Category Archives: currently


Reading… The Two Towers, Tell the Wolves I’m Gone

Watching (on TV)… Game of Thrones, The Great British Bake-Off, Glow (just finished)

Watching (movies)… Wow… I can’t think of any that we’ve watched recently.

Playing… Broken Age, Indigo Prophecy

Listening to… Silence, but I should put on some Spotify or something before I get tired.

Drinking… Coffee, coffee, coffee!!

Eating… Too much junk… again. Story of my life.

Wearing… Layers.  August weather can be crazy at times.

Deciding… What to wear for tonight.  It warmed up, but it might be too chilly to wear my original planned outfit.

Wanting… More time!!  How is there never enough?

Looking forward to… Renaissance Festival time!  I’m a dork and this year we are absolutely dressing up. Any excuse to dress in costume, right?

Feeling… Excited to go out with Josh tonight to MST3K Live!

Dreaming… Of all the things I’ll do once we win the lottery/start working for ourselves.

Searching… For random toys that Phoebe doesn’t know where she put.  Last time I couldn’t find the flashlights, I found them in our closet with her “buried” treasure, so maybe I’ll look there.

Thoroughly enjoying… Watching Enzo take on more responsibility here and there and having him be more snuggly.

Disliking… Tantrums.


Currently :

Reading… The Fellowship of the Ring

Watching (on TV)… The Great British Baking Show

Watching (movies)… Split. James McAvoy’s acting was the only reason to watch the film.  Otherwise… plot holes and various other little things that didn’t work.

Playing… Lots of video games. Haha!  I got my own PS4 (isn’t it pretty??) and I’ve joined Josh’s side project Rapscallion Brigade, which means I stream on Friday nights, but also means I’m watching other people play video games a lot too.  Haha!  No wonder I’m not getting any reading or TV watching in.

Drinking… Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Wine, Gin, and lots of water

Eating… Protein… and jelly beans. I love those little suckers so much.

Looking forward to… Next Saturday when Josh and I go on a little nerdy adventure.  He surprised me with tickets to the annual Little House on the Prairie pageant for our anniversary, so we’ll be heading to Walnut Grove and letting me live out some of my childhood dreams.

Feeling… Lucky, joyful, tired, happy, excited, positive, hopeful, playful, busy

Organizing… The kids’ rooms again.  They are back to separate bedrooms for a few reasons.  We’re having some growing pains with both of them and I’m hoping this will help. 

Loving… Our little Bearded Dragon.  He’s a fun addition to the house and despite that he’s actually a tad high maintenance, it hasn’t stopped me from wanting to add to our pet family.

Thoroughly enjoying… Honestly? A lot of things. I’m trying not to let as many things bother me and in general I’m not as stressed as I used to be. I’m a ray of sunshine!  😀


Reading… Luckiest Girl Alive (Meh), Britt-Marie Was Here

Watching (on TV)… Game of Thrones (2 more episodes until I’m caught up!!), The Handmaid’s Tale

Watching (movies)… Arrival, The Lobster (meh)

Listening to… Trolls Soundtrack (kids’ favorite), Radio, Nature Sounds at bedtime

Drinking… Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Wine, oh yeah, and some water

Eating… Trying to switch things up and get healthier. We are loving our Meat CSA, though.  Such good flavor.

Looking forward to… July. Josh is in charge of planning something for our anniversary and I have no idea what he’s picked. Haha!

Thinking… So many things. Enzo has his preschool graduation tonight and I can’t believe he’ll be starting Kindergarten in the fall.

Organizing… The garage and the outside in general. I still need to add one more plant to our front flower bed and then I think it’ll be “right.”

Searching… For the perfect bench or chairs for our front porch. It just needs something, but I haven’t found the perfect match yet.

Loving… The sound of birds in the morning. Nothing makes me quite so happy as waking up and listening to the birds busy outside.

Thoroughly enjoying… Sunshine!  Oh sweet, glorious sunshine!  I will never stop loving sunshine.

Excited… For summer in general!  We have no real plans, but I can’t wait. It’s going to be awesome.

Feeling… Great!  Maybe it’s the weather and summer has so many more cute clothing opportunities… Phoebe and I did a silly little photo shoot after I had “dolled” myself up.

Haha!  No fashion blogger in the making here!  Come, watch me model awkwardly in front of the chaos of our lives. 😉

Have a great weekend!


Reading… Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

Watching (on TV)… Game of Thrones, Girls, Call the Midwife (its back!!!)

Watching (movies)… Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Light Between Oceans

Listening to… A little bit of everything in order to put together some mixes for our road trip.  A road trip goes so much better with good tunes.

Drinking… Smoothies, Coffee, Tea, not as much wine

Eating… Too many April Fools Cupcakes. I’m kind of glad they’re all gone now. Ha!

Planning… Warm weather projects, both inside and out.

Feeling… Excited and happy!

Organizing… Not much really. I have things I need to organize, but I’ll wait until we get home.

Thankful… That it is almost vacation time!  We didn’t go anywhere last year, so this vacation is long overdue!

Loving… How much better I feel when I take my Super B12 B Complex. I have more energy and I feel like my mood is improved a lot as well.

Smiling… At the massive amounts of art the kids bring home each day.  For a while, Phoebe was the artist, but Enzo has started drawing a lot lately (people especially) and creates fantastic stories to go with them like the one about a potato and two mad guys.

Thoroughly enjoying… That it is spring!  We’ve been opening the windows and enjoying some amazing sunrises.


Reading… An Echo in the Bone, The Hypnotist’s Love Story

Watching… Game of Thrones, This Is Us. We finished the OA on Netflix and were both incredibly letdown by the last episode.  I’m not sure we’ll even bother with the 2nd season after that.

Listening to… Music on our Amazon Dot.  It’s a nice way to mix up the evening… except both kids will sneakily change it when I leave the room.

Drinking… Nothing special. Trying to cut back on coffee still. We just started taking a Vitamin B complex hoping that will help boost our energy and all of that good stuff and in turn make it easier to cut out caffeine.

Eating… Trying to fit in more salads and healthy stuff.  Slowly, but surely, right?

Planning… We have officially narrowed down the dates of our spring road trip. Now to let everyone know and beg our friends and family to watch our cats/house. 😀

Feeling… Mostly just tired but also a little antsy.

Organizing… Absolutely nothing. I know I need to, but I have barely been in my office downstairs this week.

Thankful… For sunshine and warmer temperatures!

Forgiving… Myself for being a bit lazy lately. Sometimes you just need a little downtime and with luck I’ll get a boost of motivation soon!

Looking forward to… Tomorrow. I am going to try out a float tank aka Sensory Deprivation Tank!