Category Archives: health


We woke up bright and early Friday the 1st for Enzo’s tube surgery.  We had to be at the hospital by 6:30 for his 7:30 appointment, so we basically woke him up with just enough time to change his diaper, bundle him up, and head out the door.  He was so out of it, he didn’t fuss much and we even got some silly smiles as we headed out since he knew something was different, but not exactly what. It was my hope that he just wouldn’t realize he was hungry since he wasn’t allowed drink or food until after surgery was over.

Pretty much as soon as we got there we were headed back to a waiting room with a bunch of toys and then Josh and I were asked a bunch of questions and had to fill out more paperwork while the little man played.  We had several nurses come and go and met briefly with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.  Enzo was a little cautious with so many people coming and going, but was briefly walked away with one of the nurses to go get a sticker.  It was also around this time that we learned we would not be allowed back when Enzo was put under.  It’s a small same-day off surgery office, so we’d be nearby and Enzo wasn’t exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, so we nodded and accepted it.  So, we waved bye-bye to him and a nurse took him back with his nuk and his lovie and we waited…

For about 15 minutes.  It felt like we were barely getting comfortable before we were called back and the surgeon was telling us it went perfectly fine. Enzo had some gunky fluid behind both ears, so we definitely made a good call.  It was about another 5 minutes before we were called back to actually get our wee man who was now awake. I think my heart sped up when I heard him as we went walking back. I knew that yell, and when we got in the room the nurse was having a hard time holding onto him and just said how strong he was.  Our boy was NOT happy and was arching his back and thrashing and crying and inconsolable. For about 15 minutes Josh and I passed him back and forth trying not to drop him and calm him down.  Several nurses tried to help – one was just freaked out because apparently she’s never seen a toddler react quite so strongly. Slowly he’d have longer spells of calm before thrashing again, until finally he exhausted himself and just lay quietly on Josh’s shoulder.


We hung out for a little longer and then were given the okay to go home.  Not surprisingly the little guy was tuckered and extra snuggly for the rest of the day, but by the time dinner rolled around he was a new man.  He was happy and playing and laughing and it was wonderful.  The weekend was great too.  His mood was amazing and even his tantrums were fewer and less intense than usual. Granted, he’s not a fan of the antibiotic ear drops, but not much we can do about that.  He also had an unusual case of separation anxiety when I dropped him off at day care Monday morning.  I’m hopeful he’s going to start sleeping better and just feeling better overall, though.  Especially once we can get him used to daylight savings.  I never used to hate daylight savings until we had a child.


What a week it’s been.  I would have had an update sooner, but have felt like crap for the past week, and have been spending most of my time in bed.  The antibiotics are helping with the sinus infection, but at this rate, I’m just waiting for the rest of whatever I’ve got to take it’s leave.


Anyhoo. As for the house – we’ve technically sold it.  However, we are waiting for an appraisal, which has been very slow in coming and has had us rather nervous because we can’t really do anything until we know what the appraisal is.  Our Realtor at this point is concerned about it, so that has us worried as well. There have been a lot of really low sales in our area that are going to affect it, and each appraiser is different. We’ve heard instances where two appraisers have come up with amounts for the same house that differ 10K-20K, so… we wait.  Quite honestly at this point with the way the housing market is going (houses being snatched up left and right and fewer houses coming on the market due to nervous sellers) we would be okay if the appraisal came back too low and we just stayed. It’s not ideal, but in realty, we could adjust our budget and save a lot more money so that in a year we wouldn’t be so dependent on selling this place first and could jump on the perfect house right away rather than all of this waiting and seeing and watching houses disappear from the market. Plus, it would be the perfect excuse to put in that wet bar and do a few things to increase the value a tad.


Aside from all that, Enzo seems to have grown up overnight. He just looks and seems so much older while I’ve been sick.  The cutie would use his walker to come see me in the bedroom and it felt so nice to be missed by him. His daddy did a great job of taking over everything so I can rest, and I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to do so.  I’m also glad that Enzo had such a good weekend – he was in such a good mood and had a great appetite.  We also discovered he really likes Naked juices. I was drinking one and he was reaching for it, so I gave him a sip and he got a huge smile on his face and grabbed for the bottle again. Then when I sat down to play with ball him again, he got super excited, which I thought was because I had his new bouncy ball, but no, it was because he saw my bottle of juice when I sat down. Ha ha.


I’m looking forward to being my old self again.

On will power… and whether or not I have any

I’ve decide, on a whim really, to give up a few things for the month of March to see if it makes a difference or not in my physical/mental wellbeing. If I was smart, I would have done this during February when there are only 28 days. Oh hindsight.

So… the list isn’t quite complete yet, but the big cuts are sugar, especially in the form of candy. I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t have some sort of chocolate or super sugary treat, so this is going to be a hard one. Included in this is soda, which should be less hard since I haven’t been drinking it very often.

I should give up caffeine, but haven’t yet decided whether or not to do that, but since this is the last day of February should probably make that call.  I suppose it would save me some extra cash since it’s sort of become a Monday routine to stop for local coffee. Ooh, this could be tricky. I didn’t even completely give up caffeine while I was pregnant. Maybe I’ll just switch to tea since that has a lot less caffeine.

I’m also going to go without booze for the month, which should be easy since I did that while I was pregnant.

It probably sounds really easy to give up things like sugar for a month, but I’m already dreading it, especially since Dove came out with these amazing Cocount Creme eggs.


I am hoping I’ll experience some good changes, though, as I’ve just been tired and blah lately, and while I’ve added some good things to my diet, it doesn’t mean they counteract all the sugar and crap I also put into my body on a daily basis. I’m really just curious to see if I actually notice anything different in my mood and energy by doing away with extra sugar and caffeine, so we’ll see what we see!