Category Archives: food

Week 31

Already it seems baby is starting to slow down a bit with a growing lack of room, but he’s still quite a mover. The other night he got really agitated, though, when I woke up from a nightmare (which was odd in itself since I can’t remember the last time I had a dream like that) and poor Baby Boy was just going nuts.  My heart was racing and he was moving around like crazy after I woke up – Josh said it was the most he’s ever felt him, and I’d have to agree. Otherwise, Baby Boy is doing well and we have another appointment next week.


This morning for our Sunday breakfast we had bacon and homemade blueberry pancakes – I can’t do box pancakes anymore… they’re just not nearly as satisfying. 😉


Then we went through the big box of baby clothes my sister sent us…

And then Josh and Uzi put together the glider for the nursery, which I then immediately tried out. I’m so glad we didn’t get a bigger one as it would have been a tight fit otherwise!

While I kept my feet up, Josh put up the Mario decals in the nursery, bringing us another step closer to completion – yahoo!

That pretty much sums up our day… we’ve been keeping an eye on Ziggy who has been a bit out of sorts today, and we’ll probably be taking her to the vet tomorrow. We’re not sure what’s up, but think it might be tummy related – she’s been on the couch most of the day and just hasn’t been herself along with a few other issues, which we thought were stress related until this morning.  So… fingers crossed it’s just something simple. In the meantime, she’s been enjoying the extra attention and just having us nearby to offer constant pettings and we’ve received many purrs in return.

Week 29

Another week come and gone.  Baby and I had our monthly check-up this week, and everything seems to be going just fine.  Baby’s heartbeat was nice and strong, which didn’t surprise me considering how active he often is.  According to my books, he should weigh over 2 lbs right now, and will start gaining 1/2 a pound a week.  Considering how big I already feel, it’ll be interesting to see just how much bigger this belly gets. :p


And this would be after Josh told me my belly looked like a giant boob because of how my belly button sticks out…

Despite the cold, we decided to get some errands done yesterday, which included going to Snuffy’s Malt Shop for lunch (Mmmm… malts), and then off to Babies R Us to order a chair for the nursery.  We got a pretty good deal on a glider with ottoman and while it’s not the most comfortable model they had, we already decided we weren’t spending $300-$500 on a rocking chair.  Sure, we may change our minds later if we end up spending a lot of time in it, but for now… I think it’ll work out just fine, and this particular chair doesn’t take up as much room, which is also nice considering the nursery is a little small.  Otherwise, we bought some baby clothes (yay clearance!) and then went home and had a nice dinner for two.  With my growing girth, it’s too hard to eat anywhere but at the dinner table or counter, and it’s actually been nice not eating in front of the TV or computer and sitting down with my husband – we may just make it a regular thing. Ha ha.


I also have the best husband, who picked up Lady and the Tramp for me, which I haven’t seen in years, and we watched that last night.  I’m definitely having a much harder time staying up very late, though.  It hits 9:00 and I seem to just wear out – I’m afraid the recliners might be too comfy for movie watching anymore. :p

I was, however, thankfully able to sleep in a bit today and we did our Sunday morning breakfast – biscuits and gravy today with thick deli-cut bacon.  It’s getting kind of sad that I think about food so often to the point where my eyes glaze over thinking about all the yummy things I want to make and devour. Ah well, I guess I’m really just lucky I haven’t gained more weight than I already have!

On that note, time to decide what to do with the rest of the day… perhaps a combination of being productive and relaxing as I still have a lot of organizing and purging I need/want to do.  I also want to spend some time with my husband and his week ended on a bit of a sad note with the passing of his uncle, which was very sudden and unexpected.  I didn’t have the opportunity to know him very well, but he was kind and had a great love of music – he was the DJ at our wedding actually, and we couldn’t have asked for a better one.

Week 27

How can it really be the end of January?  Only 3 months to go until the Wonton makes his grand appearance and overall things are going well. I’m definitely starting to feel extra aches and pains, though, but thankfully found a good chiropractor this past week.  In the meantime, I guess I should be better about my stretching and exercising. 😉  We’ve almost got all of the “big” things taken care – we know where we’re having the baby, and we found a daycare we like, so now I guess the next thing to do is find a pediatrician we like as well and make a couple of decisions regarding other things.  All in all, things are going well, though. Uzi cat is becoming more jealous of his unborn nemesis, however, so it’s going to be interesting to see how the cats adjust when baby arrives.


Otherwise, I’ve been on a baking/cooking spree and made yummy chicken corn chowder yesterday with cornbread and now that we’re running low on cookies, I need to decide what tasty delicious treat to bake up next. I’ve never done a red velvet cake by hand, but cheesecake sounds kind of awesome as well. There is also the problem that if we end up eating it all by ourselves we’re going to end up with an extra 20 pounds that we don’t need. Ha ha.


Week 21

This week we went and checked out our first hospital… we haven’t quite decided where we want labor to take place, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be switching to midwife care soon – as soon as I pick a midwife group I like, which includes the birthing center they’re affiliated with.  Otherwise it’s been a fairly uneventful week overall.


This Winter has been very weird so far, though. We went and picked up a chest freezer and had to use Josh’s convertible to drive it home… with the top down.  This time last year there’s no way we could have done that, but today was actually really nice – 45 degrees.  I’ve never wanted snow so much, if only to make things look prettier.  Oh well, I can just pretend that it’s snowy outside while I sit down with a slice of yummy banana bread.

14 Weeks!

The first baby belly pictures!  Granted, this may not be all baby, but you get the idea – I have no will power and find it difficult to say “no” to any and all cravings. :p


Also… cupcakes!  Because they are awesome! And Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!  Sorry, that’s about the extent of the excitement around here for now.

We may need to get out more often…