely silly to include your cats in Christmas morning, but they’ll both have so much fun playing in the discarded wrapping paper and boxes.

In other events I have been offered a permanent place at my current temp job, which really couldn’t come at a more perfect time. I’m going to be making about 25 cents more than I was making at my job that I left in Durango after four years. Not bad. Combined with my second job I should be able to pay off a lot of bills and put some money into savings, which will be so helpful. I’m getting used to the second job, it’s only around 12-15 hours a week, which I don’t know if that’s going to be enough or not, but to begin with, that’s okay. I’ve got to ease into working the extra hours.

I’m afraid I haven’t been very good with keeping in touch with family and friends lately. You should never be too busy for either of those, but time seems to be flying by faster than I can keep up with it and now with the second job that I got, I’m going to have even less time to get things done that I need to let alone have much free time. That being said, we’re hosting a game night this Saturday and then the following Saturday we’ll be hosting Thanksgiving. Thankfully I’m not in charge of all of the cooking – phew – that’s a relief considering I’ve never even cooked a turkey. I shall be making pies galore, though, and I’ve convinced Josh to build a gingerbread house with me this year and we want to do something big and slightly ridiculous, which is probably a bit ambitious when you take into account we’ve never even made a simple kit gingerbread house before. :p

It’s that time of year…

Yes, we have officially started decorating for Christmas. We picked up a little tree today, wrapped more presents, hung up some lights. It’s magical. :p

The weather has been overcast and chilly and we’ve gotten a little bit of snow, but nothing that has really stuck. As for other things, I got my hair done yesterday and love how a simple thing like a haircut can make you feel like a completely new person.