It was a very busy and slightly crazy weekend, both personally and the world in general. There was no missing the news this weekend and how horrible it was. I admit, it starts to make me wonder what kind of world we’ve brought two children into. I admit I often avoid the news because it’s either all very trivial celebrity gossip or it’s just very awful. Both make me shake my head, just for very different reasons. Honestly, I’m not even sure what to say when it comes to the state of the world we live in. It makes me sad that there has to be so much hate and violence, though. I’ll never understand it. So, this weekend I focused on my family. We celebrated the 2 years that Phoebe has been with us and then on Sunday we went and bought her a big girl bed. These pictures aren’t from this weekend, but from a few weeks ago when they helped me make a pie.

As you can see, Phoebe was also due for another trim, but she’d rather have her hair in her eyes then let me trim it for her… which I guess I can’t say that I blame her for that. I’m not a hair stylist for a reason. Anyhoo, it’s always hit or miss with the kids in the kitchen. Some days they’re thrilled to help out, and others not so much, so when Enzo asked if he could help, I couldn’t refuse and he pulled his chair up to the counter. Phoebe is never one to be left out and pulled a chair over as well. Thankfully, Key Lime pie is pretty easy to make and what’s not to love about crushing up graham crackers?

I’m sure Phoebe would argue that sneaking bits is probably the best part, but Enzo was far too intent on getting the right amount so we could do the actual fun part, which is when you get to push the button. I love how excited they get at the thought of just pushing a button to make something happen. I often forget about taking joy in the little things, but the kids have been helping me remember that it’s often in the little things that we find the most joy. Whether it be coloring in a coloring book or sipping hot cocoa and watching it storm or putting flannel sheets on the bed when the weather gets cool… it doesn’t have to be much.

While we were at Target yesterday with the kids, a woman actually walked over to me and smiled and said, “I just wanted to tell you how adorable your family is. It made my day to see you all.” So often I feel like we’re a chaotic mess and it was such a huge thing what she said. Usually I try to keep the kids corralled, but we didn’t today and while it may irritate some people that our kids are giggling and having a great time looking at everything, there are people who also find joy in seeing two very happy kids shopping with their parents and having a grand time. It may have even been her words that kept me from getting frustrated with them when the didn’t want to listen and Enzo kept removing things from shelves and Phoebe would suddenly run down an aisle out of the blue. Granted, having a parent for each of them helps, but this stranger’s words also helped me take a step back and just watch them from someone else’s point of view. I could either get irritated like some people, or I could smile and laugh like so many others watching them interact with each other and everyone and everything around them. I chose the latter. I think we all just need to slow down a bit and learn to smile more.