Category Archives: food

There’s always something…

So close to having the new speakers and everything hooked up only to get to the last speaker and realize we don’t have enough wire, and we don’t have the right connector for the subwoofer into the receiver. Looks like we’ll be finishing up tomorrow since neither of us feel like driving half an hour to find a store that has what we need. Otherwise it’s schoolwork and all of those other little things that should be done.

We did our usual Sunday breakfast, and now I can’t believe the day is soon to be over. We’re going to watch “Appaloosa” tonight – I’ve been in the mood to watch westerns lately, so we figured we’d give it a try since we both generally like Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris.

How about some yummy breakfast photos? :p

(I love our Hello Kitty Toaster!)

Grilling Season

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring with the snow melting and warmer temperatures. We even got to hear the first thunder of the year last night while we got a bit of rain, but unfortunately missed seeing the moon.

Yesterday was a little chilly still, but we opened up some windows until it got too cold and got our weekend cleaning done and some baking as well.


Tracy and Jenny (Josh’s mom and sister) were in town so they came out to see us and we grilled up some steak and asparagus and got more use out of our deep-fryer from Dave & Buster’s – that’s right – when we win, we win big.


Then we watched some Planet Earth, which we picked up on BluRay for an awesome deal, and that was Saturday.  Today it’ll be some shopping, including a new vacuum because it seems ours bit the dust yesterday after eating a sock (it never recovered), but I’d say 6 or so years is good for a vacuum that cost under $100 and cleans up after 2 cats.  😉

Always food…

I promise our lives don’t revolve around food… not entirely. What’s not to love about breakfast for dinner, though? Between working, school, and the gym, we don’t always have time to make dinner, but it’s something we’re trying to squeeze in more often rather than sitting in front of our computers with a frozen meal or snacks thrown hastily together. Granted, our cooked meals aren’t always that much healthier than the frozen variety, but we do try. 😉  Plus while cooking you have extra time to chat, and who doesn’t love a good chat over sizzling bacon?


My goal is to find some quicker recipes that can be thrown together quickly on days when I have papers to write and tests to study for. I like using the Crockpot, but not everything can be left for 10-12 hours and at least 3-4 times a week that’s how long we’re away. Plus… I confess that I hate cleanup. Baking is different – cleanup after baking is so much nicer than cleanup after dinner when there might be grease and crud to scrape off of a pan. 😉 Ah well, time to pull out some cookbooks and do some experimenting!

In the meantime, you can’t go wrong with breakfast when in doubt, and a cup of blueberry tea for relaxing.

Or if you’re Josh… a Josh-sized sammich.

And what better dessert than fresh fruit… which may or may not have been topped with whipped cream after this picture was taken.

When the cat’s away…

Josh went out to the play with the boys yesterday, so I had a quiet day at home getting schoolwork completed and relaxing.

Uzi was also hard at work.

I skyped with family, which is one of the best inventions, and made yummy cookies.

Glass of wine – check!  (Great local wine, by the way)

And what else is a girl to do when her husband is gone but watch beautiful period films like ‘The Young Victoria,’ which I do recommend if you also like these types of films. I never know how much is true or fiction (until I decide to do some reading), but they’re fascinating nonetheless with the sheer mass of layered clothing and in this case, lavishness.

Sunday evening already…

We ended up going to the Science Museum yesterday to see the Tutankhamun exhibit, and it ended up being really interesting, though at first we were almost wondering if the artifacts on display were real on not. You wouldn’t have guessed that some of the statues and carvings were actually thousands of years old, and there they were.  We couldn’t take pictures, of course, and it’s a shame because there were a lot of interesting items on display, and massive stone statuary that were just incredible.

We went and checked out the rest of the museum as well, but there’s only so far we can walk when our tummies are rumbling and demanding food, so our stroll through the other exhibits was somewhat brief.


This morning we decided to make chocolate chip pancakes, and then get some organizing done – still lots to do, but our pile of Goodwill stuff has grown, and I plan on adding even more to it.

For now, though, I think it may be time to find some grub, grab the husband, and maybe see about watching a movie while it continues to snow outside, which is lame.