Category Archives: health

Summer Ick

Amazing how a stupid little virus can completely wipe you out and leave you feeling drained for days on end.  Last Tuesday night I started feeling headachy and under the weather, and by Wednesday morning I had full on body aches, fever, fatigue, headache, and chills.  I finally got rid of the fever Friday morning during a good nap (after not sleeping for 2 nights because of the fever), but still do not feel like myself.  I’ve been slowly able to eat more and more, but the brain fog is tricky and I’m exhausted.  Plus, I’m on my own as of yesterday afternoon because Josh is traveling for work.  The kids had to deal with a very tired, sick, and cranky mommy yesterday. I think they’ll survive.


I’m just hoping for an easy pick up and counting on Enzo’s love of cereal to make for an easy dinner so I can try and crash as early as possible.  I’m sure he’s more than capable of changing a diaper by now, right?  Ugh. I’m never getting sick again, it’s just not doable.  I just have to somehow find the energy to get through the next few hours and hope that tomorrow I’ll wake up feeling better. Granted, that didn’t happen today, but one never knows.  However, the kids both have a nasty cough, so I could be up tonight either way.  Ah, parenting. Being sick is definitely one of those times when I miss being single and responible only for myself.


Despite pushing my buttons more than usual (out of boredom), Enzo has been a pretty good little helper when it comes to his sister.  They’re both watching more TV than usual (not my favorite), but one does what one must during desparate times.  I’m just glad that the worst of this flu didn’t hit this week while Josh is away – now that would have been bad. So, it could always be worse.  And on that note… that is my reason for being away. Hopefully life will get back on track soon.

Essential Oils – Brief Intro


Over the past few months I’ve been found a new and deep love of essential oils, and while I don’t know what prompted this interest, it’s been fascinating and my long-term goal is to become a certified aromatherapist. I’m sure many of you have seen a lot of links in which essential oils are mentioned whether it be for cleaning recipes or otherwise. Basically, essential oils (for those who don’t know) are highly concentrated essences of a plant. The essence of a plant is its smell, which comes from special little cells and glands within a plant and then is extracted to create the oil. Different plants have different healing properties and while some smell quite pleasant, others may be a tad stinky, depending on your preferences.

Because of this interest, I thought I’d share it, and a few of the common misconceptions out there at the same time.

Essential oils are wonderful and natural, so they are a nice alternative to modern medicine, but not all oils are safe for everyone.  Precaution is most important around young children and even pets. It is not even recommended to use oils on children under 2, and if so, they should be extremely diluted. Oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus are not even recommended under the ages of 5 and 10 because they can cause breathing problems (see link below). Many MLM companies do not give these precautions and even encourage using essential oils neat (undiluted) or by ingesting them. Please do not ingest essential oils unless you have been advised by a certified aromatherapist or physician to do so. Some oils can cause liver damage and other problems over time if ingested regularly. In fact, essential oils are most beneficial when inhaled or diffused – you don’t even need to apply them to the skin for them to work!

The best oils must be the most expensive. Definitely not true, although many MLM companies might have you think so.  Claims that their oils are pure and therapeutic/food-grade are unsubstantiated and there are some wonderful companies out there that sell quality oils at a fraction of the price.

I think everyone should do their own research when it comes to anything regarding your health and wellness, and that goes for remedies of any kind, whether it be holistic or over-the-counter.  While essential oils are natural and can be used in a very safe manner, there is a lot of misinformation out there, and I felt like I should make a PSA for anyone who happens upon my blog.  I plan on always using Essential Oils in a safe manner and plan to get properly educated so I can feel confident that I’m creating safe blends for others to use.  I’ve had a lot of enjoyment creating blends for my own family over the past few months such as a sleep-aid for Josh (which must work because not even the babies fussing have woken him up lately), a tummy lotion for Enzo (over the age of 2, there are a lot of kid friendly essential oils), and even an eczema blend for Phoebe using hydrosols.

Kids and Essential Oil Safety

Another link about Kids and Essential Oil Safety

Therapeutic Grade Oils


Splitting Time

I think our little lady might finally be getting into a new nighttime schedule.  The past two nights she hasn’t woken up until around 5:00am, which has been a very pleasant change considering she usually wakes up at 1:00am.  Granted, she’s a lot more hungry and vocal when she sleeps longer, so the trick is trying to keep her quiet so she doesn’t wake up her brother.


Overall Phoebe seems to be a quiet observer, taking in everything around her.  I’d love to know what she’s thinking, but half the time the look on her face tells me she thinks we’re all insane.  She may be right.  Thankfully she finds our insanity amusing for the most part.


All too soon these baby days will be over, and I try not to dwell on that too often.  It’s so different the second time around, though. Not only does it fly be even faster, but it’s both easier and more difficult at the same time.  Mostly I feel torn between how much time I spend with both of my munchkins on a daily basis. I feel bad if I don’t spend a lot of one-on-one time with Phoebe because Enzo got so much since he was born first, but then I feel bad if I don’t spend enough time with Enzo because I’ve been snuggling Toots. I never had guilt going back to work when it was just Enzo, but now I definitely feel it simply because I feel like I’m never giving them enough of my time and when I do I’m often tired in the evening and short on patience when it comes to toddler tantrums.


