‘Life After Life’ by Kate Atkinson. Right now I’m still getting into it. I picked it up because I thought the plot was interesting and I was curious as to how the author was going to handle it. Basically, Ursula dies over and over again. She is reborn and then typically there is at least one change that she makes that avoids the death she originally had… only to die again in some other way. Right now I feel like there is a lot of repetitiveness (which I suppose should be expected), so I’m hoping as it continues it will get more interesting.
The most recent movie we saw in the theater was X-Men: Days of Future Past and it was awesome. There were a few really great moments, and overall it was just very enjoyable. I like that it kind of fixed what happened in X-Men 3. As far as rentals go, we just watched ‘The Monuments Men.’ I loved the cast, and thought the story was really interesting. It was a tad on the slow side at times, but had more emotion to it than I was expecting from the previews. As far as how true to life it was… well, its film, they change things… it happens. I enjoyed it, but don’t know that it’s one I’d add to the collection.
Right now I’m looking for something new to watch. I just finished Season 2 of Orange is the New Black and while we still have our usual shows we’re working our way through, all of my other shows are in between seasons. I should probably take this time to not watch TV, but what fun is that?
We have a new Chinese restaurant in town (woot!), which is a big deal when you live in a small town and there are only like two places to go for take-out. I’m hoping they’ll eventually do delivery. Overall their food was pretty good considering as soon as they opened the entire town showed up. The rice was a tad overcooked, but I’ll forgive that since their wontons were decent.
Summer! While we’ve gotten more rain than we can handle, I also love that we haven’t had to turn on the sprinklers yet, so that’s saving us some money. In general, I just love warmer weather and longer days.
Thinking About
Getting healthier… I feel like I’ve said that about a thousand times, but this time I’m actually going to make it happen! Ha ha. I signed up for an online 12 week program that I’m hoping will work out okay for me. My biggest issue is my umbilical hernia and mild diastasis recti – thanks pregnancy! So because of those two things, not all typical ab workouts are good and can make the problems worse. For a while we were doing pretty good with not buying processed foods and doing a weekly meal plan, but that kind of fell by the wayside. So, we bought a new blender and are making more smoothies, and now my goal is to start doing the weekly meal plans again and keeping us all healthy. Enzo has been talking about bikes, so I think we need to go on some family walks in the evening (if we can keep the mosquitoes away) and just adjust dinner and bedtime as we see fit.