Already it seems baby is starting to slow down a bit with a growing lack of room, but he’s still quite a mover. The other night he got really agitated, though, when I woke up from a nightmare (which was odd in itself since I can’t remember the last time I had a dream like that) and poor Baby Boy was just going nuts. My heart was racing and he was moving around like crazy after I woke up – Josh said it was the most he’s ever felt him, and I’d have to agree. Otherwise, Baby Boy is doing well and we have another appointment next week.
This morning for our Sunday breakfast we had bacon and homemade blueberry pancakes – I can’t do box pancakes anymore… they’re just not nearly as satisfying. 😉
Then we went through the big box of baby clothes my sister sent us…
And then Josh and Uzi put together the glider for the nursery, which I then immediately tried out. I’m so glad we didn’t get a bigger one as it would have been a tight fit otherwise!
While I kept my feet up, Josh put up the Mario decals in the nursery, bringing us another step closer to completion – yahoo!
That pretty much sums up our day… we’ve been keeping an eye on Ziggy who has been a bit out of sorts today, and we’ll probably be taking her to the vet tomorrow. We’re not sure what’s up, but think it might be tummy related – she’s been on the couch most of the day and just hasn’t been herself along with a few other issues, which we thought were stress related until this morning. So… fingers crossed it’s just something simple. In the meantime, she’s been enjoying the extra attention and just having us nearby to offer constant pettings and we’ve received many purrs in return.