Category Archives: family

Eclipses and Kittens

For a few weeks, on and off, Josh and I had casually talked about the possibility of getting another cat at some point, but we had no time frame in mind and weren’t sure if we’d actually do so.  We do already have two cats, after all and did we really want to disrupt them.  When I commented on a friend’s Facebook post of an adorable kitten, I didn’t really think she’d end up coming to live with us.  There was just something about this little lady, though, and I think it was just meant to be. How could we not bring her home?!


After some voting and deliberation, meet Vega.  Since the lunar eclipse was coming up (we got her on Thursday), I was inspired to name her something space related, which just seems to work with her – plus the name she was going by was Stardust, so there you go.  Vega is settling in nicely and making herself at home.  She has the loudest purr and is a superb snuggler when she isn’t running around. I forgot how much fun it was to have a kitten.  Enzo particularly loves to watch her chase the laser pointer, and both kids enjoy feeding her copious amounts of treats. As for Ziggy and Uzi… I’m not even sure Ziggy has realized there’s another cat in the house, or if she has she really just doesn’t care.  We’ve been keeping the kitten upstairs and the other cats downstairs, and we let the Ziggy and Uzi upstairs while Vega is napping in the play room.  Uzi is uncertain right now and at first hissed and growled when he got a look at her.  Now, he’s at a point where he isn’t hissing or growling when he sees her (we’ve kept them at a distance while they get a look at each other and then close the door), but we’re going to be cautious and I’m sure in time they’ll get used to each other.  I think I’ll stock up on some Feliway, though, in the meantime to make sure we help keep all the cats calm while we deal with growing pains.


Welcome home, Vega!

Renaissance Festival!

It’s hard to believe we haven’t been to the Renaissance Festival since we first moved to Minnesota. I know at least two years we decided to go to the State Fair instead of the Festival, but this year I decided it was time we returned.  While it was fun this year, I think next year will be even better when Phoebe is past her NoIWillNotHoldYourHandOrRideInTheWagon stage.  However, the wagon was much easier than the stroller when it comes to more rugged terrain.



Because it had been so long I couldn’t remember whether there would be enough to keep the kids entertained or not. I guess I forgot just how much there is, though.  We were there for a good 4 hours and missed so much!  I’m already planning on dressing up the whole family next year. I was tempted to this time, but wasn’t sure if the kids would cooperate.  Considering how much Phoebe likes to twirl in dresses now, though, I don’t think she’d mind. Since Josh picked up an Ocarina while we were there, we’re thinking we may just do a Zelda theme for the entire family since that’s also probably the only way I’ll get Josh to join us in costume. 😉

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Another great thing about the Festival is that it’s perfectly acceptable (and encouraged) to drink beer and wine before noon.  While Josh relaxed with his beer I took the kids on a walk through the Fairy Forest.  Enzo was a tad nervous at first, which I think was due to so many people in costume.  He was very wary about everyone who came our way.  Both kids enjoyed wandering the path and seemed more interested in walking and exploring than talking to any of the fairies or elves we met along the way.  Phoebe stopped when we came upon a girl playing a violin, though, and didn’t want to leave.  The girl played her the ABC song, which completely won her over and I had a hard time talking her into leaving. We may have a future musician on our hands!


Josh took the kids through Mermaid Cove while I had a few moments to myself and got to do some people watching.  As you can see from the picture, Enzo didn’t seem to be too thrilled. Ha ha!


I think he was just getting a bit tired, but we had promised them souvenirs, so being the good parents we are we bought them each wooden swords and shields.  Phoebe was perhaps a little too keen and had to have hers taken away after trying to run her brother through.  At least I won’t have to worry about her protecting herself in the future.

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As the wind started to pick up and clouds began to move in, we decided it was time to head on out.  Josh and I are headed back for the last weekend, though, to help a friend celebrate his birthday. Huzzah!

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Camping: Part 2

Paul Bunyan Land is one of those kind of over-priced, small-town amusement parks that you go to because it’s random and there isn’t a whole lot else to do.  It’s kind of cheesy in a fun way, really only has a handful of rides for kids (most of which aren’t running all the time), a petting zoo and some wacky dioramas.  It also has This Old Village, which is kind of fun, but we didn’t have time for it with the kids.   Right away Enzo saw a few rides that he wanted to go on, and a few more that he stared at for a while, but said, “Maybe next time when I’m bigger.”


