It’s only been more than a month, but better late than never, right? The 4th of July weekend was a busy one for sure, but it was so much fun to introduce the kids to the joy of carnivals and staying up way past their bedtime to watch fireworks. We decided to start things off at A Taste of Minnesota and then to meet up with family later on. Enzo was excited about the rides and wanted to try out several, and Phoebe decided she was okay with a slow moving truck ride. Enzo was really excited about the giant slide (as always) and this one was pretty fast. Phoebe watched them go down and insisted she wanted to go as well, but… she was not a fan. We thought maybe she’d enjoy the pony rides since Enzo did at that age, but once again… not a fan and she immediately wanted off. Oh well. Enzo was also a trooper after he chipped his tooth on one of my least favorite rides. Poor guy was in pain off and on throughout the day.