Category Archives: family

Every year it’s the same…

Can I just hold onto fall for just a little bit longer?  We had our first snow flurries yesterday and I am really just not ready for that kind of cold wind to become just another daily occurrence even though it happens every year and we should just be used to it already.  One thing is for certain, we’re getting a snowblower this year.  If anything, that will ensure that we don’t get nearly as much snow as usual.  Neither of us feel like shoveling several feet of snow in sub-zero temps this year, though.

So, in the spirit of not giving in to winter, here are some fall pictures I haven’t posted yet.


Sure, there will be more of this in the upcoming months, the blanket just might be heavier and hopefully the nuk will be gone… her teeth are being affected and we’re going to have to lose the nuk.


Painting punkins!  Really, we’ll paint anything in our house.  Enzo has always been really good about keeping crayons, markers, paints, etc on actual paper or specified places, but you can’t leave Phoebe alone for a second.  It is imperative to only have washable art supplies in her reach because she will make art wherever she feels like it, and especially if she feels like she’s taking a stand against “The Man” aka Mom and Dad who like suppress her artistic expression.


We’ll see if Phoebe changes her mind about the cold and snow, but even if she doesn’t, Enzo will want to go outside and play.  I’m thinking maybe we’ll get some food coloring and make some art in the snow to mix it up a bit.  It’s fun using different seasonal mediums with the kids.


Okay, maybe winter won’t be thaaaat bad.  We’ll see.

So Long, Fall!

There is a chill in the air and after several days of unusual November rain, we are about to get much cooler, so now seems as good a time as any to soak up the last of Fall.  Last year it took a little time for Enzo to warm up to the idea of playing in the giant leaf pile Josh’s Dad prepares for all the kiddos.  This time, though, he ran right into it and his cheeks were already getting rosy by the time his cousins came to join in on the fun.  This boy runs hot, that’s for sure.


Phoebe, on the other hand, is like me and wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of playing in cold leaves.  She was more content to sit and eat her snack, but eventually we managed to get her to at least sort of join in.  I can’t blame her, I’d rather sit on the sidelines and just watch too.  I kind of don’t want to tell her what’s in store considering she whines when it’s cold out at day care and they go outside to play.



If you’re Enzo, however, the highlight of a giant leaf pile is being tossed into it. I have a feeling if his thrill seeking continues, I’m going to lose just as much sleep in the years to come as I do now.  I guess it makes sense, though… kids aren’t aware of all the dangers and worries that adults consider, so why should being tossed 6 feet in the air into a pile of leaves be at all disconcerting? Granted, even bloody noses and other bumps and bruises don’t stop him from jumping off things he shouldn’t and fearlessly climbing whatever he can.




While we’ll need to keep Enzo’s active side busy this winter, we’ll have to come up with a combination of inside and outside activities considering Phoebe isn’t a fan of being cold and wet.  I loved sledding when we were kids and building snow forts, so hopefully we can do some of that with the kids and find other activities now that they’re older and not quite as affected by a late night here or there and an occasional missed nap.  Last winter was a bit of a bummer, especially after we got back from a nice warm vacation in California, so I plan on making it as fun as possible this year.


If anyone has any tips on winter activities with small kiddos, do let me know!

The Little Things

It was a very busy and slightly crazy weekend, both personally and the world in general.  There was no missing the news this weekend and how horrible it was.  I admit, it starts to make me wonder what kind of world we’ve brought two children into.  I admit I often avoid the news because it’s either all very trivial celebrity gossip or it’s just very awful.  Both make me shake my head, just for very different reasons.  Honestly, I’m not even sure what to say when it comes to the state of the world we live in.  It makes me sad that there has to be so much hate and violence, though.  I’ll never understand it.  So, this weekend I focused on my family.  We celebrated the 2 years that Phoebe has been with us and then on Sunday we went and bought her a big girl bed.  These pictures aren’t from this weekend, but from a few weeks ago when they helped me make a pie.

Pie Making1

As you can see, Phoebe was also due for another trim, but she’d rather have her hair in her eyes then let me trim it for her… which I guess I can’t say that I blame her for that.  I’m not a hair stylist for a reason.  Anyhoo, it’s always hit or miss with the kids in the kitchen. Some days they’re thrilled to help out, and others not so much, so when Enzo asked if he could help, I couldn’t refuse and he pulled his chair up to the counter.  Phoebe is never one to be left out and pulled a chair over as well.  Thankfully, Key Lime pie is pretty easy to make and what’s not to love about crushing up graham crackers?

Pie Making4

I’m sure Phoebe would argue that sneaking bits is probably the best part, but Enzo was far too intent on getting the right amount so we could do the actual fun part, which is when you get to push the button.  I love how excited they get at the thought of just pushing a button to make something happen.  I often forget about taking joy in the little things, but the kids have been helping me remember that it’s often in the little things that we find the most joy.  Whether it be coloring in a coloring book or sipping hot cocoa and watching it storm or putting flannel sheets on the bed when the weather gets cool… it doesn’t have to be much.

Pie Making3

While we were at Target yesterday with the kids, a woman actually walked over to me and smiled and said, “I just wanted to tell you how adorable your family is. It made my day to see you all.”  So often I feel like we’re a chaotic mess and it was such a huge thing what she said.  Usually I try to keep the kids corralled, but we didn’t today and while it may irritate some people that our kids are giggling and having a great time looking at everything, there are people who also find joy in seeing two very happy kids shopping with their parents and having a grand time.  It may have even been her words that kept me from getting frustrated with them when the didn’t want to listen and Enzo kept removing things from shelves and Phoebe would suddenly run down an aisle out of the blue. Granted, having a parent for each of them helps, but this stranger’s words also helped me take a step back and just watch them from someone else’s point of view. I could either get irritated like some people, or I could smile and laugh like so many others watching them interact with each other and everyone and everything around them.  I chose the latter. I think we all just need to slow down a bit and learn to smile more.

Pie Making2

Day In the Life

I haven’t done one of these in a really long time and happened to pick a weekend where the weather was beautiful and we decided to spend most of the day out of the house, which also means most of these pictures are off the phone.  I’ve learned lately that it’s just much easier to carry the phone rather than the bigger camera, especially with how active they both are.

Anyhoo, our Saturday started off early… so early.  I think the kids were up before 6:00… it was dark and far too early.  I suppose on the plus side it meant we had plenty of time to decide what our plans would be and time to get ready, though.  I gave Enzo a few options and he picked the zoo, so we figured we’d start there and then see where the day led us.












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Summer’s Encore

Just as I was getting ready to fully accept that Fall was here, I look at the forecast and we’re going to get short weather this weekend.  I am definitely not complaining. Instead I’m planning on putting off all responsibility and we’ll be spending as much time out of the house as possible. Now we just have to decide what to do.  Do we go to the zoo?  Do we go to an apple orchard? Do we go to a pumpkin patch?  Do we go to a corn maze?  So many choices, and those aren’t even all of them…


That being said, a lot will depend on Miss Phoebe who is not only getting some teeth in, but has a canker sore as well and has been understandably fussy lately.  Both kids have been a little more cantankerous than usual and I’m wondering if it’s just the fact that fall is settling in. It seems as though a lot of people have been having “off” days, so hopefully that will change soon. All the more reason to get out and soak up some Vitamin D this weekend!