Phoebe was fairly nervous and since they wouldn’t allow parents on the rides with small kids, we took a gamble putting her on a ride alone with Enzo after previous experiences.  She held on for dear life, but I think she was okay because her big brother was next to her having a blast.  They both loved the train (of course) and the boat was also a big hit, which sort of surprised me. I figured Phoebe would panic when the ride operator picked her up and plopped her in the boat rather than me, but she thoroughly enjoyed it.




Continue reading

Camping: Part 1

You never know how something is going to go until you try it, right?  As with anything, we knew camping could go either way with two small kiddos and the uncertainty of weather and a lack of routine (lack of sleep especially).  While it wasn’t the most relaxing weekend away, overall the kids had a good time, and so did we.  There were the frustrations of bugs, of course, and poor Enzo may have gotten bit even more than I did, which led to a trip to the store for some antihistamines.  Thankfully the bites didn’t seem to bug him too much, though.


Setting up camp went fairly smoothly since both kids were finishing up a nap in the van.  Once they did wake up, though, the process slowed down a lot as things often do with kids.  We had kind of planned on a slow afternoon with more activities for the next day, but did take the kids for a walk by the river so that Josh and Enzo could try their hand at some fishing.  We stuck with easy food and readied ourselves for some cranky kids as they got tired, but had no blackout curtains to help them fall asleep.  Judge if you want to, but the portable DVD player was kind of a lifesaver because we were able to get them to lay down and kind of relax once we were done reading books.  Josh and I were also exhausted, and I think we all fell asleep as soon as it got dark enough.  Bliss.


Morning came all too quickly, and the kids were up with the sun, but that’s actually later then they typically get up, so it was nice.  It was surprisingly chilly, so we got everyone bundled up and while Josh made a fire and I attempted to prepare some breakfast we wrapped the kids up and let them use the Kindles to do some coloring.


While I don’t want to always bring along electronics, they were really helpful at keeping the kids occupied so they could sit close to the fire and I didn’t have to worry about them too much (Miss Graceful especially).  Poor kiddos were too cold and Phoebe just wanted to be held, so the Kindle helped free up our arms so we could tend to more important things.  Once the sun started peeking through the trees and we all had food in our bellies, the kids perked up and we knew it would be a good idea to get our day started before the kids got too antsy.


We knew we could only spend so much time hanging around the campsite and exploring the river, so we had already decided in advance to take the kids out for some fun riding some rides and hopefully getting them nice and tired out.  So, off we went to Paul Bunyan Land!  To be continued… after some coffee. 😉


The F Word (no, not that one).

We’ve reached that point in the year where there is no denying that fall is just around the corner and I am doing everything in my power to hold onto summer.  I’m avoiding fall because of what it inevitably becomes and I simply can’t think about that right now.  Granted, I wish stores would hold off when it comes to putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving items and it is way too early for pumpkin beverages. I refuse to rush through the last days of summer.


So, from here on out we’re going to get good use out of our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and hit up the zoo as many times as we can, the arboretum, and pretty much anyplace that is outside and more enjoyable in sunshine.  I even signed up Josh and I for a Grape Stomp at a local winery.  I channeled my inner Lucy years ago working very briefly at a chocolate factory, but this should be a bit more fun.


We also want to try and fit in some kind of end-of-summer gathering, but we need to do a little planning and the house needs some organizing before we invite people into our chaos as we’ve moved things around since the last time we had a large group over.  One day we’ll finish our various projects and I won’t stare at the basement wondering what on earth needs to be done to make it more functional and the landscaping won’t obnoxiously taunt me every time I pull up.


Oh well, one day at a time.  It’s easy to become overwhelmed with too many projects, so I’m trying to work on the ones that feel the most important.  They don’t always have the biggest impact, but I’m trying to focus on what will make me feel the most joy.  I’m preparing for a major house decluttering, so I suppose Josh and the kids had better get ready too.  Like so many others I’m reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up and I’m getting kind of excited (also really nervous) about getting rid of a ton of things and simplifying.


What do all of these random thoughts have to do with zoo pictures?  Not much at all.  We finally went to see the monk seals a little while ago, and are due back for another visit.  I think I’m okay with putting off de-cluttering a little while longer while we make the most of the nice temperatures.  Maybe we can give the carousel another whirl since Phoebe really wants to like it, but gets a little freaked out every time.



Instead, they wanted to spend the entire time at the new play area. I mean, who goes to a zoo to see animals?  Not these two!  Give us all the slides!


