Category Archives: gardening


While admittedly it doesn’t seem like I have as much time as I used to, I did finally manage to get our garden started, and get some flowers planted so our deck doesn’t look as bare anymore.

We got lettuce growing…

Some spinach…

Tomatoes… well, what will soon be tomatoes.



And a few other items and flowers not pictured. Uzi is, of course, thrilled that the weather is nice enough now to sit on the deck, and both of the cats have been on their best behavior while outside – probably because they know our patience is thin when it comes to any insubordination lately.

As for Enzo – he’s been thoroughly enjoying daycare, and I’m just glad to get him in the evenings and on weekends. I’m happy that he likes being around the other babies so much, and my heart aches with gladness whenever he greets me with those big smiles of his.

I do believe the cats are getting used to him. 😉 My sweet, sweet boy.

Long Weekend

Well, every weekend has been a long weekend for me lately, but this weekend even Josh got an extra day, which was very nice. On Saturday we had a few friends and family over and had some barbecue and got to show off Mr. Enzo some more.

We were also able to do some lounging, which we all enjoyed and needed as Enzo has been going through a fussy phase.

We also celebrated Josh’s birthday this weekend, and Enzo was kind enough to doze off long enough for us to eat cake and for his papa to open up a present or two.

I decided to get Josh the Annihilator… not only a useful tool in case we have a lot of work to do on our next house, but it’s also a badass way to kill zombies should we run into any.

I was also able to start some gardening, which I’ve been waiting for, but alas – once again I didn’t buy enough potting soil, so I’ll have to get more this week so I can finish things up.

And now time to cut this short as Enzo is a bit fussy and because really… not much is new.  Thanks to my in-laws offering to babysit this week, we will be going to see ‘The Avengers’ finally on Thursday and are looking forward to it. It’ll be our first time away from baby together, and I guess I should get used to that as he unfortunately will be starting daycare on the 7th.  I’m not going to think about that just yet, though.

And then it was Monday…

I forgot how often my weekends were filled with schoolwork last semester. :p Granted, I’m trying to get a little bit ahead, so I spent extra time this last weekend doing lots of reading and note taking and essay writing. We did, however, leave time for a Twins game Friday night since I hadn’t been to the new stadium yet. It’s pretty nice… not that I’ve had much experience with baseball fields. 😉

On Saturday after lots of schoolwork and our bi-monthly shopping, we decided to grill, and thankfully Josh didn’t heat it up before checking under the cover because this little guy would have been toast.

Tree frogs are definitely one of my favorite things about living where we do.

On Sunday morning I pulled out a recipe for Apple Butter Pancakes, which I haven’t made in years. It’s a recipe from the Lightner Creek Inn that I grabbed when I worked there years and years ago.

Josh played games while I worked on schoolwork, I made lasagna, we watched X-Files, and before we knew it, the weekend was pretty much over.

I promise next weekend will be more exciting!

I’m a little nervous thinking about how hot this guy is going to be… I’ve never let a jalapeno get red before.


Finally Morning Glories!  I have been waiting ages for this plant to finally bloom while it’s been growing like crazy.  They’re just as lovely as I had hoped for. In the meantime… bugs of some kind have been destroying my tomatoes and I’m not sure what to do… I’ve tried homemade remedies, but apparently not the right kind, so I hope it’s not too late to try something else. It looks like a lady bug has arrived on it’s own to help with the aphid issue I’ve been having with the jalepenos, however. On a sidenote, apparently I left one of the peppers on the plant longer than I meant to. That thing was HOT!  I felt so bad after Josh bit into a small slice and discovered they were more fiery than he likes. I actually only managed a few slice myself and then it was just more painful than tasty.

We ended up having a really nice weekend overall… things have been on the stressful side, so we had a really fun spontaneous day yesterday. We had planned on going to the Pioneer Village in Hastings, but didn’t spend as much time there as we thought we would, so we stopped at a winery on a whim afterwards and did a full tasting and just relaxed and talked for an hour or two and then decided to go to Dave and Busters for dinner and games. As always, we spent more than we meant to, but walked away with yet another kitchen appliance (Quesadilla maker) and a disco ball lamp… we had to use the tickets on something, right? :p

A few of my favorite things…

Right now I am loving how  many more veggies are ready for harvesting… we have tomatoes turning red (finally), onions, jalepeños, and even some carrots!  I can’t wait until we have a yard where I can try other things as well.

Despite their small size, Josh said the carrot (or at least the one that was darker) tasted really good!  Hooray for growing food!

Josh is away for the day (hanging with the boys), so I spent a few hours cleaning, which felt really good, watched a couple of movies, and then spent some time outside with the cats doing a little reading, and finding the cutest little frog on my marigolds.  I almost didn’t even see him, but noticed something looked off, so I got closer, and there he was!

Now I think it’s time for a cup of tea and some more reading, I think. Tomorrow we’re going to see Captain America, and it should be a good way to end a pretty relaxing weekend. Maybe I’ll even get some sewing done as I have a pile of things to fix for Josh (buttons and things that are so easy to fix, but also so easy to put off). 😉