This really just tells me I need to reprioritize and maybe come up with a schedule that allows me to make time for each kiddo, myself, my husband, and to make sure I’m taking care of myself mentally and physically so that way I’m not as tired or cranky when I’m at home.  Thankfully with the weather getting better and better I’m more motivated to exercise again, and while we often make dinners, I think I need to start making a lunch the night before I’m less likely to just grab something frozen or fast on my way out the door.  I’m so focused on making sure Enzo eats well that I sometimes forget about Josh and I.  😉

Yearly Yuck

Without fail I come down with something that knocks me out of commission for several days or more every year.  I can’t complain too much, but I do hate using the majority of my “Sick” Time at the beginning of the year since there’s that much more pressure not to get sick the rest of the year and to keep the kids as healthy as possible.  This year it all started with a cold that didn’t want to leave and then an ear infection that is mostly gone, but I still have fluid and pressure in my ear(s) that is sticking around.  I could deal with that just fine, but then apparently since my immune system was already working overtime taking care of a viral infection; it decided I needed something like a bacterial skin infection as well.  So, I have what the doctors think is Impetigo on my face (they are questioning it because it doesn’t look like typical Impetigo).  Josh is pretty sure it showed up after I was cleaning up some mold we found in a couple of windowsills – Ewww!  I thought I had kept it contained, but it makes sense because I don’t know how else I could have gotten it.  So… I have an awesome sore on my face and little blistery spots and I’m on my second round of antibiotics because for some reason the first round stopped working and it began to spread again.  I’m going to see about finding a dermatologist, but the tricky part seems to be finding one that I can get into quickly because I really hope I won’t still have whatever this infection is a month or two from now… thanks, House. :p

Anyhoo… at least the kids are pretty healthy.  If anyone has to get sick, I’d rather it be me than them.  I did find out something interesting, though… apparently it takes your body 2 years after pregnancy for it to return to normal (as far as immunity goes, at least).  So it makes sense that my body’s immunity is much lower than usual considering Enzo wasn’t even 1 when I got pregnant with Phoebe.  The more you know!

That’s all I’ve got for now… so how about a cute baby?  Right?



I wasn’t sure if I’d share something quite so personal with the interwebs, or even the people I know, but I feel like it’s one of those things that should be said because even though it’s so common still feels so hush-hush. It’s not a secret that postpartum depression happens to many women, and I knew going into both pregnancies that I was at a higher risk for possibly getting it.


With Enzo, the standard baby blues (first 2 weeks after birth) were pretty bad, but after a couple weeks I was starting to feel pretty good again. During my pregnancy with Phoebe, my emotions were a little more intense, so I tried to prepare in case postpartum my emotions were also more intense – I decided to get my placenta encapsulated and honestly? I was feeling pretty good while taking them… my energy was high and I generally felt good, however you may recall that I had PUPPPS, and it flared up worse than ever – apparently because of the placenta capsules, so I had to stop taking them.

No matter who you are, the first 4-6 weeks of having a new baby are hard.  I won’t go into all the details, but once again I had trouble with breastfeeding (supply) and we also have a toddler who was getting mad at mama for not being available to him because I was constantly breastfeeding or pumping to try and get some kind of a supply.  I went to a couple lactation consultants and did everything they suggested, but even they could only shrug and agree that it looked like we’d be supplementing, so long story short I backed off of pumping and let things take their course.  Once I stopped being the main person feeding Phoebe, Enzo started doing better.  I was able to play more with him because Phoebe could last longer between feedings and I wasn’t constantly hooked up to a machine. Things were looking up… only not really.  My declining appetite, mixed feelings about breastfeeding (if my mental health was better, could I have lasted longer??) and daily crying probably should have tipped me off.

So many pretty things to see this year!

I blame it partially on the time of year – winter is never a good time for me emotionally.  I also feel better now that I’m back at work, but in all honesty I think I’m only feeling better because I finally admitted to Josh and the midwives that I’m not really okay.  It can be really tiring to try and put a smile on your face and pretend nothing is wrong to everyone around you, you know?  I eat because I have to, not because I have any real appetite and if I had my choice I’d stay in bed all day and do nothing because I have zero interest in doing anything really. Along with the apathy has been constant irritability at everyone and everything, and that isn’t fair to my husband or kiddos… plus it’s not fun to see yourself acting completely irrationally.  There were other signs as well, but part of me wanted to ignore them all. I’ve been off of medications since before Enzo was conceived, so going back on them felt like admitting defeat.  I knew it was time, though, when at my postpartum checkup the midwife asked how I was doing and I cried in answer… actually I knew a little before then when I admitted it to Josh and he kind of breathed a sigh of relief and said he had been afraid to say anything to me. Sigh. So, I agreed to start taking Vitamin D and something a little stronger (Zoloft) and hopefully in about 6 months I’ll be able to leave the meds behind again. I think I already feel a bit better just because the weight is lifted a tad by admitting that something was wrong.  I want to be a good wife and a good mother, and I can’t do that if I’m not mentally and physically healthy.

— I wrote this post a week ago and never posted it, and already I can feel myself starting to feel better after a weeks worth of meds if only because my appetite is returning and I’m sleeping better.  I’m hopeful that in a few more weeks I’ll feel 100% better and maybe even start posting more considering I’ve hardly had the motivation to even go downstairs other than to feed the cats the past few weeks. —