This isn’t even actually recent… I really need to upload photos.
I’m on a reading roll! Granted, two books I’m reading are a little embarrassing to admit to as one especially is like Hunger Games meets the Bachelor only less interesting… and I don’t even like The Bachelor. It’s a YA novel (The Selection) that was supposedly good, but now that I read more reviews people love it or hate it. At any rate, it’s mindless and kind of entertaining in a really dumb way.
As for good books – I’m also reading The Martian and it’s a good one so far. I can see why they’re making it into a movie. While you would think it might be boring because it’s a guy stuck on Mars by himself, it’s actually really interesting. It’s scientific, it’s funny, and while I may not have a clue what he’s talking about at times, it’s written in a way that makes it not too technical and really enjoyable.
I finished Season 3 of Orange is the New Black recently and it was a good one – some new backstories, new characters and a lot of feels. Season 4 can’t come soon enough! It’s funny because some of the characters I wasn’t a fan of in the beginning have completely grown on me and after the finale? Season 4 should be interesting! I’m also binge-watching Season 4 of Scandal. Sometimes I really just want to smack some sense into Olivia, though.
As for movies… we actually haven’t watched many lately. We’ve been busy doing other things and Josh has been playing games lately in the evening, so I honestly can’t even remember the last movie we watched. That’s really odd for us too. Ha ha.
Overall Health and Wellness
I’m really liking the Fitbit One I got and think it’s helping me stay slightly more motivated than I was, so it’s been a worthwhile purchase overall as I try and remind myself to stay more active, which can be difficult at a desk job. As for my hives… they are essentially GONE! The acupuncture treatments and Chinese Herbal blend I’ve been taking have done amazing things. I don’t take antihistamines anymore (except for the occasional seasonal allergies) and I don’t even need the herbs on a daily basis either. I’ve seen a couple hives now and then, but it’s been an amazing turnaround. It’s almost crazy to think I was taking several 24hr Allegra pills a day to keep the itchy hives at bay for… how many months? I am blown away completely by the results.
Trying to cut back on gluten and dairy and sugar. Sometimes I do okay and other days I completely fail. I’m not intolerant, but my acupuncturist says I need to cutback. He’s a big paleo advocate, though, so I’m not sure how much of his advice is based on his own personal opinion vs. actual health reasons. I’m willing to compromise, though and give it a try. I can’t deny that I do feel better physically when I’m good and eat fewer of these things. Sigh. 😉
Thinking About
All of the things on our to-do list. We have a fairly big list of things we need to do around the house, some of which are necessary (like properly sealing up a few things after a big ole ant infestation) and some things that are more aesthetic changes to the house itself. We still need to finish landscaping and ultimately we’d like to put carpet downstairs and hardwood upstairs in the kitchen/dining area and the entryway. I’m also still trying to reorganize things after switching our living room/play room/family room around. Also, your basic DIY crafts and pinteresty things are really not where I excel, but we’ll see how a few little projects turn out that I’ve taken on.